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Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:31 pm
by Daimeri
Any clue when we see religions reborn!


Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:56 pm
by Ondoher
Probably september 2017

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:16 pm
by Glarundis
It's December already, just saying..

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:18 pm
by Gurrnutt Venomblade
Anything to report?

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:53 pm
by Quintoz
Soon (TM)

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:13 pm
by blckfire
Like I said, after Adv Guild was done I'd start looking into religions.

That's what's happening right now!

I can't give ETAs. But I can assure you that nothing will come up before the new year.

I can put some points that need to be worked on before religions are out:
- Base tome (75% done)
- Make sure all the rites included in the base tome work properly and are not prone to cause shard lag (0% done, this should also not take much time but some refactoring will for sure happen)
- Neutral religion join process (0% done)
- Neutral religion menu (0% done, this can actually be the item that takes more time)

Some extra work was done already like, for example a tool to place the altars or the base code to create dynamic menus (I'm still looking into this, because, maybe, everything is going to be changed to HTML menus).

This is what's on my TODO list for the moment.

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:13 am
by Quintoz
blckfire wrote:- Base tome (75%)
No fear, 75% done with the copy/paste work.

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:27 pm
by Glarundis
Ivan wrote:
blckfire wrote: I will release a one time use item that will allow name and gender change sometime during this week.
That was said during first few weeks after reappearance of pangaea.
I just wanted to post this again. It's from March. I have no idea how easy/hard this is, but I'm thinking it should be easy, like, gazillions of times easier than adv guild fix or the religion package, and I feel we need something, even if something little like this, atleast we can start changing our names and think about the future religions, I don't know, take steps so that people can restart playing and creating the RP for the new religions. But we need atleast something, the very basic, otherwise we'll go past the point of shard revival..

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:42 pm
by Talerco Pious
Glarundis wrote: I just wanted to post this again. It's from March. I have no idea how easy/hard this is, but I'm thinking it should be easy, like, gazillions of times easier than adv guild fix or the religion package, and I feel we need something, even if something little like this, atleast we can start changing our names and think about the future religions, I don't know, take steps so that people can restart playing and creating the RP for the new religions. But we need atleast something, the very basic, otherwise we'll go past the point of shard revival..
Yes, give us the name changes already please.

Re: Weekly Updates

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:19 am
by Gurrnutt Venomblade
Glarundis wrote:
Ivan wrote:
blckfire wrote: I will release a one time use item that will allow name and gender change sometime during this week.
That was said during first few weeks after reappearance of pangaea.
I just wanted to post this again. It's from March. I have no idea how easy/hard this is, but I'm thinking it should be easy, like, gazillions of times easier than adv guild fix or the religion package, and I feel we need something, even if something little like this, atleast we can start changing our names and think about the future religions, I don't know, take steps so that people can restart playing and creating the RP for the new religions. But we need atleast something, the very basic, otherwise we'll go past the point of shard revival..

We as the surviving players have given ample amount of time to see some change... We very much understand your personal live comes first, but we are losing the pang community. Ill come out and say it, we should see something to test by the new year or we should be talking about either adding a scripter or bringing back boris. I for one appreciate the hard work and time blkfire has taken to put into the server but it may be more work then he can handle.. Something needs to happen play and simple.