Birth controll for man??!!!

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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Andoriel »

err mike genes and skin collor dont mean shit in behavior wise, you know that righttt?
Its the culture that defines people not their genes. unless we are talking about tanning ofc, then yeah due to my awesome olive skin i can get one bad ass tann and be hotter then you... So given the conditions a arab might become a white in your western europe. Btw I been to western europe I cant say its better there, just diferent:P Pros: better living conditions, everything material is accesible, alot of freedom(up to interpretation). Cons: Very individualistic, materyalistic, egoistic, aka dehumanized.
Decline of "white" people are related to the economy conditions. When you have better living stadards people dont want to make kids because it will lower their life style. When you have semi decent living standards(or living in non materyalistic culture) having kids dont realy effect much, infact it gains you more since most developing countries have realy thight family ties and those kids will be earning money to the family probably at the age of 12 by either taking aprenticeship or working in family farms. Pluss the life style trade off isnt as big as Westerns when devo makes a kid.
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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Mike »

Andoriel wrote:err mike genes and skin collor dont mean shit in behavior wise, you know that righttt?
Yes, it's a fact that it does. It is probably tied to the average IQ of any given race. Edward appearently is aware of this yet doesn't think intelligence is important... anyway, IQ is primarily a matter of inhetirance. The general behavior of a group of higher intelligence is different from that of a group of lower intelligence. This is one of the many cases where political correctness has gotten in the way of facts.
Andoriel wrote:Its the culture that defines people not their genes. unless we are talking about tanning ofc, then yeah due to my awesome olive skin i can get one bad ass tann and be hotter then you... So given the conditions a arab might become a white in your western europe. Btw I been to western europe I cant say its better there, just diferent:P Pros: better living conditions, everything material is accesible, alot of freedom(up to interpretation). Cons: Very individualistic, materyalistic, egoistic, aka dehumanized.
Culture is of less importance than race when it comes to group membership. As a very basic comparison you could say that culture explains the slight differences in habits and attitudes between Danes and Swedes. The differences between Swedes and Gabonese can not be explained by cultural differences unless you acknowledge that the fundamental culture is a function of racial traits.
Andoriel wrote:Decline of "white" people are related to the economy conditions. When you have better living stadards people dont want to make kids because it will lower their life style. When you have semi decent living standards(or living in non materyalistic culture) having kids dont realy effect much, infact it gains you more since most developed countries have realy thight family ties and those kids will be earning money to the family probably at the age of 12 by either taking aprenticeship or working in family farms. Pluss the life style trade off isnt as big as Westerns when devo makes a kid.
Many would argue that we have too high standards of living and that is the cause of our depopulation. I agree to that to a point, but our political and economic institutions aren't helping. As you said it lowers our material standards and is considered a heavy burden to have children in the West. That is completely fucked up and truly a policy for suicide.
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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Kent Strider »

I only meant that here in the US black people tend to have many more kids than white people do. I love my black friends tho :P
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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Mike »


You're actually agreeing with me, you just have me confused as someone who likes imperialism and supremacy. I do not support the colonization and slavery of times past. It should be pretty evident for someone who has travelled the world and visited different countries and cultures that they are indeed different. Funny thing is, it's OK for Tibet, India and Japan to maintain their unqiueness, but Europe has to be blended with the rest of the world? That is sadly the mentality of self-hating white people. That you don't consider race to have any role in how a society develops... well, I doubt you did any reading on the issue before you wrote that :)
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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Andoriel »

Mike Iq is nowdays considered outdated way of testing once smarts. Its been proven to focus mostly on your mathmatical inteligence. People are diversified when it comes to talents and what realy matters is education and focus on your dominant traits. At the end of the day education matters.There are many mathmeticians, scientists,athletes and other kind of thinkers in the world today that is from midle east,asian,indian ethnic groups(skin wise). Most of them live in west due to "better" living standards. I said this once allready, given the conditions an arab might become a "white" person you idolized in your head, and a white person can become a "arab" given conditions.
So your wrong on culture being based on racial traits. Its more like racial traits are based on culture. Basic human trait is that we have this amazing ability to adapt to conditions we are exposed to from our childhood.
Ok i am gana humor you for a bit, lets say genes matter when it comes to inteligence. If so then wouldnt it mean that people who had been living in harsher conditions longer then western "whites" developed a better survival traits(gene wise), considering more closer to survival of the fitest in their country. Traits such as cunning,oportusim and being active rather then being layzy :)
(I do not beleive this just humoring mike)
Here is the thing about " it is ok for tibet bla bla keeping their uniqueness". Its not ok, the "civilized" we view are the typical western style nations. Anything that falls out of this steriotype is considered backward. Through television and corpurate advertisement the western culture is being pushed into bunn holes of other nations. It is presented as a superior way of living to us. Its funny becasue allthough greeks are considered whites by the europians soon as they had economic and cultural problems german banks didnt hesitated to say " its greek characteristic that caused this crysis".
China and Hong kong for example. Hong Kong has been underder british controll untill recently and western cultural elements are very strong there to a degree that person from other parts of china and Hong kong have distaste for eachother. Most of china collective thinking is still dominant along with family ties while honk kong is more focused on materyalism and individualism. Imperyalism pushes westernization to other people.
Last edited by Andoriel on Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Monad »

Mike wrote:but Europe has to be blended with the rest of the world?
Blended with rest of the world how? You do realize that most of the people who move to Europe from other continents or societies are refugees who move here because they are escaping their own society and wish better life in western society. Why would they want to "blend" their society here if that's what they are escaping from? And if they do it's pretty much harmless "blending". If some dude believes in god #2 instead god #1, let him believe. If there is a mosque built somewhere where it before wasn't, so fucking what? I doubt that really makes any radical changes in your life unless you yourself make that an issue.

You keep hinting my way of thinking as a "self-hating westener", but I'd say it's quite opposite. I know I'm strong enough to not let other cultures or societies here effect me in a negative but positive way. I'm strong and self-confident enough of the fact that I survive as who I am and stood for, even if on the streets walks few more strange looking guys than I am. I define myself a human who has lot to learn from others, not as a race who needs to be separated from others in order to survive. In a nutshell, I don't share the same fears as you do and I'm happy for that.
Kent Strider

Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Kent Strider »

Wish I could delete messages when they go far off topic like you can Monad ;)
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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Monad »

Kent Strider wrote:Wish I could delete messages when they go far off topic like you can Monad ;)
I respect the wish of the person who started the topic if he no longer wants sideways discussion, but seeing as he's talking of pretty much same subject, tough luck. ;)
Also open discussion is open discussion.
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Re: Birth controll for man??!!!

Post by Andoriel »

He kinda said " we should steriolize minorities"...I am not gana stay silent to that, i like my balls the way they are thank you very much :roll: