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Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:59 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
Johnny Walac wrote:I could have accepted Lawture if it wasn't for the fact that you kept raping Tekstone altar with 2 religions against one. If you would have used Lawture for defending purpose against Imperial taking cities, it would have been something different. Lawture is the most PvP hungry players on the Shard. Why else would you keep attacking our Temple when you had the upper hand of 2 religions?
A point you got there. There are still other ways to try first to fix this problem than just having Impstone. More guards, better altar area design etc.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:19 am
by Akkarrin
Mike wrote:There's been page after page of rational arguments about this, try to search the forums before asking.
the pages where tekapimp whined alot about unfairness of lawture whilst looking for any plausible rp way to justify tekapimp no matter how rediculous it was ? :P

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:27 am
by Akkarrin
Maximilian Lhoth wrote:
Johnny Walac wrote:I could have accepted Lawture if it wasn't for the fact that you kept raping Tekstone altar with 2 religions against one. If you would have used Lawture for defending purpose against Imperial taking cities, it would have been something different. Lawture is the most PvP hungry players on the Shard. Why else would you keep attacking our Temple when you had the upper hand of 2 religions?
A point you got there. There are still other ways to try first to fix this problem than just having Impstone. More guards, better altar area design etc.
what if every religion had a version of solitude? (i am so gonna regret suggesting that later...)

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:37 am
by Johnny Walac
Maximilian Lhoth wrote:
Johnny Walac wrote:I could have accepted Lawture if it wasn't for the fact that you kept raping Tekstone altar with 2 religions against one. If you would have used Lawture for defending purpose against Imperial taking cities, it would have been something different. Lawture is the most PvP hungry players on the Shard. Why else would you keep attacking our Temple when you had the upper hand of 2 religions?
A point you got there. There are still other ways to try first to fix this problem than just having Impstone. More guards, better altar area design etc.
All of those tome changes and script changes. Your player group made a player alliance to defend the cities against Imperial. But you also used this player alliance to gank Tekstone and then you are suprised when -we- make a player alliance? If you made Lawture alliance because of Imperial/Ap, then you shouldn't have used it against Tekstone. Very simple. Now we all have to deal with it. We countered your player alliance with another player alliance.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:47 am
by Quintoz
Just curious, what does this have to do with Town Siege and the machanisms? Let's focus on that instead of this back and forth about this alliance or that alliance.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:32 am
by Akkarrin
back on topic, heres a picture showing the sheer stupidity of a nighttime seige

yes that is a holy symbol in my bag i was thinking if there was just one person there i might get lucky and symbol might just make the difference (have no idea if that works)

the track was taken much closer to minoc, there was castiel 30 away tyrion 32 away and someone called slade bender 40 away that is at most 90P and two members from imp present in their "seige" and ofc they are going to get it because we all have lifes and as such require sleep, well not me in an engineer im up at 5:23 am doing work :P

its abusing the system imho, they win a town because we all slept.. on what term is that fair ?! the seige system was meant to encourage meaningful combat i thought like the fight for skara not this petty rp point greiving

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:42 am
by Vaux27
We live in a time zone that's currently 11:30PM Central and 12:30PM Eastern. Blame God, if you believe in him, for making such a large surface of land called earth. We were asleep when Lawture visited Ocllo the first time, after the Trinsic siege. Deal with it?

Also, your tracking is bad...and you should feel bad.


Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:44 am
by Talerco Pious
A law duder wrote:You do realize that pangnam's playerbase lives in different timezones, right?
Or you want us to wait till you wake up so we can start a siege? lol

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:46 am
by Akkarrin
you were all up and fine for trolling nature temple yet soon as it turns sleepy time for europe oh lets take 300 P to Minoc cause no one is about to stop us... Imps are serious repeat offenders of this

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:47 am
by Tyrion
You guys attacked four times. Nearly pushed us out one of those times. This is more of an IG issue than a OOC one. When we stopped you all from taking Magincia and retaking Skara, was that grieving too?