Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

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Rohan Koht
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Rohan Koht »

I haven't tried but I think guards can't be summoned in dungeons anymore. Or was that Kontrol? Or am I absolutely wrong?

Anyway, I agree that guards shouldn't be summoned just like that. Helping the law man or others that call for aid are okay, but putting guards where robbers usually hang or at dungeon's entrances shouldn't be allowed, using the same theory of the wall of stone not being allowed to lock the way out. It's just a gameplay killer.
Kent Strider

Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Kent Strider »

I completely agree with Rohan, and I also think he is right, guards can not be summoned in dungeons or to close to them either. Guards should only be summoned as a complete last resort measure.
Geryn Farodae
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Guards can be summoned IN dungeons, but must be a minimum of 15 tiles from either end of the entrance in every direction.

Guards usually get spawned in areas to try to block escaping for lame people who pokes someone with a spear, runs off giggling like a twit while everyone on the shard gives chase for 20 minutes before the bugger logs out.

That being said, that tactic for guards has never worked, atleast not for us. Imperial had a good idea once, and that was block off both edges of that huge bridge with two priests' casting guards at both end. The narrow confines made it a slaughter house.

Using spells like Wall to physically block an entrance is illegal in shard rules if I remember correctly. But face it, some of you are fast enough, that even if I had every 50 piety Law priest cast guards inside Vesper Graveyard (which is impossible, anyway, but bear with me), with enough speed, you could rather easily make it through.

Hell, even when I lagged, I could still run that narrow corridor on the western side of Luna from the moongate and not get killed. If Artificial Intelligence were given a much needed overhaul, and upgrade, then yes, certain restrictions should be placed. Unfortunately, though, unless you run like old people screw, or are sort of on the dim side, you're fine running through a pack of 5+ guards.

Guards are a last resort, Kent. Or atleast their intention is such. But if you're fighting 2 vs 1, and you're on the crappy side of the stick, it's nice to have a little backing. And as far as that goes, I once saw Darian run through ten guards at Britain, kill a Law priest with two hits, and STILL managed to get back out alive. Guards are dumb as paint, and you have to be equally dumb to get caught by them on a regular basis. Granted, mistakes are made as we are all aware that we are still human, regardless of the super Epeen powers, you could run right smack into a guard with 10 hp. It happens.
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Quintoz »

I think we should arrange for guard-fights in Luna's arena, like 1 law priest vs 1 imp priest and summons guards and we'll see who wins!.
Yeah my idea pwns!.

Stop the cuckening on Pang #MakePangGreat
Kent Strider

Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Kent Strider »

Actually I did some testing on the rite that turns people into chicken etc. Gaea's Punishment. You can't be turned into anything without animal corpses nearby, and if I'm not mistaken you must be the one who also killed it in order for anything to happen.
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