<3GM Oden wrote:Thanks to pestering on auto map chat
Thanks for the work

Moderator: Game Masters
<3GM Oden wrote:Thanks to pestering on auto map chat
There's no need for a list. Each player needs to be rational and make sure to create a name on their own. Any obvious name like that will be renamed to the character's prior name and lose the name change all together.GM Oden wrote:- Fictional and certain historical names will be restricted. If you've any ideas on names for this list please let me know. I'll try to include the big ones. (Dridzt and variations there of, the baggins names, other chobbit names from Tolkien, I've never and revise to read the Game of Neverending Thrones so if anyone is a die hard fan feel free to submit names, Adolf Hitler, Vassili Zaitsev, Ho Chi Minh, miyamoto musashi, Alger Hiss, Obama, the Clintons, Trumps, Bush's. I mean the list might not get this long but the point is be creative
Lol I don't run quests anyways, I type too slow and don't setup macros as staff.Edward Sinclair wrote:I wouldn't call it laziness, but one more minute spent policing names is a minute taken away from more important tasks such as making quests or spawning 20 iron elementals when someone is mining empyrean...
Code: Select all
- Config/
- equip.cfg updated.
- Added new npc dress for a holiday npc
- Removed cloaks from Bankers so that when they are sitting in chairs they don't look funky.
- pkg/
- items/
- evilHomeDecor/
- Try for another time to fix the Halloween stuff I introduced. Everything compiles fine and
assuming everything included in this update is dropped in everything should work.
- nameChangeDeed/
- This is the long awaited name change deed.
- Does a full name check reference against already existing players except the user's in the event
he wants to keep his old name but change his appearance.
- Does a full name check against excluded names, a number of mainstream fantasy and scifi names, along
with a few real life names of famous people.
- Does an individual character by character check to check for excluded characters, these being things
like numbers, @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) etc.....
- Does an individual word breakdown of the name to check against a list of excluded words, these being
sexually explicit words or racial slurs and a few other quote "bad" words.
- Does a character limit check, 4 being the minimum and 16 being the maximum despite the fact I limit the
characters able to be entered into the text entry field, more on this later.
- npcs/
- townfold/
- holiday_folk/
- Includes a new entry for a new holiday npc. This will be a launch board for future holiday npcs that we may
want to add. I know I intend to add more Christmas npcs so we can add one to each town which players can visit
to collect new and interesting deco and other items or goodies.
- npc_util.inc
- Mount death animation bug fixed, it is a two file fix so you will also need to include tamed.src when pushing this
updated which I have also included.
- Systems/
- holidays/
- The long awaited holiday pkg which allows us to setup holidays to auto start via a cfg file and a start and control script or
be triggered on character login. There is a readme doc for this in the pkg and might seem a little wonky at first to setup.
- Note: There is an issue if the StartDay is greater than the EndDay of a holiday and likewise for StartMonth and EndMonth, it will
be fixed but for right now it works if you do not have like start 12 24 / End 01 09. I plan to fix this soon but wanted to get this
out to you as it is integral to the new holiday stuff I put together.
- Note: Christmas is already setup and ready to go with this so if you get this in within this week and compiled, DO NOT turn on Christmas
unless by the 17th or 18th I think it is set for, people logging in do not get their Christmas presents. I tested this and it works but
there is obvious issues that could arise.
- Note: Halloween is also setup in here, I do not remember the dates but if you check in config/holidays.cfg it lists the dates, this pkg
is written for annual events not hourly, minute or seconds type events. As such, that might be something I would consider adding in the
future but only when we get to 099 as the "StrFormatTime" makes dealing with time just so fucking easy. By Halloween being setup already
it is setup to give something out on login as I used it as a test base for the login script, however, if you leave it where it is and pull
the Halloween message from the main login script and want this pkg to only handle the login message, that would work but if you change it to
an auto start event which the start and control script will then check the date and auto start holidays setup in this fashion, we can change
Harry the Handyman to automatically read the global property for Halloween starting and he will just automatically do his thing when the time
comes, similarly for the guards to ghosts control script we could do the same thing.
- Note: This should use UTC time and so when I was testing that is like 6 hours ahead of me and I am fine with it using UTC as it is the
perfect standard.
- Final Note on This: I know it is likely rather a clunky looking thing, it was my first attempt at scripting calendar event system, I plan on
improving this overtime so go easy on it. Plus I plan on releasing a 099 version of this on the pol forums so it gets
as much exposure as possible. I am big into giving back to a community that has helped me when I needed it.
- Utils/
- distroGumps/
- This was updated yet again and is integral to any gump work I do in the future, I use gumpstudio and it exports to this format so and
it is the gump package I am most familiar with as it is the one located in the distro and in my shard which is running under 099. As such
I did some rejiggering to get it to work under 096, wasnt too hard but I also added additional features which were not present in it and
are not present in the gumps pkg in the main pkg folder and I would like to suggest as soon as we can moving over to using this gumps pkg
as I am more than willing to keep it up to date as things are added or I hear about new goodies. I scour servuo quite frequently and talk
to the pol devs on a regular basis and have had feature requests added which in this case I know would not help us but if we are serious
about and to be clear, I AM SERIOUS, about moving up to 099, it is nice to stay up to date with functionality and features added to the
many systems pol offers, including gump design.
- Update to GFAddHTMLLocalized:
- Allows for arguments to be sent if the cliloc allows for it. I use clilocs a lot more on my shard than I have on Pangaea but if we get
to 099 which is one of the big goals in the coming few months to start work on, I plan to incorporate them much more in my work.
- Update to GFTextEntry:
- Added the ability to limit the amount of characters allowed in a text entry box. This is a very important to my name change deed so let's
be sure this pkg is updated and present on the live shard (read my initial comment on this pkg).
- Added GFAddButtonTileArt:
- Allowing us to create gumps with tile art where the tile art is the actual button and there is no need to underlay a button beneath the tile
art or next to it in anyway. I do not foresee using this much but it is nice to have in the distro gumps pkg.
- itemUtils/
- In an effort to try to get the Halloween stuff working and the new Christmas stuff working properly, I am including this again which contains what
I suspect was the missing include file you received an error on when trying to compile the Halloween stuff. Try to compile the new evilHomeDecor after
this and maths.inc are in place and it should compile fine.
- timeUtils/
- Because 096 does not have access to the "StrFormatTime" function I had to draw a lot on this pkg and the clock.inc file present on Pangaea for the holidays
pkg. Please ensure this is put in.
- world/
- christmas
- I wanted so much to capitalize the folder name but did not.
- Added 6 new item definitions for hand outs.
- Christmas Present now becomes a usable container after charges are used up.
- Changed the rings to Candy Canes for easier finding in player's backpack.
- Completely redesigned the Christmas Present gump to use the distroGumps pkg included above.
- Changed the Christmas Present so that on creation it randomly is colored one of twenty colors found in a cfg file in the config folder of this pkg.
- Added an additional 20 charges to the Christmas Present, I do not see any harm in it and it gives a little extra to the players without being game breaking.
- Note: The old christmas present definitions and script is present still for obvious reasons, however in the future it would behoove us to remove the old definitions
and scripts from the shard to cut down on any confusion.
- Scripts/
- AI/
- tamed.src
- This and the npc_util.inc in pkg/npcs/ will fix the stupid death animation when mounting, tested and it works!
- include/
- math.inc
- Added two functions that when you send it a min and max number it returns a dice roll value, this is needed for the evilHomeDecor stuff and I am sure additional things
I script in the future until we move into 099 where I have more functionality. Plus they are just fun little functions I rejiggered for eScript from the POL Random Dice
Generator at the permission of Nando, a POL Developer.
- misc/
- chrdeath.src
- Removed changed reference to "ring" in the ring of revival function to "candy cane" as they were changed to candy canes.
- Added two new neat on death effects.
- textcmd/
- Admin/
- Propedit.src
- a new admin command, it is very powerful and I would not advise lowering it's command level. IF however you escalate it to test, MAKE ME A TEST LEVEL STAFF. I am getting
rather annoyed at our shitty getprops command and there is no reason to even have such a shitty command. Anyone scripting should have access to this command and in it's current
form, no one else. However, I will be writing my own version of this command which will allow us to setup priviledges tied to the command, at which point we can make it available
to seer command level and up as long as we make sure the command based priviledge system is setup properly. Likewise I will also be working on a similar command for Global Properties
with a similar priviledge structure.
- GM/
- Changed createat to auto lockdown the item when it is created at the behest of Hayabusa who is doing some mad decorating for us.
- Added MPX which works just like PX however this will lockdown the item automatically.
- Added MPY which works just like PY however this will lockdown the item automatically.
- Added MPZ which works just like PZ however this will lockdown the item automatically.
- Player/
- flip
- Including this yet again as I guess you had trouble with the last version of it. IF itemUtils is dropped in, it should compile just fine and will allow for new items I have added and will add
to be rotatable. When we move to 099 I plan on moving over a large item database I am working on which will only work with the new functionality I wrote for this. Any new items I add will use
the new functionality as I to be honest about it, can not be bothered to edit the rotate.cfg file to add new items to it. If no one else wants to do that much then I can not be bothered to do
it, a bit childish I know but it is how I feel.
Final Notes:
- I have a new lead on possibly recovering our missing source files, IF this pans out and I am able to recover all or most or even any kind of hint
as to what the ecl files that we are missing the src files for, the next course of action along with getting old religions in is buckling down and
moving to 099. It will not take a year but if I can not get any kind of indication as to what these ecls do, there will be a long term need to monitor
how the shard runs and operates as I will have to guess at what is in some of them and scrap others such as start.ecl stuff. I am hoping for the best
but it pays to keep in contact with POL Devs :D
- If you have any compiling errors get back to me ASAP, everything was precompiled under Pangaea and should compile no problem. I do however use a pkg template folder structure so you may run into issues occasionally
where you get a message about the pol core required is an issue. If you do just go to that pkg and open the pkg.cfg and change the core required to 96 or before. But everything was compiled and working on my end so
if an issue arises please let me know. If you would prefer me to include the ecl files I need to know as well, which will mean I will need to include additional pkgs in this as I have changed folder structures on a few
pkgs and they will need to be reflected as the includes for some of those have changed folder location in anticipation for moving to 099.
- Also after redoing this changelog, because I accidently perma deleted the original folder I intended to send you I know there are some minor bug changes I intended to send you but alas they are relatively irrelevant and
will make them into the next update I push.
Enjoy and hope you have a Happy Christmas!