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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

But then again, being a priest must be annoying too.

- you forget to "refresh" at altar, your piety drops to 0 from 60 (happened to Corvus recently)
- gamemasters can treat you as a marionette (happened on Seraph's Pangaea a lot), threatening you with piety drop if you don't do this and don't do that. Natures even had to try to find a f*cking pink rabbit (YES, A PINK RABBIT or PIG, a pink animal it was anyway) and when they told the GM to sod off, they were threatened with "punishment" if they don't - LOL! Imperials were also forced to fight in Britannia against Britannian blues, even if they thought the whole siege sucked. And the imperials who wanted to leave Imperial when they thought Tyrion sucked or Siege sucked or so, they were RED on Felucca, possibly had collected a nice amount of piety, and were forced into their role they didn't want to play.
- you are FORCED to be a part of a community of (as a general rule) more assholeish people than the ones outside religions
- you cannot be a free spirit, your roleplay is restricted by the religious code

I believe, you, Ivan, would be very pissed off if you had to eat all that shit the tome/piety guys have been forced to eat. And the tome/piety guys have a huge need to show their power to the ones without tomes (threatening especially them with stoning, malediction, banishment (ooh banishment, I'm so scared) and so on), because they are so pissed off after playing their roleplay for too long!

They really MALEDICT WARRED each other to be as evil as possible to each other INGAME (the forum is of course quite a love parade but that happens in IRC and everything as well, hard to avoid).

Tekstone even started stoning NEWBIES that had like no clue what Tekstone even is and didn't even know of stoning, I bet they were trying to piss off gamemasters and admins, after gamemasters and admins had first pissed them off.

Imperial when they still wore orange (special greetings to Tyrion) lured a true newbie to Imperial temple, the newbie was totally clueless his guild opposes Imperial. Then the newbie was trapped stoned inside the temple with high piety.

These are the people whom the PvP scene and "roleplay of Pangaea revolves around"
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Daemorth »

Max has a great point, that you are even harder bound by rules if your a piety class, but it's also wrong, becouse so far I've only seen 1 case where somebody got threatend with piety drop if he / she didn't obey, but 1 case in 6 months isen't worth complaning about.
I agree tho that Malediction should be removed, BUT stoning should be allowed WITHIN a religon, this way you can stone a member for 1 day to 1 week as a punishment for failure in something or becouse he/she has lost his/hers faith god (This almost happend to me =)).
But it's true that priest are to powerful atm, but taking away all their power in 1 huge nerf will make alot of players leave.
The reason that priests are so strong now, is becouse everybody is running around with 50 piety.
Priest is a strong class, as 20 piety I took down 2 40 piety priests ALONE, so it's not all about piety, it has alot to do with the skill off the player!.
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Daemorth wrote:BUT stoning should be allowed WITHIN a religon, this way you can stone a member for 1 day to 1 week as a punishment for failure in something or becouse he/she has lost his/hers faith god
I would not complain if stoning was used for that purpose, but another softer, but still scary enough option would be temporary piety drop to 0 - it would be back to normal after the time without piety was served.

Also a RP ("underground") shard cannot afford to stone players (characters) nowadays, I think.
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Daemorth »

Well, I think it's a nice punishment, but like I said, should only be allowed within religon.
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

To Order of Nature

I would like Nature to make a list of creatures you can hurt and cannot hurt? What are the consequences?

Is snake legal? What about giant serpent? Hellhound, frost wolf? Dire wolf? Draw the line please. What about shaboolis and praetorians, if you yourself go to their dungeon in which they want to live in peace, they start defending and you start killing them, they are HUMANS after all! Why does Nature want peace with Imperial who attacks Britain, but slaughters shaboolis and praetorians without mercy? And why doesn't Nature declare war on Law, as Law protects the animal slayers from Nature?

Can Nature magic users summon daemons if undead summoning is evil? Why is it cruel to pokehunt with a dragon, but not cruel to hunt using your Swarm frenzy ossies? Why is it not cruel to hunt dragons, then? Considering you, on average, hurt a dragon considerably more by attacking them with an exceptional hekhranish scepter until they are dead instead of taming them and killing small stuff safely, with experience, with them?

Konrad Lhoth
Head Priest
Order of the Dark Moustache
Kent Strider

Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Kent Strider »

Simple Max, if its hostile its cool to kill it, if a moron uses the rites for otherwise they will get punished.
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Kent Strider wrote:Simple Max, if its hostile its cool to kill it, if a moron uses the rites for otherwise they will get punished.
What if Ernest kills a horse, just because he hates horses, and Fritz of Nature takes forensics and does a nasty curse rite on Ernest? Seemingly Nature will accept this, but would Law punish Fritz? If not, why?

If Hans the non-nature mage used mage's statcurse on Ernest the horse slayer, on the other hand, to punish him for horse slaying and unnecessary cruelty to animals, Nature would probably accept Hans's action, but Hans would be a criminal in eyes of Law as far as I know, for attacking someone? Are members of Nature above the law and privileged to attack (curse) people who commit no crimes in eyes of Lord British?

Not simple!

Maybe the most extreme Natures should start their own non-piety guild, like Animal Liberation Front and go red. Fun! And ALF guys have no lack of young females' admiration.
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Geryn Farodae »

We went over this once before in a different thread, I believe. Order of Nature may use the curse to punish someone killing animals needlessly. The gray area is if they polymorph someone, then scepter hit/rite kill them, it's murder and regardless of what Religion they're in, they're going down. Also if Nature polymorphs someone and as a result gets killed and looted by monsters or another player, that's murder.

If Nature punishes someone for killing animals needlessly, it's fine as long as the caster doesn't use it as an advantage to pwn him, or as an advantage for monsters/another player to kill/loot him, then as far as we're concerned it's cool.

You're half right about Imprisonment, Max. The more piety you put into it, the longer it lasts, but no matter how much piety you put into it, the stone is never indefinite. Unless of coarse it's been changed. I think the longest someone has ever been stoned was a month before the stone wore off. Could be longer, the duration timer escapes me, but I do know there is one. So many hours per ten piety or something. Days? Dunno.

Ivan, nerfing priests into oblivion won't hide the fact that you're a newb. You seem to have good intentions mostly, but it wasn't too long ago when Diafan and I dueled you, you lost, and we tried to build you up by saying stuff like "Man you hit like a fuckin tank!" or "gawd you hit hard, jesus, I wish my char could hit that hard" soon, we had you spamming the maps with epeen about how you supposedly insta'd Marcus and Alus. You even said "Priests are nothing".

Your ONE downfall during our duels was speed, and only speed. When I was low on health, you had no chance to catch me, just like when you were low on health you had no chance to escape. And for priests supposedly being so leet, I remember you lasting several minutes against me in an all-out fight and doing damned well. Like I said, nerfing classes won't hide the fact that you don't know how to use your character to the best of your abilities.

Zaradon, could you do me a favour and log in to show Ivan how to use a Barb so he'll stfu?

With my blesses, Zaradon never hit below 120 through 85 armour. Critical was 161. He has skill, he knows how to dodge, heal. Knows when to retreat, and when to tank it in there for the kill. Ivan, you ran around in a complete circle our entire match. When I casted, you ran away. Both Diafan and I tried to help you, said you could easily crush any Priest no matter how high their piety if you just knew what you were doing.

Instead of trying to learn, you took the lazy route and decided "I suck at this game, maybe I should hold all of the advantages, and fuck everyone else." You're pitiful man.

Max, it's nice to see you're back on track with posting messages for the greater good, as will I.
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Hm. Maybe Ivan vs Zaradon duel? Very similar characters, 175 str barbarians. Other one is ancient though and other one is 99.8% heightened.

Exactly similar gear, except for Ivan two massive and one substantial cloth to compensate lack of 105 base skills. Zaradon gets a bit better stats, that can be compensated by giving Ivan a lesser dexterity potion as an advantage too. 2D client for both (as far as I know both also prefer 2D).

Not as a penis measurement stuff, but just because there has been lots of talk about "playing skills".

10 duels in a row, just to see how much playing skills affect it. If either one wins 10-0 it is rather certain, and if even 8-2 very probable there is some playing skill affecting it.

People can come to watch, pay a fee of 1000 gp to watch the show and the winner gets all the money. And the loser loses nothing.

Naturally if both of them enjoy duelling. =P
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Gorath Blackmind »

I'd be more than happy to pay 1000 gold for such a show. ;)
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