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A Cup Runn'eth Over

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:31 am
by Tyrion
The banners were flying proudly from atop many buildings of cities spread across Imperial lands. The People of the newly christened Imperial Kingdom were jovial and content. Not all basked in the moment of current events, but the celebration was not for them. It had been years, close upon a decade now, whence the Order of Imperial had existed only as a religion, a cabal, some would say, and at times operated as such, with the sole intent to bring the 'Orders' of the Felucca to its knees. Indeed, it had seemed that at times the Imperial War Machine was capable of feats well beyond measure and comprehension as the capitulation of the Capital of Britain left an exacting mark of devastation which scarred the lands and brought with it a weak line of Lords and Ladies of British lineage into power. Fast-forward to recent history and the sacking of the Order of Law's temple left a similar impression and an exacting symbolic reminder. The announcement was marred by reports of the Dark Ones and brigands running amok inside the borders but he had dispatched Imperial officers quickly and the matter would take care of itself in time. But such was the way of things, apostates that believed themselves capable of bringing down the mighty and dauntless Imperial were many and normally pretenders with an axe to grind. The arrangement had been extended to others and it would be only a matter of time until the forces rallied and marched against the upstarts.

Today was for celebration though. The string of victories that had given the Order of Imperial the momentum to capitalize on additional territorial gains and lead to this day could be explained as nothing short of divine intervention. Esuna truly did bless the faithful, handsomely. Tyrion looked over the balcony to the throngs of citizens that had gathered to hear the words of their new leaders. He placed his chalice on the edge of the balcony and waited as the servant girl came with the decanter in hand, to refill. "Tell me when sire," the servant girl stated politely. Tyrion began to watch her steadily and noticed the crowd had hushed. Nearly a quarter left to fill and the servant girl was beginning to get worried. Nearly at the brim. "Sire?" the servant girl asked nervously. Tyrion simply replied, "keep pouring." The spectacle caught the attention of the remaining pockets of congregators and they too, began to watch the scene unfold with interest. A few more seconds passed and the chalice was beginning to spill over the rim and leak down the balcony. Now the crowd was completely quiet. The decanter was nearly empty now and the servant girl looked embarrassed, as if she had done a wrong. "Thank you very much, my dear." Tyrion said with a smile on his face. He winked, giving her the single to depart. She managed a half-hearted smile and then Tyrion turned to the crowd and began to speak:

"Brothers and Sisters, Citizens and faithful servants of these lands, merchants whom ply their trade and those that toil day in and day out for the betterment of your status, your family and your society. All of you are, The People, the ones we fight for, the ones we die for, the ones we wish to see live better lives than those under the 'protection' of others." He motioned towards the chalice with his left hand and started again, "As you can clearly see, my cup hath runn'eth over. The blessings of Esuna's conquest yield such rewards that we may drink to our hearts content and then drink some more. The benefits we have reaped under Esuna's clairvoyant gaze cannot be mistaken, dear People. Let us raise our goblets in a toast to Esuna, The People and the Kingdom!" A roar errupted from the crowd as they attempted to follow suit. He closed his eyes at that moment and began to realize, profoundly, that all of this, was just the beginning.

Re: A Cup Runn'eth Over

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:03 pm
by Tyrion
The masonry was fresh and required some additional final touches, but overall the conclusion was satisfactory and the votes were tallied in a favorable direction of choice. Tyrion turned to gaze upon the work their tailors had accomplished with equal admiration. The clergy had chosen a beautiful symbol to represent Esuna and their budding Kingdom. The Ankh from this day forth would be synonymous with the power and influence, representative of the Imperial nation.



"Wherever Imperial goes, from this day forth, those banners will be flown proudly and the Ankhs will be erected to exemplify the reach and strength of Imperial. It is my hope that we continue our march towards greatness in the coming years," Tyrion stated softly but proudly to himself. He looked up at the Ankh and uttered a thankful prayer to Esuna, their dutiful celestial Goddess.

Re: A Cup Runn'eth Over

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:18 pm
by Tyrion
Alaric's Message wrote:Tyrion,

I have been working with the Scribe Master in Nujel'm to plot out our lands for ease of travel and to help us decide on what we need to improve upon in each of our cities. We now have four of our current five towns mapped out. I hope these will help everyone in the future, while travelling inside of the Kingdom of Imperial's land.






Alaric Xeras - Priest of Her

Re: A Cup Runn'eth Over

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:27 am
by Tyrion
Reviewing the artistry, Tyrion began to feel as though the long journey that had brought The People and Imperial to this point, was close at hand. The remaining island, Jhelom, had been omitted from the final draft due to, 'complications', but he knew Alaric would see it through, with the proper application of prodding. The pronouncement would be made soon, which would coincide with a market and/or tournament. Following on the heels of not one, but two major victories scored against the combined forces of the Devil Worshipers and the Noxious band of vagabonds, there seemed to be no better time to present the Imperial Kingdom to the world. The time table couldn't be more manifest. Orders had been commissioned for the Blessed Stonemasons of Imperial to erect the symbols of Imperial culture throughout the cities.

For years, as far back as Tyrion could remember and even recalling upon the memories and tales of his mentor Rivien and his close friend Jarlaxle, collectively they could recant a time when their religion, culture and very existence was constantly on the edge of extinction. In the Lost Lands of Esuna (LLE)they had to fight selflessly and with reckless abandon against numerous enemies with not a glimmer of victory on the horizon. Many times, the two of them alongside their brothers in arms: Rohan, Guilmor, Versn Vikol, Trias Candarian, Gralon and Sauros Darkfall, Raven Darkblade, Dogeso Burq, Dalton Azevedo, Oomari, Pablo Biggy Karidis and Diam Larkei held the line. They were the forlorn hope of the struggling splinter colony in LLE. Fighting, bleeding and dying in the mired bogs of the surrounding lands of Papua to secure that brighter tomorrow, not for themselves, as many accepted their fate and believed they would never live to see such a future, yet, they fought on, for The People.

". . .and that day is fast approaching. . . "

Re: A Cup Runn'eth Over

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:33 pm
by Tyrion
Despite the recent 'matters' concerning falsified allegations, the time table was unaffected. Tyrion respected the seriousness of it all but was ultimately, disinterested, as they were concerns, raised by voices historically foreknown for maintaining a consistent deplorable disposition towards Imperial and therefore had a biased stake in propagandizing as well as slandering the good Name. "Actions speak louder than words," Tyrion stated matter of factually and Tyrion was absolutely sure the fair people of Felucca would see past these miss-truths and take into consideration all the Order had done for them, from fighting the chaos-members on the mainland to actively and with extreme prejudice hunting down and slaying a slue of vagabonds. He turned his attention to more important matters and flipped through the report in his hand. It appeared as though all construction projects were completed or nearing completion. He smiled and was content in the knowledge, Esuna's visage would become a permanent fixture on the culture of the island Kingdom they had created and annexed.

Indoctrination was too negative a word and carried a very distasteful tinge when used in reference to a recent assimilation. It was important to respect the cultural identity of many of these assimilated people while actively preaching and challenging them to new heights. However, the conversion to the One True Faith by-way-of Imperial emissaries would take time, and there would be no 'quick-resolution'. This subtle move was, a step in the right direction. To avoid not coming across as dictators or conquerors similar to the current establishment many had experienced under the rule of the British dynasty or continued to live under on the mainland, but instead as liberators was a delicate task. The lines could easily get blurred and sometimes involved those of the Faith losing their moral compass as a result. Such was the way of things though. A true test of one's faith and growth where mutually entwined and not one single person of the cloth was spared the personal battles they fought with themselves or each other. The binding factor that kept all of this turmoil in check was Imperial. The single unifying factor that rallied them all to the cause of greatness. It was certainly going to be a tall order to live up too but he was confident The People were resilient enough to meet the challenge. With the Tournament date looming, less than nine moons away, the compilation of the efforts of the most August members of Imperial had fought and died for, for so many years would soon be reached.

Re: A Cup Runn'eth Over

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:57 am
by Tyrion
With the Imperial Declaration completed and en route to the various cities of Felucca, Tyrion felt a sense of calm pass over him. A year after emergence as a major power onto the world stage, The People of Imperial had achieved a great many things. The opening of the Imperial Kingdom added to the quickly rising accomplishments. Now that the announcement had been made, the next step in the process would be defining its' borders. There were a great many people that were perturbed at the notion of labeling Imperial lands as a Kingdom. Their sensitivity would have to be overcome and he knew, in time, it would be. He recalled a period when Imperial were the masters of the Lands of Malas and it was at that time, the Kingdom of Imperial existed moreso than it did today. The comparison could not be held more true than in the their Orders history. "We were destined for this goal. When Esuna was given life from the womb of the Mother our manifest destiny had been realized. What good was it to be an Order only when a Kingdom could do so much more for The People?" Tyrion let the words hang and realized that, in time, they would see. He assumed that there would be those reluctant to refer to the Kingdom as such, and prefer to regard the Order of Imperial as protectors of the Kingdom and he believed it would have to be an acceptable impasse to stow the murmurs of discontent. "In time they will see."

Core Tenet

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:09 pm
by Tyrion
Maven took in his words and started again by stating, "You have a good point Tyrion, we must be certain that these lists operate as an extension of the authority given to us by the leader of the Imperial Kingdom, currently Ondoher, respectful of the wishes of Esuna and The People. The core tenet of our religion is that we serve no King as you well know." Tyrion listened intently and initiated a quick counter response, "You are of course, correct Brother. However we serve no King. Along with other high ranking members of Imperial, we form a council that directs and guides the actions of our Order and the hand of the Imperial Kingdom. You see, nothing has really changed in this regard, we only have a greater responsibility to protect lands defined as belonging too Order and identified as Imperial Kingdom territory. While Blackthorne remains absent from his seat of power as Steward of the Order of Imperial and the Imperial Kingdom, we are forced to act in his stead. Without his leadership to guide us, we must forge a path with guidance from Esuna, for that is truly the most powerful compass we as Imperial officers can gain insight." Tyrion finished and saw that Maven was quiet and without words to offer in reply. The point had been made and he hoped that it was taken as was intended, enlightenment and sharing knowledge of the reality that Imperial was currently apart of. "Now then, those lists of our enemies will be quite useful in the future for conducting operations and carrying out sentencing, should you be able to provide them within a few days time, it would prove most useful." "The lists are being compiled Tyrion, but it will take time to gather the information you seek." Tyrion looked up from his meditative stance and regarded Maven bemusedly, "Time is a commodity we have plenty of, Brother Maven. It is my hope that the compiled list of names act as a warning to all of those claiming protection from the plethora of wannabe bandit kingdoms. I recommend contacting some of our non-aligned associates to assist in this regard. The information they have and can share is quite valuable indeed."

Imperial Realms Progress Report: C+

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 5:27 am
by Tyrion
In peace, the matters of state were plenty. In war, they were plenty. Tyrion wondered if he would know respite. Perhaps in Her warm embrace, once more. He steeled himself for his next words of encouragement: "That isn't why She sent me back, I must commit myself to the task at hand." Tyrion had taken the time to jot down some notes regarding the status of the Realm. It helped him think. Akin to his meditation, writing allotted him a form of therapy to ease his mind on those matters which troubled him most. A very slippery slope, likewise, but the benefits had paid off in the past.

There were bright spots on the report, but, it was becoming clear that there was still maturing left to be done. An Imperial realm. The concept had not yet dawned. For years upon counting they had been an Order. Just as the Order was responsible for overseeing the Imperial Empire and it's, then, recently acquired holdings post-invasion of Felucca. Now was no different. The reality was, that at present, they were a Realm, albeit, the Order was responsible for it's protection, but facts were facts and those whom refused to admit such, were asinine. A few implemented a self-imposed exile. A protest perhaps, of the direction Imperial was taking, but, also an abomination of their loyalty to Esuna, the vows they had taken, their Brothers and Sisters, The People and the very idea of Imperial. To leave over such a trivial matter such as differing political views smacked disrespect to those whom wished them no malice screamed traitor to those whom had committed themselves, or so was his feelings. It had been addressed by the High Council, as well. Many were ready to move on and in the interim, the uneasy peace had been a blessing. One of the cornerstone issues had been, the re-engagement of a war with old enemies, yet, to what end? No. Tyrion as well as the entire High Council recognized the wisdom in letting them go. They were a cancer that had been cut from the whole, and the whole was better for it. In truth, it had taken a toll on many. Tyrion could not hide his discomfort with the entire scenario, but the Order just like the Realms, was beyond himself and them. Those that were willing to continue forward had remained and appeared to be shaking off the lethargy the episodes caused. "Time heals all wounds. ." Tyrion stated.

The peace they had won in many parts due to Esuna's gracious endowment, had been well timed. The process of taking a war to multiple enemies of varying fronts had it's victories, but most importantly, the Realm was secure. Tyrion recalled the spoken words from a recent meeting he had with Lord Blackthorne in which he stated the very same line. Repeating it in his thought process gave him a measure of solace and quiet affirmation. The reality may be much different weeks - months from now, but at this moment, victory had been achieved in a special form. The proclamations and assimilation of lands known to harbor enemies of Imperial had effectively added another layer of attrition to the on-going conflicts; grinding down the will to fight of their enemies had all served a higher purpose and the cracks had begun to show. Switching between quill and thought had afforded Tyrion the flexibility to consider both dimensions with equal measure and he began to feel more at ease, realizing that the situation within the Imperium could be worse, but was thankful it was not.

Writ of Censure

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:34 pm
by Tyrion
There was a fragment in time where Tyrion wished he could do it all over again. Supporting Maven had been the logical move. . . he thought. The logical choice amongst a myriad of illogical choices where the very best for the job had been unavailable and scarcer few options remained. The issues that had festered inside of the Order, where not extrinsic, they had been and always were domestic, thinly veiled but clear as day, now. "Such a fool I had been to entrust the future of the Imperium with such a strong headed, foolhardy, power hungry, frail body of a man." He sighed heavily. The weight of his stress was beginning to take its toll. He realized he was descending into a depression. " Esuna guide me," he uttered. To have such thoughts about another brother. How could it have come to this, he wandered plaintively through his mind considering the correct verbiage to punctuate the point at the end. The small council had met and made their intentions clear, a strong summation of dissatisfaction would be presented. "Esuna willing, it will do the trick." On the other hand, Tyrion did consider the positives, more speculatively though. There was never going to be a perfect storm scenario that would involve transition seamlessly. Wisdom told him, these things tend to pass over time. Quietly, he put his head into his hands and began to shake his head slowly. "It must be done, both courses of action are needed." The time had come for some much needed furlough. He was long overdue and realized that the Realms of the Imperium would be fine without him, until. . . . He looked up from his hands and sadly realized the flaw in that thinking but resided himself that the flow of both unnatural events would have too be seen through. History was a cruel mistress and one of the many things he had learned in his life was that the adversity a group of people faced either strengthens them or weakens them. There was no room for the middle ground. Signed, Tyrion. He rolled the parchment into the carrier pigeon case, cupped the bird and quickly flung his hands into the air. The bird continued its ascent and flew briskly until it was a dot in the distant sky.

Reports from the Mainland

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:44 am
by Tyrion
With the dirty talk of Civil War behind them, the remaining members of the High Council deposed as they were, yet steadfast in their beliefs for the necessity of their presence, had made accurate summations: "War was coming". At this juncture it was inevitable. Only a blind man drunk on spirits living out some inhumane sentence on a deserted island would be fool enough to disregard the signs. The Cultists grew braver by the day. Sacking the woodland forest of Yew, razing the Empath Abbey, seat of the congregation of the followers of Gaea nearly to the embers. Word had spread like wildfire, the Browncoats had been ambushed on multiple occasions that day and the few that lived to be able to tell tale of the carnage had cast off their allegiance. "Truly a sad state. They will recover, they always recover. Yet, this matter is one for the history books. Inept leadership lead towards this outcome, there can be no denying it." Tyrion wondered what the future of the Imperium would be like without the type of wartime leaders that they had been blessed with, years past. "Everybody has but scarce few moments in time where they can ascend to greatness by their actions. I pray. . . " Tyrion halted the progression of his thoughts. "It would do no good going there," he gently reminded himself. The situation was dire indeed. The reports he was getting of troop movement on the mainland were disconcerting. His spies reported and confirmed the spike in numbers. "It has to be seasonal training exercises. We cannot allow ourselves to be lulled into a state of panic. These numbers may be correct, for the moment, but they will lower once again," Tyrion affirmed. He trusted the words of his scouts. "We will have to wait and see how events unfold on the mainland and then, perhaps a suitable course for the Imperium may yet again present itself. Esuna willing."