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Post by Yudhishthir »

I'm failing to find any GM posted, official Pangaea related story or anything regarding the Land of Telborea.

Is this land exists in the role play of the Pangaea Universe, perhaps I am missing some integral storyline and need to be steered in the right direction? If anyone knows where I can find something on Telborea not PLAYER written, I would love to read it.

I do encourage role play amongst players, and love to see intricate backgrounds. I love it even more when these backgrounds include the shard's own role play, and background. As the players were born and live in this version of Britannia as the staff created it. And it shows the player put time into learning this land to create their player intricately involved in it. And it shows the player actually put time to respect the staff's role play they set in motion, as opposed to ignoring that completely and establishing their own world for their background.

I apologize for the opinion, but when you create a player with a background coming from a different world. It seems to me like "I switched games, cut and paste last characters story" Same with switching shards. "Cut and paste last story"

Now, if we are allowed as players, to create this kind of role play, going so far to say as we come from a different realm, and we can name the realm, and claim royal lineage, and all of that, and be backed up by the staff concerning the role play that this realm exists, and players do POOF into existance from other realms. Then you can bet my next character will come from a realm where time travel is possible, and inter dimensional travel is possible, and he will talk about TVs and computers, and say things like awesome. And this will HAVE to be defended by the staff, least favoritism be in play.

If that role play were to take place, many would consider my character insane, or lacking mental capacity. That being the case, perhaps this Telborea never existed, and the characters in question who came from this magical mystery fantasy land having nothing to do the with established role play of the world of Pangaea, are just indeed lacking mental capacity, and need to be thrown in a loony bin.

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Re: Telborea

Post by Yudhishthir »

So here is an interesting tidbit I've pieced together.

Here is an in-character post:

Went to Yahoo, and search Telborea in an attempt to unravel some Pangaea related roleplay.
Here is what I found:

Here is another in-character post about the map of where the land of Pangaea shows Telborea. Just so you area aware this map is player generated and not created by the staff of Pangaea.

Now upon further examination of the previous discovery of official Telborean information, here is an official map of where Telborea is located. Never saw this island before in Britannia.

You can poke through the site more if you like. But to me it seems Telborea has nothing to do with Ultima Online at all. Perhaps.. Neverwinter Nights?

Can we promote Pangaea role play, and staff created background for the shard to promote Pangaea, or even player created donations that are unique to the server, and fit the server's 10 year past. I would hate to see all the history Pangaea has wiped out by a cut and paste of role play from a different game.

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Re: Telborea

Post by Yudhishthir »

New idea, my next character hails from the online game Eve... But he bamfed into that world hailing from Starcraft... And woke up in that world one day originally coming from World of Warcraft.

Back up Telborean RP. You have to back up mine. Equal opportunity players. No favoritism. No denying anyone's role-play. No singling anyone out and saying their IC story is not allowed.

During my character's stay on Eve, they learned internet lingo. Guess you can't enforce .ooc if my character is actually saying newb, i'll rox you, lol (which I have heard people say, or spell IRL)

You just de-constructed RP in itself on this server. I meerly pointed out the possibilities.
Kat Asherstone
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Re: Telborea

Post by Kat Asherstone »

I was thinking on the drive home I had heard the name Talborea from something before but couldn't remember.
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Re: Telborea

Post by Monad »

Now, if we are allowed as players, to create this kind of role play, going so far to say as we come from a different realm, and we can name the realm, and claim royal lineage, and all of that, and be backed up by the staff concerning the role play that this realm exists
Johnny's RP with Telborea is solely his own and how I see it he roleplay his character as egoistic and delusional murderer who tries to claim part of the world. If the name is such a big deal I doubt it's the first name which appears here and is used in someplace else aswell. Also I fail to find any relations that his story would be just copy/paste from the links that you provided. Players here have freedom to roleplay as long as it is not offending anyone, intentionally made as a joke or copy from a known source (Gandalf!11).

Sorry but I find this bashing of someone's RP only because of the name he uses a bit futile.
Can we promote Pangaea role play, and staff created background for the shard to promote Pangaea, or even player created donations that are unique to the server, and fit the server's 10 year past
Yeah go ahead, the roleplay section is open for everyone all the time.
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Re: Telborea

Post by Milkbags »

Monad- Johnny's RP with Telborea is solely his own

Except: ...

Directly from the Neverwinter Nights forum. Username same as someone on here and same Avatar. Mere coincidence?
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Telborea

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Well it does say "Written by Mike" at the end of Johnny's post.

But what I'd like to know is that is the RP actually written by Mike, or copied from an already made up story?
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Re: Telborea

Post by Johnny Walac »

The server Thain on Neverwinter nights is an Roleplay server me and mike have played since 2004. They got a golden rule about respecting all the players RP aslong they are in the lines of RP ofc. Many people have made their own homes and RP how they ended up on Thain. Telborea is something we created there and done most of our RP. Then I got the idea that the RP also fits here with alittle tweaking. Telborea is 100% player made indeed. By me and Mike.

And there is no rule on creating your own RP that is beyond "My name is Bob and i'm a barbarian. Our RP contains no OOC information like you would suggest "TV, Internet".

And about the different realms.

"Shards were created at the end of Ultima I, during the time of Sosaria, when the Stranger destroyed Mondain's Gem of Immortality. Mondain's power over Sosaria stemmed from it being magically "held" inside, the gem. When the gem was shattered, the Stranger noticed that inside each broken shard was a smaller, self-contained Sosaria.
As each shard evolved over time, each took the appearance of later Britannia, without the influence of an Avatar. This created a land of lawlessness, where bandits would frequently roam the land outside of protected towns. Each Brittania grew up with its own heroes, villains, buildings and inhabitants. This serves to explain Ultima Online's many gameplay servers, each with their own subset of players."

Pangaea is one of these shards and I see no problem with our RP that we come from another one. Sure you can roleplay you come from a realm called America. But be prepared to get a warning from the Staff for bad/ooc RP.

The staff does not need to approve of our RP. As far as the in-game chars know. Thoeak was born in Britain maybe? Or Minoc? Have anyone in-game seen the portal to another realm? Does it exist? Have -your- char seen this portal that you so much hate on? And what is Telborea? Thoeak knows it's roleplay but does your chars? How can you possible then know it is from another realm when Thoeak have never told you nor anyone else.

You are obiously concerned this is some OOC RP but it is not. If you got any more questions feel free to send me a PM.

If this is some OOC hating, keep it to yourself.
Order of Nature - Telborea- The Britannian Trade Union - ICQ: 434212709
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Kat Asherstone
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Re: Telborea

Post by Kat Asherstone »

Johnny Walac wrote:The server Thain on Neverwinter nights is an Roleplay server me and mike have played since 2004. They got a golden rule about respecting all the players RP aslong they are in the lines of RP ofc. Many people have made their own homes and RP how they ended up on Thain. Telborea is something we created there and done most of our RP. Then I got the idea that the RP also fits here with alittle tweaking. Telborea is 100% player made indeed. By me and Mike.

And there is no rule on creating your own RP that is beyond "My name is Bob and i'm a barbarian. Our RP contains no OOC information like you would suggest "TV, Internet".

And about the different realms.

"Shards were created at the end of Ultima I, during the time of Sosaria, when the Stranger destroyed Mondain's Gem of Immortality. Mondain's power over Sosaria stemmed from it being magically "held" inside, the gem. When the gem was shattered, the Stranger noticed that inside each broken shard was a smaller, self-contained Sosaria.
As each shard evolved over time, each took the appearance of later Britannia, without the influence of an Avatar. This created a land of lawlessness, where bandits would frequently roam the land outside of protected towns. Each Brittania grew up with its own heroes, villains, buildings and inhabitants. This serves to explain Ultima Online's many gameplay servers, each with their own subset of players."

Pangaea is one of these shards and I see no problem with our RP that we come from another one. Sure you can roleplay you come from a realm called America. But be prepared to get a warning from the Staff for bad/ooc RP.

The staff does not need to approve of our RP. As far as the in-game chars know. Thoeak was born in Britain maybe? Or Minoc? Have anyone in-game seen the portal to another realm? Does it exist? Have -your- char seen this portal that you so much hate on? And what is Telborea? Thoeak knows it's roleplay but does your chars? How can you possible then know it is from another realm when Thoeak have never told you nor anyone else.

You are obiously concerned this is some OOC RP but it is not. If you got any more questions feel free to send me a PM.

If this is some OOC hating, keep it to yourself.

The shards of Ultima have a very interesting thing about them though that apparently you seem to have missed, they are exact replica's of the original brittania, the only difference are the inhabitants and the day to day things, the worlds though are the same in physical aspects and such, so there actually is no Talborea in terms of the Ultima Online universe, outside of this instance.

However, regardless, the fact remains... someone just called you out on copy and pasting an rp story from somewhere else... might as well have just called yourself Gandalf.

Thoek knows it's RP... do you even realize the meta-gaming implications of that statement?
Kat Asherstone
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Re: Telborea

Post by Kat Asherstone »

Oh and no one said anything even remote to make this an OOC thing, unless that's the norm on here is to get pissed and poke holes in someones RP... wait, that would be an IC thing then wouldn't it...