Palma wrote:I'd much rather more see something like, a 2 hours period every week where there's no rules and the World doesn't save either.
For example, the world saves for the last time at 14h GMT, and then until 16h GMT there are no saves. At which point the server then returns to his 14h GMT Save.
People could use their full equipments, dragons, etc. Even kill their own friends! Go red, plague Britain...
Could be lots of fun!
yeah i don't see why not
just go full nuts and there's no problem if you lose your gear or go to wrong or something
i would like this, but i guess ppl that don't like pvp wouldn't have much to do
Iktomi wrote:I personally like the idea of having some PvP-free dungeons and PvP-okay dungeons, with the PvP-okay dungeons having better returns to compensate for the higher risk.
No offense - but its called Despise.
In our current climate some groups of people are extremely unpopular and can't barely leave their caves.
I say let them rot in there until they learn to play the game without making enemies.
If they want to participate in a "holiday" and have fun with others that's great.
But giving them a whole dungeon is easymode - let them learn from their actions and try diplomacy instead of hate.
Palma wrote:They could go try it also. Could be a chance for them to have fun too. Risk stuff, give gold away, waste all their ores in candeleers, etc xD
When there was a timewarp and we knew it gonna come, I roamed all my dragons to cities and then ran into them with indies and auros, mwhahahaha. PHUUUUN
Philip Azevedo:
na dude, fu*k uni... that shit wont lead you anywhere
pang on the otherhand....
I dont have anymore pictures of the day before the 6 month timewarp, it was known its gonna come and 1 hour before the server restarted and all of us lost 6 months people were throwing indies, auro's and everything on ground...
Fun fact, after server restarted and everyone started off naked etc. it took 30 minutes before someone started first robbery... I heard it was shoes that the robber wanted.
Ivan wrote:
Fun fact, after server restarted and everyone started off naked etc. it took 30 minutes before someone started first robbery... I heard it was shoes that the robber wanted.
It was Dalton running around with a club, trying to rob my robe :>