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Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:50 pm
by Corvus Albus
because he's that awesome - that's why

Ofcourse entered a gate to occlo with my nature priest and dicovered the hatred of their guards. Luckily survived.

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:42 am
by Ricardus
Well i have few embarassing situations on my behalf but i won't post them all lol.

When my first char was created, the person who showed me the game just gave me the basics but never told me about what was roleplay and that we had to do it... so i was ignored so many times that i ended up learning how to rp by my own lol.... there was hardly no player that interacted with me in game.
He never taught me that i should logout at the inn, so i used to logout in bank because i thought was safer hahaha
The same person never taught me about combat etc. so one day while i was going to the bank i found a dog and tried to kill it... the dog owned be prety easily!xD Later that day i found a bull near the brit fields and tried to kill it... i got journal spam of *laughs hard* etc.
One day i was adventuring and found the graveyard, there wore some robbers inside (i didn't knew what wore robbers back then lol) and they told me to take a gnarled staff and place it on the bank, wich i did, but i hadn't realized that one of them plagued me, and i plagued the hole town loool
But the worse thing that i did was few days after the plague incident i went exploring the forest near the swamp, i passed by brit nÂș2 bank (wich i tought that part of the city was already another city lol) and got killed by a reaper near the pirate fort, i couldn't find my way back, so i solved the problem by deleting that char! LOOOLL

So after that, i created ric and never repeated those mistakes again.

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:14 pm
by Zaradon
LOL @ Ric.

We had all our moments.

After i came back from the 2 years brake from Pangaea, well you know you still want to macro something before you begin with the 'l33t' stuff (i.e hunting/pvping)

So after i got my feet down myself i barely had any macros on my tailor so i tought i'd train some camping on him. However, i started the loop for every 10 seconds as 'lastobject' now that i was happy it to be working fine i forgot the fact that campfires pop out snakes - you may figure i died. Well then i went to the healer. (i had no macros set up, remember this)

When i was poisoned i died right before the door of the healer so i returned back to my corpse after res and had to shit myself.

The door kept opening on its own, i spammed the gms "Haha, very funny" aswell, as i tought one of them was making fun of me!

Before i realized that i didn't stop my loop every 10 seconds on 'lastobject' - it was too late.

Pity me :/

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:08 pm
by Masano
When I first started pang Bremm Sparkfist owned that big castle in Britain next to stables. He was an alchemist. I went in there with my noob char because he promised me some free stuff. As soon as I got inside he locked the doors. To cut a long story short he ended up beating my ostard to death with a club and holding me captive there for quite some time until Elu Daeron druid gated me out.

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:48 pm
by Jalel Emir
When i first started i was 11/12 years old. So my english was limited, so what i remember from back then, was me trying to "sigh" but the word looked wrong to me, so i wrote *Signs* instead.

I first joined Nature, but was kicked out from killing the blue vendors while being on UOAM with Ruben Argyle and Tysum (Irming and another guy)

I was also stoned by Tekstone near GY, I was just running around with them, and didnt know what they were about to do.
Few weeks later i was banished by tekstone, which threw my beloved knight on an island for about 2 months, so i created a new one, and started taming with a magic user instead. In fact i went all the way to 65, and tried to make him a tamer.

I fought a doppelganger who changed forms into one of the guys from nature, and i remember writing him on ICQ "OMG why do you attack me at snake pass? I didnt do anything to you, asshole!"

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:33 am
by Wolfie
Reviving this!

Hunting dragons, dieing, going to get regeared. Friend lends his rune book, I decide to use the one labeled "Rune Keep"... Recalled to the one in Brit, virtue guard comes and rapes my ass.. GG Wrongd :D\


Forgot, atleast his codex is in wrong now aswell! >:]