Random Thoughts

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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Mike »

Tyrion wrote:
Mike wrote:The book is, to a high degree, based on the old Soviet Union and life in its satellite republics, but taken to the ultimate consequence of thought conditioning and propaganda - we can see almost every aspect of Orwell´s vision in society today, but in 1984 it is taken to the extreme. We see a lot of manipulation and lies these days, but in most cases those who execute this do not believe in their own propaganda. Some do, and those tend to be the most persuasive and consistent.
Sounds like it would sum up the prison state of North Korea very well.
Possibly so. East asians are some of the most intelligent and organized people in the world, couple that with Communism and, by its internal standard, there's a high chance of success.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Monad »

Mike wrote:we can see almost every aspect of Orwell´s vision in society today
That. It's actually most visible in the American administrative right now and been for a while.


I wish that wouldn't be so relevant today.
The way how the last sentence fits to Wikileaks for example is quite mind boggling aswell.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Percy »

Two things from one cigarette break.

Is there any way to harness the static electricity to power for example a watch?

The big bang theory. Where ever the explosion happened in space, they say the universe is either shrinking or expanding still. Just had a quick thought on basically how to attempt to prove that the universe is static.

When an explosion happens, to my knowledge, all the pressure from the center flies outwards thus creating pressure waves. What I've never seen happen in an explosion for more than a few milliseconds is the pressure wave to continue to flow outwards after the actual explosion has happened and everything is calm in the middle.

If the big bang actually happened how are the planets that orbit the bigger planets/stars still actually in their orbit? Wouldn't the movement of the big bang be continually moving us, trying to push us out of orbit? Because if you do this experiment in water, as long as there is motion in the water, nothing will remain static. Only until the event of the bang has died down will there be no unnatural movement.

Same thing happens if there's water and you dig a hole at the edge of the water, the liquid will flow and move into that new cavity you just created. So if space was continually being expanded, wouldn't we, the floating things within space, be constantly pushed around until space stopped expanding into new 'cavities'?
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Monad »

Percy wrote:Secondly,
The big bang theory. Where ever the explosion happened in space, they say the universe is either shrinking or expanding still. Just had a quick thought on basically how to attempt to prove that the universe is static.

When an explosion happens, to my knowledge, all the pressure from the center flies outwards thus creating pressure waves. What I've never seen happen in an explosion for more than a few milliseconds is the pressure wave to continue to flow outwards after the actual explosion has happened and everything is calm in the middle.

If the big bang actually happened how are the planets that orbit the bigger planets/stars still actually in their orbit? Wouldn't the movement of the big bang be continually moving us, trying to push us out of orbit? Because if you do this experiment in water, as long as there is motion in the water, nothing will remain static. Only until the event of the bang has died down will there be no unnatural movement.

Same thing happens if there's water and you dig a hole at the edge of the water, the liquid will flow and move into that new cavity you just created. So if space was continually being expanded, wouldn't we, the floating things within space, be constantly pushed around until space stopped expanding into new 'cavities'?
Based on the current knowledge there really wasn't or isn't a center of the explosion. Space is expanding from everywhere, from all points. I know it's hard to think or explain but that's just our limited brains. Planets and stars are tied together with gravity inside a galaxy so they don't spread from each other. However galaxies gets farther and farther from each other all the time afaik.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Monad »

What comes to the subject I think this is pretty intriguing thought:
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Monad »

Big Bang and expanding explained better with FAQ: http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com/bigbang.html
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Percy »

So in basic what it's saying is because space is actually nothing, contains no atoms or anything that it has no rules. Here on earth we have the law of physics and then atoms follow a law of physics but completely different to material objects laws.

Something that exists that follows no set rules wether known or unknown. That is freaking mind boggling.

Nothing follows no rules?
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Glarundis »

that crap about black holes disrupting the space time continuum is the biggest pile of shit i've ever heard from anyone, and i've heard it too many times.
also, the "this cell has been reused many times over and over in this same existence" blabla crap makes no sense at all, even if there were time holes. things don't happen all the time the same way with everything. there's something called randomness :F and the consequences of it are huge.

about the big bang and things expanding even further. i don't know how it is or why it is, but the last thing i heard from them is that things are actually expanding at higher and higher speeds, instead of shrinking. maybe we haven't gotten to the point of "we're as far away from the center as we can be and we're out of energy, we're going to fall back to the center's gravity now" so what we see is that we're still expanding.
furthermore, we can't know if a normal explosion here works as the explosion of the universe.
the galaxies and planets in galaxies are actually not in the same place in relation to each other as they used to be years ago, but the difference to our eyes is so small that it appears as if they are.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Monad »

Glarundis wrote:please.
that crap about black holes disrupting the space time continuum is the biggest pile of shit i've ever heard from anyone, and i've heard it too many times.
also, the "this cell has been reused many times over and over in this same existence" blabla crap makes no sense at all, even if there were time holes. things don't happen all the time the same way with everything. there's something called randomness :F and the consequences of it are huge.
Care to elaborate why you think so? I think it's intriguing because even on earth everything once came from outer space (planets are formed of dying stars) and once we (which we are created of) will go back to outer space again to form something else. That is when our bodies have died and fused with the soil into different parts and when the earth once breaks (after billions of years). The atoms and energy which we are created of never ceases to exist, they just disintegrate into something else. Just like everything else in the universe, energy or matter can't ever spontaneously come into existence, nor can they be destroyed.

And what comes to the randomness, of course there is randomness. But with that theory there is also infinity and inifine possibilities what can happen. If there are infinite possibilities it means there can be exactly similar kind of existence somewhere. It's a thought which cannot be proven of course but it is a possibility. We know next to nothing of black holes but yet we are 100% sure they exist. I think it's silly to claim something with such definite certainity that it's "bullshit" or "non-sense" because fact is also we simply don't know. I don't know and you don't know what they can do or can't do.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Glarundis »

i'm not saying that the energy we are made of was once stars and it will once be starts, blabla. not against that.
i'm just saying, first of all, the time thing is crap imo. black holes drain energy into them. why the fuck people have this notion that time and light have anything to do with eachother? "if you travel faster than the speed of light you'll be able to time travel!yo yo yo and a bottle of rum!"

then, the randomness does really matter.
there's randomness, and there's also infinity, so infinite things happen in the future.
but there's also infinite combinations of things that can happen right?so therefore, the probability of a similar thing happening is 1/infinite


so, mathematically speaking, there is a chance. but it's a very remote chance, and that's not the same as saying there will be another you doing the same shit all over again. it won't be the same thing, because it'll be in the future. not to mention, i don't really buy the time shifting through black holes.

piece of matter->gets eaten by black hole->is now part of that black hole.
why the hell is there the assumption that it will pop up back into existence a few million years back?what the fuck?!

but for all practical aspects 1/infinite=0
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