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The new path

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:35 pm
by Raphael
This journey began on a thunderous and dark night, I was adventuring around the land looking for evil monsters to be slain as I normally do on a day to day basis. I was near the city known to me as Yew when I saw a helpless animal being attacked by a lizardman and for some reason I just knew i had to help this poor animal. As I slayed the monster I felt differently, like I had gotten A strange but blessing presence run through my body and for some reason I was drawn to the temple near the moongate.I had only heard rumours about the God known as Gaea and it just seemed to be my fate to learn the teachings of this mighty God. I knew it was my job to help protect Gaea's creations and help preserve the peace within this land

Finally there was peace in my head as, it was the greatest feeling i'd ever felt in my short but promising life. After that night I was sure of my path and I knew that becoming a follower of Gaea was the right path for me. I know that I have much to learn about the Order of Nature but i knew I could do it and I knew deep down inside that i could become A devoted follower. I now know my path and I just hope they accept me in their ranks.