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Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:12 pm
by Talerco Pious
blckfire wrote:Just to complement what Vulcan said, our vision for the guild and religion systems are that they should be more close together than apart.

This means that, for us, players should feel free to choose which RP path to take and enjoy more or less the same features offered as being part of a guild or a religion.

Our intent is that the biggest difference will most likely be in terms of RP.

We also want to give you, the opportunity to explore the RP history as you like. While we, will act as moderators for the paths you choose to take, adding content and quests along the way to go side by side with the RP. This of course, doesn't mean we will not add, ourselves, content and quests to keep things interesting.

Like we said before we have a lot of ideas and plans for the future but, like rome, it can't be built in a single day. Bit by bit we will get to the point where creating content and quests will be easy enough so that things can be done almost on the fly. Until then, bare with us and our limited time to try and make some content and features a reality.
Are we there yet?

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:09 pm
by Cyrus Tegyr
Well I guess I am using old concepts, for me a guild hall would offer guilds a temple like experience. I'm still under the impression that religions will have temples as altars were mentioned so, I feel ha and totally agree. One of the major things lacking was this complete disconnect when it came to guilds and religions, not in terms of RP together or against each other as that is and was easily created but a guild system that was more lacklustre than feature rich.

Obviously tomes are out for guilds but there was always ways to make the guild system something better than it was and no one cared to take that step apparently because and I think wrongfully, the focus for Pangaea was to implement more and more things for religions to do or tweak this or that in the religions. This is not to say nothing good came for the commoners who did not want to be in a religion but I tried to push out ideas that were less religion centric because if you want to have a diverse player group, you can't incentivise one aspect of the game experience and not others.

I'm totally in agreement that both should be drawn closer together and if you can use a lot of the lattice work in both packages the better, I believe you guys are taking some proper steps to actually make a viable guild system that won't be so blasé and incentivise people who have always been religion die hards to maybe think about whether they want to go balls to the wall for the religion or maybe try something different and make a guild that can be just as fun in terms of RP but also be very interesting in terms of features.

Keep up the hard work, and thanks.

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:44 pm
by blckfire
On thing is for sure, religions are and will always be the trademark of Pangaea.

But my personal vision of a "game", and Pangaea, for me, is a "game" on it's own. Should be to give as many possibilites to the players as we can. To do so, we need to keep in mind what is the trademark of Pangaea but also look at the other aspects of the "game".

I understand why is better to focus on one aspect of the game and leave the rest behind, mostly time contraints come into mind. But if we really want this community to keep on growing and healthy, we need to do more than just re-shape and adapt one part of the game towards the players we already have we also have to think about attracting and rettaining new ones, so that the overall experience also gets better.

That is why we are looking to attack almost all fronts of Pangaea, things that for more than 10 years have not been looked at will now be revised, re-thinked and re-tinkered, always in way that it will still preserve the same ambience and feel but into the now days expectations for a game like Pangaea.

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:49 pm
by Cyrus Tegyr
As for new crafting things, one of the things I mentioned previously, if you are looking into improving it I think a standard system of sys messages on fail and success for all the skills, currently or rather at the time I stopped playing about a year and a half ago, bowcrafting was annoying cause it didn't have any messaging. One of the other things I'd like to see if the auto upgrade system being ripped out of all the trade skills or added to trade skills that do not currently have it.

In short, straight up uniformity between trade skills when possible. I know and do not expect everything on the trade skill front to be fully implemented pre launch but it is something to work toward. It gives players new and old a standard of what to expect when playing other merchant classes.

I'm not trying to throw a ton of ideas to muddle the launch mixture, these are just something's I remember being annoying and since you seem to be willing to listen I'm happy to jot down things that can be taken on board perhaps at some point.

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:39 pm
by Quintoz
Talerco Pious wrote:Are we there yet?

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:47 pm
by Theodore
Everyone Else itching to play like me? Cant stop reading the forums every 2 minuets to see if any more news it out haha

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:26 pm
by Quintoz
Quintoz wrote:
Talerco Pious wrote:Are we there yet?
Update plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:46 pm
by Ondoher
Lets go already!

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:27 pm
by Percy
I'm bored open up.

Re: Who will play again? Playercount

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:53 pm
by blckfire
New guild system is looking good.

I'll post some more screenshots when I can. :D

I think you guys are going to like the new Recruiting System and how easy it'll be to manage your guilds/religions in comparison to how it was in the past.

One improvement is the possibility to choose multiple characters, and make changes to their titles or dismiss them from the guild. Same goes for recruits, allies and enemies.

No more going one by one until you're dead.