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Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:01 am
by Kassandra
I'm glad to see that you all have fun by saying that its dead this chard, today i was on and there was 10 online at that moment, this game is what you make it to be, at the same time i have to thank all that made a "lol" on my behave, there was a time that LAW was runing fine, but that was then, you all have fun.....

Former Law priest, Moongos

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:21 pm
by Atlantis
Andrew De'lere wrote: Atlantis as hp... Rp was, KINDA there (despite calling us all Teks ig) but he was always shit where it counted in pvp.
I'd love to see you proving that.
Anyway Akkarrin was and still is right, Law is dead thanks to tek.

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:51 am
by Richard Mota
Andrew De'lere wrote:Law was great while i was playing tbh.
We were fighting Tekstone like every single day and defending brit/doing big hunts and it had been a shitload stronger than it had been since Iva was in charge.

Moongos as hp, LOL.
Akkarrin as hp, LOL.
Atlantis as hp... Rp was, KINDA there (despite calling us all Teks ig) but he was always shit where it counted in pvp.

Law died, when Tekstone got killed (in the form of a few members being banned) and when the Tek Hp and Myself went back to Uni so stopped playing.
No criminals + no tek = wtf is the point in us playing our law chars. End of. Akkarrin you are a retard.
you know me and geryn used to not get along just like most of us due to my barbarian. once he got to know my monk he trust in me changed and he rp'd with me. i would have to say the strongest i seen law is right before he lost hp because of some in home issues. i know when we made faiths tome there was so many people at the alter we were standing 2-3 people high around the new hp. then shortly after some dumb decisions on his behalf it started going downhill. now once again theres have an hp that dislikes me for whatever reason and wouldnt let me back into law no matter of rp. not to flame just stating the facts, and correcting your post. ;)

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:52 pm
by Kent Strider
Atlantis wrote:
Andrew De'lere wrote: Atlantis as hp... Rp was, KINDA there (despite calling us all Teks ig) but he was always shit where it counted in pvp.
I'd love to see you proving that.
Anyway Akkarrin was and still is right, Law is dead thanks to tek.
No, Akkarrin is wrong, and the fact that you agree with him proves one thing, your just a noob.

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:22 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
Kassandra wrote:I'm glad to see that you all have fun by saying that its dead this chard, today i was on and there was 10 online at that moment, this game is what you make it to be, at the same time i have to thank all that made a "lol" on my behave, there was a time that LAW was runing fine, but that was then, you all have fun.....

Former Law priest, Moongos
Pang is probs rather fun as single player game as well =) (and this was NOT sarcasm) ... youngsters of nowadays are just so spoiled with their multiplayer stuff. =P

*goes back to playing Angband*

Which made me think of an idea. If Pangaea is some day closed, it'd be cool to get it all as freeware and play solo for nostalgy. .. uh, in all honesty I would even pay =)

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:32 pm
by Atlantis
Well dude, then the shard is feeded with noobs, guess what, there are no more noobs =)

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:07 pm
by Kent Strider
I like you alot Atlantis but the whole point of this game is for it to be a game. The people that took over Law are not Teks, they are Laws. Your not using roleplay at all in game when you call them Teks, all I got to say...

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:14 pm
by Atlantis
Dude I never stated that in any place, ever. The IG problem was that sudently 4 or 5 guys magivly apeared in Law with lots of piety that automaticly took control of the religion, there is no explanation about it. Andrews explanation IG was something like, winchester trusted us more than you all, live with it, blablabla. Just take my place and the others, that staid on the religion for so long and tried to work out to be trustfull and to mantain the religion, to see them appearing just like that... Well, there is no point to continue talking about it. It was Gms choise. End.

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:27 am
by Darian Darkmind
Heh, don't start something you can't end, then.

There could of been a hundred RP reasons, unlimited possibilities to pick. Perhaps we were some crusaders who finally returned back home? Perhaps we've "always" been there in Wincheter's army, just like some GM played characters during quests. Who knows, who cares, it wasn't our choise, but we did the best we could.

Andrew and I actually decided to play it the way we always tried during the Law/Tekstone alliance. In case you fellas didn't know Dennac stabbed Winchester during the Malas quest and ever since that there's been no sighting of Winchester. He is, or at least was dead. We liked to play it in Dennac's favour, we were Tekstone priests disguised as Law fellas, still praising Dennac. And the power's of winchester were just an echo of an old dead god. In truth our powers were given by Dennac 'acting' as winchester slowly polluting and completely corrupting the Law and in the end, the king - or queen now.

We had plenty of plans and goals to achieve when Seraph and Co decided to close the shard.

If it was up to us we'd still be in Tekstone. I'd still have 80 piety and we would of completely wiped Law out of existance, but guess what, Alteran didn't want that. He made us all Law and by doing so, as well as removing the looting, he completely removed the use of Law and thus killed the religion. We had to adapt. It had nothing do with us taking over the Law, in fact, in my honest opinion, we made it stronger than ever before even if it was just the few of us...

Re: what happenned!!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:51 am
by Alteran
it historie , lets keep it there.
Just blame me , because it was my desission totaly.
you just have to live with it or leave , that the chouises some leaders ,bosses , admins,politisions have to live with , might be wrong , might be right , but something had to be done to shake the bag.
