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Geryn Farodae
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Maximilian Lhoth wrote: You, on the other hand, become like Donald Duck seriously if "someone else has a bit better piety tome than you, even though you are the head priest, and therefore should get the best tome" and a major regression occurs.
Max... Geryn could crush each and every one of your characters. Unblessed, without Aura, Malleus, christ, without even bandies. Has nothing to do with tome strength.

Wait, I'll dumb it down to Newb-Lingo... You suck.
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

<<mowhawk and suicidal tendencies.>>

I do not have a mowhawk(sic) or suicidal tendencies. You have borderline personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies

<<Geryn is in Law>>

Yes, so? Geryn is Law, no shit sherlock?

<<you fucktard.>>

Rather "fucktard" than someone with borderline personality disorder w/ narcissistic tendencies

<<Order of Nature are the ones who mostly respond to Plague as it is a blight against Nature.>>

No shit sherlock?

<<make your desperate attempts at pretending to be sophisticated.>>

You pretend to be calm, you are not. You have borderline personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies if I forgot to mention
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Geryn Farodae wrote:Max... Geryn could crush each and every one of your characters. Unblessed, without Aura, Malleus, christ, without even bandies. Has nothing to do with tome strength.

"Me is Geryn, me kills even gorilla with bare hands. Ugh!"
Kent Strider

Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Kent Strider »

Geryn Farodae
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Maximilian Lhoth wrote:<<mowhawk and suicidal tendencies.>>

I do not have a mowhawk(sic) or suicidal tendencies. You have borderline personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies

<<Geryn is in Law>>

Yes, so? Geryn is Law, no shit sherlock?

<<you fucktard.>>

Rather "fucktard" than someone with borderline personality disorder w/ narcissistic tendencies

<<Order of Nature are the ones who mostly respond to Plague as it is a blight against Nature.>>

No shit sherlock?

<<make your desperate attempts at pretending to be sophisticated.>>

You pretend to be calm, you are not. You have borderline personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies if I forgot to mention
Perhaps. But at least I don't stutter. You have a one-track mind, my friend. Flame on, Human Torch! I'll give you until the end of the month to come up with a better argument, but I expect all I will see is you whining like a little girl, or simply drooling out of the corner of your mouth like a semi-retarded infantalegomaniac.

But hey... You pwned me good! How'd you know my nickname was Sherlock?

Get a job, ass whipe. People like you merely manipulate others to in order to get what you want under the guise that you're doing thinigs for "pure aesthetic" reasons when it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that you're fake. You are terrible at this game, plain and simple. I am calm, actually. If you think I go through 12 hours of police work, facing down criminals, drug-addicts with diseases, or responding to calls of possible armed suspects, and get intimidated or angered by some 105lb sissy, a veritable girl in a young man's body?

Look at you... You're trying your absolute hardest to coax some "pwn" comments from your molasses for a brain to a person who could care less if you even existed. You're getting all mad, flaming people who flame Ivan like you two have been best buddies ever since you were little girls. I bet the people around you can't stand you, can they? When you go out in public people usually give that half arched eye brow look commonly reserved for something they found stuck to the bottom of their shoe.

You are a clown, Max. Plain and simple. You're no more infuriating than a box full of fluffy kittens. Your greatest accomplishment, is making everyone power laugh with your pathetic excuse for self-defense. I envy you, Max. I really do. I mean, I've always wished I could get away with acting like a complete retard and keep a straight face at the same time.

Either you really are retarded, or you're just really good at pretending. Either way, you are a complete joke. If that doesn't sting you, it's probably because you've heard it A LOT.
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Daemorth »

Maximilian Lhoth wrote:
Geryn Farodae wrote:Max... Geryn could crush each and every one of your characters. Unblessed, without Aura, Malleus, christ, without even bandies. Has nothing to do with tome strength.

"Me is Geryn, me kills even gorilla with bare hands. Ugh!"
That sounds more like Ivan then Geryn imo.
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Geryn Farodae wrote:expect all I will see is you whining like a little girl, or simply drooling out of the corner of your mouth like a semi-retarded infantalegomaniac.
Sorry. I don't speak retardese. Can you get someone to translate into meaningful English before you post, please? Just as the strength of a solitary brick will not save a poorly built structure, your bold typeface does not redeem your craven incoherent words.

If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to drive an ant's Go-cart around the inside of a bottle cap. You're just another Internet-addicted idiot suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the mind. Anyway, who was talking to you or even taking you under consideration? Oh well, as the late Douglas Adams said: "You live and learn. At any rate, you live."

I'm busy trying to imagine you with a personality. Maybe you'd be less boring once I got to know you, but I don't want to take that chance. I'd get more pleasure from running my nostrils down a cactus, than reading another contribution from you. Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if you weren't afflicted with mental retardation; if your weren't so fat that when you stand on the weighing scale, it reads: "Sorry, we don't weigh livestock.", or if you didn't have a face that makes your pillow cry itself to sleep every night. No, come to think of it, you would.
Geryn Farodae
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Geryn Farodae »

*Claps* God I'm laughing so hard you have no idea. ^^^^ Above link is the site he uses for his LOL "pwn" words and sentences. Check it out, boys, if only he had the knowledge to use them properly...

Well, it's not a perfect world, indeed.

But you my friend, are the funniest fuckin' person I have ever met in my entire life. And you do retard so naturally, too! I mean, your life is a joke, everything you say is a joke. Christ, even your playing style is a joke.

*Sighs* Gotta love it.
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Geryn Farodae wrote:you do retard so naturally, too! I mean, your life is a joke, everything you say is a joke. Christ, even your playing style is a joke.
You are an unequivocally decadent reprobate and a fiendish, mucous-eating obfuscation of all that is good.

You dipsticked, grandma-groping, armpit-licking, shit-guzzling, hemorrhoid-popping, fuck-brained scuzzbucket!

And more generic insults to follow if you want to play the game!
Kent Strider

Re: The official FxCK YOU thread

Post by Kent Strider »

Geryn - Bored Out Of My Skull... says:
lol at Max
lol too much fun
Dude, let's go back to flaming each other at least you were an intellectual challenge and had some good zingers! lol

LOL I had to post this, please don't shut down this thread its the only thing keeping the other threads on topic! And plus its funny as shit
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