A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

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Velvet Dust
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A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Velvet Dust »

Be aware of a horribly ugly man in redish dirty clothes, riding a Kirin!
He swings his maul at old women & tries stealing ones belongings,
I have placed my only gold coin for the one who can teach him some manners.

- Oda G.-
Kent Strider

Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Kent Strider »

How about I help him crush your skull instead? You seem like the type that needs to get taught your place.

Strings of Insanity
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Velvet Dust
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Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Velvet Dust »

*Reads the note and shakes her old head while mumbling...*
"Men, weak in their heads they are. Thinking hitting old defenceless women will make their sticks grow"
*Chuckles and walks back to the Cats Lair*
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Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Sherrod »

Strings Of Insanity, I'll take you up on that offer, who ever you may be.

Sexeh Shooter, Nox.
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Talerco Pious
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Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Talerco Pious »

The shorter the stick here on the message board, the bolder they talk.
*detects large amount of bold talk*

Kent Strider

Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Kent Strider »

There really is nothing better than those who talk but don't show up to play games with us. The time of chaos is back my friends.

Holger Pious, Strings of Insanity
Geryn Farodae
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Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Then the time shall be a short one, then. Threaten the citizens of Felucca, and you shall pay the ultimate price. No one threatens the sanctity and safety of our realm. This is your first, and final warning so heed it well.

Run and hide. My horse is fast, and my swing is faster. The Order of Law is more than ready to deal with any threat you can provide. Already my officers will be mobilized, and your bold words will be muffled behind your cloak as you turn tail and run. We do not fear you, and neither should the citizens. These men are cowards, preying on the innocent, and the ones unable to defend themselves, yet believe somehow that they are strong. It's almost cute to see them scurry away like cockroaches to torchlight... As their predecessors before them, they will be crushed.

Run and hide, you won't want to be the one on the other end of my scepter, and I do not want the innocents slain by your greed.

~Geryn Farodae~
~Head Priest~
~Order of Law~
Kent Strider

Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Kent Strider »

I love your arrogance Geryn Farodae, it makes me want to meet you that much sooner. When my maul and your scepter collide it will be such a gorgeous thing to behold. Oh god how I WANT it!

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Geryn Farodae
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Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Ready when you are, sunshine...


~Geryn Farodae~
~Head Priest~
~Order of Law~

*Geryn Farodae lashes his note to one of the sturdy iron bars, pulling the scepter out of his pack, he mutters softly as the weapon begins to glow a bright white.*
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Re: A Worn note is attatched to the fence at Britain Graveyard

Post by Whitewolf »

Nox... eh

Just dont get in our way...

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