Contacts for Players

For general discussion concerning Pangaea

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Contacts for Players

Post by Malron »

Any1 still logging in on a regular basis or now and then only please leave your form of contact, icq, msn etc.

Me = ICQ
Hendrik Kar'lon
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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by Hendrik Kar'lon »

I do,

Hendrik Kar'lon - Nature Priest
Laura McGriff - GM Tinker
Ezikial - Law Knight
Mervin Moondust - GM Bard

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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by Ondoher »

Me me..

Ondoher - Knight
Elor - Druid

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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by Dargon »



Jorgen - archer
Laura - tamer
Tauno - smith
Philip Azevedo:
na dude, fu*k uni... that shit wont lead you anywhere
pang on the otherhand....
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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by Abakus »

Picus Mamrdus - young Bard
Merkur Afo - young Priest
Oliwer - GM Bowyer
Bruto - GM Blacksmith
Flavius - Adept Scribe

ICQ: ~.356-800-501.~
Skype: ~.OlionOlsOlzo.~
Last edited by Abakus on Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by AnomanderRake »

I do,

Anomander Rake - Noble Barbarian
Arcole Blayke - GM Tailor
Max Thornhill - Treasurehunter (Training lockpicking)

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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

I log these two if needed:
- GM scribe for spells & chants
- GM tamer for drake, mare, dragon up to royal

PM me if needed.

(When I get a PM, I get info about it to my email which I check many times a day, and I don't mind helping players at all, so be brave&PM me if you need me)
Last edited by Maximilian Lhoth on Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by Blade »

Sup bro,

I dont play this no more but if you need me i can log or something..
U are still on my list prob. Peace

Victis Blade Hightened Priest
Lex Blade Hightened Barbarian
Victus Primal Grandmaster zomg PK mage
Laen Blade GM Smith
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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by Eliana »

I'm always the only one online at my time,
but please do contact me if you need anything.

Eliana - Master Alchemist
Eileena - Archer
Irika - Necromancer

ICQ 586-197-867
or PM me using this forum, I log on almost everyday
Last edited by Eliana on Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Eliana, THE Heightened alchemist of shiny potions
with my best lama friend, momo
My bird nest 586-197-867

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Re: Contacts for Players

Post by Dista »

Rincoe Elbrum- The Commendable Knight..

"Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher."

- William Wordsworth
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