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Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:31 pm
by Kat Asherstone
This should be stickied so new players know exactly how people really feel on this server, I think that'd be the BEST advertisement we could give them

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:35 pm
by Tyrion
Kat Asherstone wrote:
Johnny Walac wrote:
Kat Asherstone wrote: no clue how people are still missing that point.
Pretty sure you are the one missing the point.
Pangaea Website wrote:A good combination of RP and PvP, giving everyone a chance to do their favourite thing.
You keep using that website quote about "good combination" when it's clearly not, if it was then we'd have more players RP'ing than crying "that'll unbalance PvP"
RP then and dispense with the babble.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:40 pm
by Kat Asherstone
I do, it usually just ends up being me and uhh me oh and uh that one guy that mid sentence walks away to go macro cause "we're wasting time" :roll:

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:47 pm
by Glarundis
Tyrion wrote:RP then and dispense with the babble.
Kat Asherstone wrote:I do, it usually just ends up being me and uhh me oh and uh that one guy that mid sentence walks away to go macro cause "we're wasting time" :roll:
exactly. that's why i hate when ppl just say "go rp yourself" when clearly you can't roleplay well if you're alone and no one else wants to do it.

i know we should rp for fun and not enforce it, but guess what, what happened to kat also happens to other ppl who want to rp a bit. you DON'T roleplay alone. you have to do it with other ppl. as soon as someone comes into the picture denying it all, it ruins the whole thing

the only difference is that i also like to pvp, but i really think we should think about the current state of rp.

how many ppl would have their 50p like they do now in the old days where there was true rp?how many actions wouldn't have led to piety drop instantly? it's a bunch of accusations here and there about the other side metagaming and trying to either find all the loopholes and abuse them or blame the other side for doing so..

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:53 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Glarundis wrote: the only difference is that i also like to pvp, but i really think we should think about the current state of rp.
I love PvP... but it doesn't fit with the RP of most of my characters... not going to let RP slide just to do some killings... as much as I'd like to sometimes.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:58 pm
by Glarundis
well i think ppl here aren't going to be so HC RP about it, even though we should.
what i think must be done is, there has to be a way to influence the world through RP. and atm there doesn't seem to be. let's face, what most ppl want is to destroy the opponent. i've said this countless times now. well, if we could do that through other means than just direct pvp, then we'd see those things being used more. be it pvm or rp. now we just need to find a way to make it happen like that

otherwise ppl aren't gonna rp because they think it's "a waste of time". unfortunately it's true. and unless we have a group of players actively rp'ing the others won't get to rp or even get back the will to do it.
i am not going to log in strictly for rp because i know there's no one to rp with.
but if i knew it was something constantly happening, i would log in just for the sake of rp!

imagine entering a tavern and it'd be full of ppl and you could simply rp etc (and we're talking just of "how's the weather" rp here, which doesn't even include the rp with religions and wars and whatever we do)

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:59 pm
by Ares
Kat had to take a little cool down period. Will be back in 3 days.

Just log in and RP. Lots of people still around for whom thats the most important thing. Nothing's stopping you from improving the RP atmosphere, doing events etc. Instead of raging, pointing fingers and blaming everyone else. Thats just childish and ignorant.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:08 pm
by Zaradon
Ares wrote: Just log in and RP. Lots of people still around for whom thats the most important thing.
Not many buddy, to be honest - the only valuable RP'ers are actually avoiding Pangaea and are pretty much gone.
The RP on Pang has gone from poor to plain retarded during the past few years.
PvM is being controlled/viewed all the time.
PvP is always been fun/nice and never restricted/nerfed.

For some reason, this has always been beyond me.
Ares wrote:Nothing's stopping you from improving the RP atmosphere, doing events etc.
There are players who enjoy ruining the fun for others on the shard. (intentionally)
But since it's next to impossible to prove anything (due to the old game) i guess we are just being restricted to a certain point.
Plus, RP is not being rewarded at all. PvM and PvM in the other hand, are - items.
Ares wrote:Thats just childish and ignorant.
Exactly my thoughts buddy, those players who think like that should be punished accordingly. Using RP excuses for PK kills in lame ways, if you ask me. PvM and PvP should be scolded apart when it comes to religions.
Nobody wants the drama after one "side" gets "robbed by enemy religion" while hunting?

You can't treat players like trash and favor one type more than the other.

I personally see that the PvP part of Pangaea, is favored much over everything. Specially RP.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:12 pm
by Glarundis
it's not even about doing events. it's about ppl roleplay just for the sake of roleplaying, without events or without piety

it's true that to a small extent we can do something about it, but when you're in a virtual world and someone else doesn't want to do something, how do you force them?you can't. so if ppl don't want to rp, we can't force them to. i guess this is the whole thing and why kat is so upset. if the state of rp is like this, maybe then the majority of players don't care for it, and there's simply nothing you can do about it because you can't force ppl to rp

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:16 pm
by Glarundis
and this brings me to what zara is talking about
there is reward for pvp and pvm, but not for rp?why?we can say that it can't be monitored and shit, but still there should be a true reward, more than just getting 50p and that's that.

do you think ppl would pvp or pvm if there would be nothing to reward it?perhaps they wouldn't.

we can also argue that "oh then rp will be virtual because ppl don't really wanna rp, they just want to get the reward". well, it's all a virtual world and it's the same with pvm and pvp