Aiding a known Thief

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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Oomari »

Dear Mr. or Mrs, noname

I can tell you thats a big NO on your question, about the gear that the robbers knowen as nox wear, for that simple reason it might be something they stole or that the Blacksmith was told that it would be used for hunting. There for, noone will be accused for what you say.

Please keep in mind that we are here talking about a pair of gloves made for one thing only, and there is no way a Tailor can not know what it will be used for. Mr. Nuryah should have been thinking about that when he made those gloves.

I hope this easy your troubled mind, Mr or mrs noname

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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by dwight »

Well, I was avoiding to reply, but some things make me wonder Imperials, did you really evaluated crime scene? I believe this is an attempt to frame me and my work
Vaux27 wrote:Your words fall on deaf ears and denying such actions will not be tolerated, the evidence is clear for everyone to see. Once more you are not the victim, the Order of Imperial has allowed you to recant your words more than once now, but you so choose to follow this innocent story.
First I'm declared guilty just like that, because Maven felt like it should be done.
Oomari wrote:Please keep in mind that we are here talking about a pair of gloves made for one thing only, and there is no way a Tailor can not know what it will be used for. Mr. Nuryah should have been thinking about that when he made those gloves.
And now I'm confused with a man? How well you investigated this case? You don't even know if I'm a man or woman, you just assumed, like you did with my accusations.

This whole tread is a joke, false and an attempt to frame me for some unknown reason. Order of Imperial is becoming ridiculous and I still wonder how a head priest allow this things to go publicly

I'm glad I still live in a free town of Lord British, where I can maintain my honest business in peace.

Mrs Nuryah
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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Oomari »

Dear Mrs Nuryah

Im truly sorry for calling them a 'he', please accept my apologize.

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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Elu Daeron »

I was just thinking that even if one is adamant about not crafting that particular brand of gloves to anyone, they could be forced to do so against their will. Not that I know anything at all about such things, but I could imagine, like, someone holding a dagger to a tailor's throat, or threatening their family, or all sorts of things! Besides, I'm not so sure about this remark about the gloves being only made for one, singular purpose. It is a very soft, smooth, type of glove, and I should think that any number of people would rather wear such gloves instead of the regular kind, even in social occasions, if there wasn't such a stigma attached to them by the lowly thieves.

What you should do is have someone go undercover to a tailor's shop and see if they're willing to craft a pair of such gloves when they have no fear of repercussions if they won't. The undercover agent should clearly state that the gloves will be used for criminal purposes, while offering a small sum of gold for the trouble. It would be best if the agent was a neutral third party, unaffiliated with any religion or any trade unions. This would give your accusations more weight!

I would like volunteer myself for such ventures, should you decide to attempt to gather some real, tangible evidence!

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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Masano »

This matter is currently under investigation.

We would like to remind citizens that Imperialists have no authority in the lands ruled by Lord British.

It is not a crime to for a tailor to craft snooping gloves, the same way it is not a crime for a blacksmith to craft a maul.

If we find Nuryah has crafted the gloves with the intent to profit from theft then she will face trial in court.

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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Vaux27 »

Masano wrote: This matter is currently under investigation.

We would like to remind citizens that Imperialists have no authority in the lands ruled by Lord British.

It is not a crime to for a tailor to craft snooping gloves, the same way it is not a crime for a blacksmith to craft a maul.

If we find Nuryah has crafted the gloves with the intent to profit from theft then she will face trial in court.

Order of Law

We do not abide by Lord British and your Laws, I spit towards the very idea of caring for such words. This is a crime within Her empire, not within the few towns left under the fat kings false rule. You may handle this thief anyway you want if he is stealing amongst your citizens, but this case for Nuryah against the Imperium has already been judged upon. Maven has full authority to answer to these crimes, and given his knowledge of the crime scene as he was present, is the reason why an elder Imperial Councilman has answered and not I.

The Imperium has spoken and our actions are set in stone, the clear evidence was given and can not be denied. If this Nuryah wants to clear his or her name, she or he can speak to myself within Moonglow.

Until then, nothing anyone can say will clear this wrongful deed. Aiding a known thief will not be tolerated, any other arguments are petty and ignored.

Raoul Vaux
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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Palma »

Who voted you for Head priest? Really... Are all other imperials supporting this guy with this?

Stop making a fool out of your Order?

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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Masano »

How can someone who is in an alliance with the cult of Tekstone have the audacity to judge anybody?

These people have butchered and plagued your own citizens yet your hunger for power and control clouds those memories.

You aim to portray an image of a proper kingdom, a lot of fancy names and official sounding titles but in reality you are no better than the murderers and thieves you are using in your crusade for control.

~Develin Masano
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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Sylvan Darkarrow »

When Nuryah is finally brought to 'justice', don't forget to check who crafted her sewing kit. That tinker needs to be punished for aiding the aid of a known thief...

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Re: Aiding a known Thief

Post by Vaux27 »

Masano wrote:How can someone who is in an alliance with the cult of Tekstone have the audacity to judge anybody?

These people have butchered and plagued your own citizens yet your hunger for power and control clouds those memories.

You aim to portray an image of a proper kingdom, a lot of fancy names and official sounding titles but in reality you are no better than the murderers and thieves you are using in your crusade for control.

~Develin Masano

Perception is everything my dear friend. I find this whole discussion quite surprising, being a fellow Tailor. I know not to sell such an item to thieves, and to think when being caught one would deny? My word, quite a sad day for this profession. Who is to say that very thief wouldn't steal from him?! I shutter the idea, terrible indeed. Certainly there must be some misunderstanding, I must suggest this meeting with Her Head Priest. To clear a fellow weaver's name is somewhat of a concern I must admit, but I'm hopeful these crimes are not true.

I'm a simple man that enjoys his cloth and hides, but given I wield no sword, I continue to savor the power of Her word. From my own accounts and thousands of others, there has never been any danger here in Her cities. I'm quite sure of this, as my shop here in Moonglow stays quite busy you see. You can come see for yourself, it's quite nice this time of the year, but nothing like Nujel'm! The beaches are rich with the smell of the vast ocean, I believe I can't resist a visit soon, but of course I digress.

The Cult that you so seem to judge has a past known to all, this I can't deny I'm afraid. However, a trust within the alliance was made with Her, a simple common goal in having the same enemies. Trust is an interesting emotion, something that can only be earned. Sure I was wary of such an alliance, it was scary indeed. Men of dark clothing and these horror stories written before us. I was always told by my father Xiphias that I should never judge ones before meeting them but how could you not? I do not blame you I'm saying, I've shared these same feelings. From what I've learned, it's been nothing more and nothing less of the common goal told unto us however, so I'm sure this may devastate your current standing to hear of such. Don't take my word only my friend, you should ask those that stay within Her towns.

I'm guessing you've been told since you were born that the law is the only way to live? It's quite sad to watch poor souls grow up and mature, only thinking there is a singular way of life. The power of faith is strong, it's a feeling that can only be explained from one's mind. It's not something that can be physically seen by our eyes but explained by our words. The One True Faith however, it's something to behold. The knowledge given from Her has taken my mind to place I did not think was achievable. I suppose why I'm writing this all today is for one main reason: to tell you that the way of the white coat is not the most rightful path. Your words and beliefs are that of your own but do not think that they're the one and only answer to life. The way of corruption is quite hard to see sometimes I'm afraid, so I can not blame someone if they fall within it's grasps. Let us respect our own beliefs however, as I'm not of the preaching kind.

I hope these words add some clarity, if not I suppose it's fine. I feel it's my obligation to let others know of the exact evils be portrayed aren't always true. As I started with saying, perception is the key to all of this in the end.

May Her light be strong and light your paths,

Cederic Vaux
Her Tailor
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