Telborean Empire

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Johnny Walac
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Telborean Empire

Post by Johnny Walac »


Last edited by Johnny Walac on Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Order of Nature - Telborea- The Britannian Trade Union - ICQ: 434212709
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Johnny Walac
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by Johnny Walac »

Last edited by Johnny Walac on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by Johnny Walac »

Last edited by Johnny Walac on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by Biggs »

Pablo picks up a parchment left secured down by a stone outside destard.

"I have the perfect use for this! And put across a statement to the once kingdom now empire of no land or people...."

*nature calls*

*looks around for anybody spear tightly clenched at all times*

"No one around"

*pulls out the parchments and cleans his backside.*

"I'll leave this where i found it in hope they come to check if anyone is hunting so they can rob them."
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Johnny Walac
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by Johnny Walac »

When you wish to become a Telborean citizen you only need to contact anyone in the Legion.
You can buy the citizenship papers from Cotillion Azlan, our Keeper of Treasury.

Our censor Gaius will authorize your citizenship.

Thoeak Milner
Last edited by Johnny Walac on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by rfortunato »

Dear Thoeak Milner, King of killing base classes... you're not a king you're a criminal, you kill and loot based classes, you should shame yourself. How could you call yourself a king?

Your death is coming,beleave me.

In the name of all inoccent people, i ll kill you.


Edwin Kos, Temple Knight of Order Of Nature
Josst Dawn
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by Josst Dawn »

Why you call yourself a king when your kingdom is full of people that were forced to join it? Where is the free will in that? Forcing young and defenseless people to join you only not do get killed everyday? Using fast horses, outnumber people even harmless people like me or others ive been told about, be ashamed, you are no king and if you keep like that, your "kingdom" shall collapse soon, you can kill me millions of times, your kingdom´s destiny wont be changed with that.

-Josst Dawn
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Johnny Walac
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by Johnny Walac »

I can see alot of criminals expresses their feelings after being punished.
The Kingdom is now a part of the Telborean Empire. So you should refer it to such.

When you wish to become a Telborean citizen you only need to contact anyone in the Legion.
You can buy the citizenship papers from Cotillion Azlan, our Keeper of Treasury.

Our censor Gaius will authorize your citizenship.

Thoeak Milner
Last edited by Johnny Walac on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Order of Nature - Telborea- The Britannian Trade Union - ICQ: 434212709
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Josst Dawn
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by Josst Dawn »

You are the one killing people for fun and you call us criminals, you sarcasm makes me laugh... I will never join such a fake kingdom, not because of the price but because of the way you treat people, one day, when i grow stronger, you shall can note it down...

-Josst Dawn
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Johnny Walac
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Re: Telborean Empire

Post by Johnny Walac »

I can see alot of criminals expresses their feelings after being punished.
The Kingdom is now a part of the Telborean Empire. So you should refer it to such.

When you wish to become a Telborean citizen you only need to contact anyone in the Legion.
You can buy the citizenship papers from Cotillion Azlan, our Keeper of Treasury.

Our censor Gaius will authorize your citizenship.

Thoeak Milner
Last edited by Johnny Walac on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Order of Nature - Telborea- The Britannian Trade Union - ICQ: 434212709
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