I started a political blog

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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

maybe we should continue this on another topic? :P
Mike wrote:
If religion can not be backed by science, everyone who believes that the scientific method is used to establish truth has to be an atheist.
so why am i religious while also believing everything that is true (not a theory, but proved to be true) is definately true?
i'm theist and atheist at the same time?gtfo...

who are you?
you're a bunch of electrons.
you're a bunch atoms.
you're a bunch of molecules.
you're a bunch of cells.
you're a person.
you're a person who thinks.
you're a person who does stuff for a reason, even if the reason is a non-reason, you like people, you dislike people, you like art, you dislike art, you prefer green instead of white.

which of these sentences are true? or are all of them true even if they are different?

religion doesn't want to answer scientific questions from scientific points of view!how hard is it to understand?

is a poem a poem or a bunch of letters put together?
both are correct, even though different, depending on your point of view, and the object of your analysis.

and darian, even if science discovers all that (most likely it will, and if it does, i'm happy) it still can't prove god or not.

if all is proven, but god is still a bit more than that, how's it gonna work? you can't prove infinity because it will always be more.

and all you scientist freaks (:D), are you forgetting that theories are changing all the time, many are proven wrong, but it's not set in stone?

it's ridiculous to believe in something because or whatever reason, but it's not ridiculous to believe in something else just because a bunch of scientists said so? first of all, you know shit of what they're talking about, so you're being as blind as the religious people you say that are blind. all of a sudden you think it's true because "fuck!it's science!it was proven right!" and then 10 years later it's proven wrong..so much for it.

also, if there's a god and he made everything, that stuff includes atoms and everything that science studies. so why do people have to separate these two knowledges? science is just how you see/understand/explain the physical world. can't expect science to talk about some things..
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Mike »

All that your long and dramatic post shows is that you have no understanding of the scientific method, perhaps because you apply a religious way of thought in trying to understand it. Here's some information on the subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method

You also seem to have no idea what a theory is in a scientific context. A theory is not simply an idea. It begins as a hypothesis. Verifiable, empirical evidence has to exist to support the hypothesis. Only after peer review and painstaking attempts to falsily the hypothesis it can be accepted by the scientific community as a theory. A theory is tested to the extent of human knowledge at the time before gaining acceptance, and will be refuted if evidence exists that enables anyone to do so. It has nothing to do with a religious faith in science or scientists. Obviously this means that as human knowledge expands old theories may be refuted. This is not an argument for religion.

No one can present verifiable empirical evidence of a god. The burden of proof rests with the one who makes a claim. This is not only applied in science but is a generally accepted principle, for example in law. Therefore anyone who claims to adhere to the principles of science must be an atheist. To believe something is true without any scientifically acceptable evidence is a logical fallacy.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Vaux27 »

I knew this would turn into religion...
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Andoriel »

Ugh i hate it when topics like this turned into religion showdown. Might as well contribute since there is no escaping it. Question to glar: is religion a nessecity considering the things mankind accomplished with out it. Do you consider religion being a tool used by the people in power. And havnt the stories in bible proved to be false thus following them held back mans progresion for centries?
Basicaly give me one good reason to abolish these accopmlishments and regress backwards into religius way of thinking. Ps god might exist afterlife and things were better back then dont count. Things were not better back then, and existence of god is irrevelent, since it doesnt provide anything mateial and beliving he exist proven itself to be burden.
Honestly dude without knowing you are promoting ideas that would regress the masses. history has proven one thing: its that mankind progress, unfortunetly for god folks abolishing religion has proven itself to be a progress.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

we talked about this already timujin :P

anyways, for mike, and then topic is over.

it's true that i apply some religious way of thinking to understand things, because for me things are more than their scientific appearance.

i know what's a theory :F

while it begins as an hypothesis and there are things to back it up and whatnot, there's still a degree of uncertainty in it. that's why they change, because what was proven once ceases to be true. so it was never true right? then, it's also impossible to deny god until we reach total knowledge, because we may be overlooking something. it's also impossible to prove god, because, again, we may be overlooking something.
Mike wrote:To believe something is true without any scientifically acceptable evidence is a logical fallacy.
from the logical point of view, believing in god makes no sense. it's as paradoxical as it can be. but that's the way it'll ever be. so, either everyone that believes in god (doesn't need to be from a specific religion, just believing in something that created the world) feels something that can make them say "i believe" even though they know nothing scientifical proves it, or we (the believers) are stupid. yes, that's it!

but what can i say, i'm not gonna go "science is the ultimate truth" just because some people in the world want to be anti-religion and pro-science at all costs.

i really don't get it.
i'm pro-religion and pro-science. i (me and billions of people) have a very curious mental disease. how can i accept both?!

i want science to go further, i really do! especially physics. in a way i could say i'm sad that i won't live to see them discovering the great secrets of the universe. the further they go the closer we'll be to the truth right?

now no more of this talk, you guys can spam my icq if you life.


SORRY TO MAXIMILIAN ^^ (you being lazy just gave origin to forum activity!hehe :) )
Kent Strider

Re: I started a political blog

Post by Kent Strider »

We could argue about religion and who is right or wrong all day long, in the end NONE and I repeat NONE of us know who is right or wrong. I myself believe in nothing more than science.

This topic was about politics, can we go back to that?
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

thanks ^^

lhoth, you lazy ass, go to work!

lol just kidding.

ok let's reset the topic. we were talking about what specifically?
Kent Strider

Re: I started a political blog

Post by Kent Strider »

How America needs to keep Obama at least one more term. We kept Bush's dumbass.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Andoriel »

Sparty wrote:Im out of work at the moment i injured my shoulder last year! i have a family to support and bills to pay im in about £10.000 - £15.000 of debt. The money i get isnt enough to put a dent in that it doesnt even pay my bills every month and now im looking for work and theres not a lot about over here but im not depressed. Then theres the illigal immigrants that get stupid amounts of money to stay here they even get more money that the old folk that fought for the country and imo thats wrong they should be sent back to where they came from.
Harlequins discusion pluss this might get us back on track. Ready set go. And glar keep your religion to yourself if you are oblivius to social and historical facts.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

i agree that immigrants shouldn't be paid better than ppl that were already in that country, but they shouldn't be sent back either. they should be treated the same, no better and no worse. they already had to leave their country because it was not so good there. you are free to do the same.

isn't it a free for all, we need to get money? that's what society gets with capitalism. you're just one of its victims
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