I started a political blog

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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Mike »

Legalize Cannabis in Finland and keeps the lulz coming.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Shadow_Nirvana »

Glarundis, I believe you my good man, but there shall always be powers that would use religion to control the masses. I believe Andoriel understands this because our home country is, well basically being run by those powers atm. :) Not gonna go into the delicate political issue though.

Religion in my opinion is a weird thing. I do believe that God exists, that there's heaven and hell and there shall be judgement but I find religions are extremely limiting to the human mind and freedom, as according to some religions you shall get punished for eating pork, drinking alcohol, if you don't attend the rituals that your religion commands you're doomed, your prayers are in a different language. Yes not all religions are like this but all have some shortcomings(or it may seem as a shortcoming to my mundane mortal eyes.). I personally think that every person should look into themselves to see what they believe in. I think that true belief comes from using your brain, trying to understand the universe yourself, not by some rules that you can't even truly combine with today's life.
Ork-Hun Akh-Man, Assassin in training
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Mike »

Shadow_Nirvana wrote:Glarundis, I believe you my good man, but there shall always be powers that would use religion to control the masses. I believe Andoriel understands this because our home country is, well basically being run by those powers atm. :) Not gonna go into the delicate political issue though.

Religion in my opinion is a weird thing. I do believe that God exists, that there's heaven and hell and there shall be judgement but I find religions are extremely limiting to the human mind and freedom, as according to some religions you shall get punished for eating pork, drinking alcohol, if you don't attend the rituals that your religion commands you're doomed, your prayers are in a different language. Yes not all religions are like this but all have some shortcomings(or it may seem as a shortcoming to my mundane mortal eyes.). I personally think that every person should look into themselves to see what they believe in. I think that true belief comes from using your brain, trying to understand the universe yourself, not by some rules that you can't even truly combine with today's life.
To not define what you believe is a good way to avoid rational criticism. Do you have any evidence for you deity and your version of judgement and afterlife?
"last i knew it was illegal to hate someone" Richard Mota
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Shadow_Nirvana »

Tbh , I don't have any solid roots. I am just in a phase that those are the stuff I believe in . But that's the thing that makes me a bit cold toward religions, too. This is a search of a whole life time, my views and beliefs shall change, and vehemently claiming what one believes is right is just not for me. True devout religious people may be right, atheists may be right, deists may be right. No person has seen the utter truth, I believe we are all still searching in some way.
Ork-Hun Akh-Man, Assassin in training
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Mike »

Shadow_Nirvana wrote:Tbh , I don't have any solid roots. I am just in a phase that those are the stuff I believe in . But that's the thing that makes me a bit cold toward religions, too. This is a search of a whole life time, my views and beliefs shall change, and vehemently claiming what one believes is right is just not for me. True devout religious people may be right, atheists may be right, deists may be right. No person has seen the utter truth, I believe we are all still searching in some way.
What about heaven or hell, do you have any idea about which sort of ethos would be rewarded in an eventual afterlife? To say that you believe in a judgement that determines the afterlife is a strong statement. Surely that involves some divinely inspired morality?
"last i knew it was illegal to hate someone" Richard Mota
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Edward Sinclair »

I personally think that every person should look into themselves to see what they believe in.
I have no idea what this sentence meant :S
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Shadow_Nirvana »

Okay, there are some roots, but the more I think about my beliefs right the more they seem to have gotten into my mind as a protest to the strict rules of religions. My thoughts upon the judgement is,well, depends on what kind of a person you are. I don't believe that an atheist would be punished like some religions say because of his belief (or lack thereof), just as a religious person who attends all those masses,rituals his/her religion commands but has no more a positive effect on the earth than a teaspoon would probably be frowned upon. In general , I believe that it's the good impact we have on the whole world, would define how we shall be judged. But I repeat that I know I might be so off-course it wouldn't even be funny on hindsight.

Edit: to Edward Sinclair. I don't know about how it is in other countries but in mine people are put into a religion at birth and most don't even question their beliefs, ever. Maybe it's because this is uncomfortable to them because of the way they were raised. But your belief is exclusive to you, it shouldn't be dictated by someone else and to find what you truly believe in, you should search deep within your own mind- what's my beliefs, what have the effects of my environment been etc etc.- Again I say these are just my thoughts.
Ork-Hun Akh-Man, Assassin in training
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Mike »

Sounds like Christian ethics to me. Obviously you would be completely fucked if you tried to be a good Christian by only doing what we consider good while ignoring the key parts of the Bible, but I digress. Just wondering if you come from a Christian background?
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

Shadow_Nirvana wrote: Religion in my opinion is a weird thing. I do believe that God exists, that there's heaven and hell and there shall be judgement but I find religions are extremely limiting to the human mind and freedom, as according to some religions you shall get punished for eating pork, drinking alcohol, if you don't attend the rituals that your religion commands you're doomed, your prayers are in a different language. Yes not all religions are like this but all have some shortcomings(or it may seem as a shortcoming to my mundane mortal eyes.). I personally think that every person should look into themselves to see what they believe in. I think that true belief comes from using your brain, trying to understand the universe yourself, not by some rules that you can't even truly combine with today's life.

but that's where the challenge lies for you then :) if that's the way you think, i feel "compassionate" because i know it may be really hard to overcome all the things we don't understand about religion, or even the things we feel are wrong (which are many). i think it's normal (but unfortunate that it is so), because it's not easy to adress every person in the world (it's even impossible) and in the best way possible, not to mention personal experiences, different cultures.
about all those rules, it's a really long road to understand why religions are like they do, and while they sometimes may be found to be limiting one's freedom (and the social aspect of it may really look like it does), the very foundation is actually the opposite, but we can't forget that religions are still run by people who are not perfect.
you'll find (with effort, but possible, if i have done the same..) that in fact religion is more closely related to human life (yes, on earth) than it appears.
you can talk to me in icq if you life, i always like to talk about these things

and to mike: there will never be 100% proof about such things. there can be no 100% proof. i already said this to eddy the other day in icq, and i'll say it to you.

if our limited knowledge can completely prove something bigger than ourselves (god) then god couldn't exist. how could our knowledge encompass something beyond it?it's not possible, it's like saying 10 is contained within 9.

we cannot, ever, reach infinity, therefore we cannot encompass it, so we cannot totally grasp it.

yes, we can "prove" a bit of god, or understand a bit of what he/it is, or theorize, or think, or feel, or have intuition. but it's never 100% proof, it can't be. no matter what, you have to go through a "black area" to say, "reach god", and that's what we "believers" call faith.
what's even more fucked up, you can only somewhat reach conclusions when you started with some premises. but why would you start with such premises if you can't prove them in the first place?
yep, it's a bitch. you gotta start (or be faced with this at some point) "ok, there's no proof, but maybe, just maybe, this can be true?", and then, if you go down that road, once you start believing, you'll understand more, and once you understand more you'll, in turn, believe with more reassurance.

so, i say a 100% proof of god's existence is a mathematical impossibility. if you prove it, it means it doesn't exist.

and this is the very problem. we think of these things with our "human" conceptions.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Andoriel »

Glar....even İf there is posibility that god exist( i am Not saying there is dont get excited, just humoring the idea) it still doesnt make religion valid since they are opresive and mind numbing. Allso very sexist aka male dominated.
very good little cartoon that aplies to existence of god as well. But i prefer if god wasnt involved in this topic. Politics and religion are 2 seperate thing and should never be mixed. ;)
Last edited by Andoriel on Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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