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Re: Guilds and Religions

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:12 pm
by Quintoz
blckfire wrote:Tome
This has been one of the most discussed topics in and out of the forums. It's very hard to balance tomes that have access to different spells which makes it a huge task to try and do it for such a small development team (me). Although, it makes sense that one religion has access to one spell and the other one to another, since it fits the lore of that religion.

With this in mind we thought about several solutions and came up with one that we think is the best.

Every religion will have access to same pool of rites from which 6 will be standard and 1 will be customized (the part of 1 customized is still to be discussed, since it can bring imbalances).
Will the tome only have 7 rites now? Or do you mean 7 "special rites" over the normal ones.

Re: Guilds and Religions

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:22 am
by Vulcan
Demian wrote:Just a few small questions about this..

1. Will we get a temple like before, or do we have to get our own place for the religion hq?
2. Can we create ANY new religion of our choice, or are we restricted to Law/Imp/Tek/Natu?
3. Let's say we recreate Law. Will we have to follow the exact same "philosophy" as the previous Law had, or can we make modifications?

If this stuff is explained with the RP context later, you can just ignore. Thanks.

1) We'll see how it goes, following what happens IG.
2) We have a basic idea of what we want for the future religions, but we won't be discussing them since we believe the players should choose the way to go. In the end, some supervision might be necessary but good ideas are always welcome.
3) No. Nor we would expect old religions to be recreated, as they were part of the problem.

Keep in mind religions will not be taken lightly. Since guilds will be able to influence the outcome of the world and it's politics, and since religious characters will always have a tome, how strong or weak it may be, it'll take a massive effort to turn a guild into a religion.

KrondorZuula wrote:Is wrong jail going to be removed now because of the guilds ability to take a town over?
There were talks of changing the jail system, but that'll probably be worked alongside mayor system, guards and so on... Basically there was a possibility of dividing the world into regions (actually, it's how it works already), and in each region a character being able to have a different status. So you could be, for example, wanted in Minoc, Trinsic and Skara Brae but allowed in Britain, Vesper or Yew, depending on your guild's political stance with governing bodies in those cities.
That also means robbers/criminals will require a whole different stance and a tag to go with it, and not only allows them to build a haven of their own as it'll make it much harder for them to be anywhere at all.

Again, players will create their own path and their own world.

Re: Guilds and Religions

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:21 am
by Cruxis Bane
Will Necros and Druids still worship Gaea and Dennac then or will they be worshipping a new diety?

Re: Guilds and Religions

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:37 am
by Evander
Cruxis Bane wrote:Will Necros and Druids still worship Gaea and Dennac then or will they be worshipping a new diety?
Isnt it up to our rp? I have forgotten such old rituals!

Re: Guilds and Religions

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 4:03 pm
by Thoran
Cruxis Bane wrote:Will Necros and Druids still worship Gaea and Dennac then or will they be worshipping a new diety?
I doubt this has been a requirement for years. Or then it is clear that my necro Shira and Charha's Darrol should be quite different characters. :|

Re: Guilds and Religions

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:44 pm
by Cruxis Bane
I know some druids do and so dont, I guess the main question I had is am I able to still prey to Gaea on my druid or is it a thing that does not exist?