Swearwords and slang IG

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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by Mike »

To develop as a roleplayer you need to expand your vocabulary, it's that simple.
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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by Glarundis »

Jyrgen wrote:I honestly think google translator doesn't give you the eloquence to swear in 10+ different cool ways in English. Then again, maybe it's just my problem. Translating a word is one thing, but being eloquent really needs some English skills, not just dictionary. Maybe it's hard for you to see it though, cause you're a native English speaker, Tyrion. And not everyone is gifted with zomgish language abilities.
this is the truth.
google translate and dictionaries and even english classes can only do so much. to actually get in the hardcore stuff, expressions and the like (not all of them, of course) you need to live in the country or do much heavier research just for what represents like 0.001% of english language.
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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by Jyrgen »

Mike wrote:To develop as a roleplayer you need to expand your vocabulary, it's that simple.
It's not all about what you SAY (or how you say it), but what you DO also... But sure, being proficient in English surely would help.
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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by KrondorZuula »




these ones seem to date back pretty far, so it would be nice to know how early pang is dated.


http://sanityfound.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... ear-words/

edit: The Renaissance was roughly around the 14th-17th century, and we used to run UO: Renaissance, so i am curious what era we are at.
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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

KrondorZuula wrote:edit: The Renaissance was roughly around the 14th-17th century, and we used to run UO: Renaissance, so i am curious what era we are at.
"the era of knights, dragons, cunts and pussies"
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Jyrgen wrote:
Mike wrote:To develop as a roleplayer you need to expand your vocabulary, it's that simple.
It's not all about what you SAY (or how you say it), but what you DO also... But sure, being proficient in English surely would help.
If RP was all about actions, then all of us are awesome RPers simply because we play the game. However, we both know that's not the case. The great RPers use words to express their opinions, feelings and emotes. Anything he cannot do IG due to a lot of game restrictions, he does in a RP story, in an imaginary world of his own mind where there are no other limitations but his own creativity. That said RP is more than just words, but it's more words than just actions because actions are just playing the game whereas words build your character starting from your name to your history, your passion and feelings. So unless you RP a mute, Mike is correct and you should expand your vocabulary... and even if a mute, you can still show your feelings through words by doing emotes or tell your history by doing RP stories. You cannot be a great RPer - at least not in english - if you don't know the words.

Anyway, to the topic, try to be more imaginative. Instead of calling someone a "pussy", you can say something equally insulting as "Grow a pair of stones boy and step out once you're a man!".

I agree though that I don't think "shit" is a bad word as long as it's used correctly.

Anyway, here's a few common ones I think should be alright to use:
Whore - use with caution, either as an insult "Son of a whore", "Your mother was a whore", or when actually speaking of whores... which I don't think we have any IG.

Also, here's for some creativity.

Also what comes to the era we're living in, when playing in Pangaea, or UO altogether don't try to think about mediveal times because these are two different times. We're living in the era when there were magic, dragons and gods. I would say we live in a modern fantasy time: We have potions with huge explosions. We have cannons on the wall. We have better health care than in a modern world. We have tinkered mounts that doesn't pollute. We are in many ways more advanced than IRL.
Last edited by Darian Darkmind on Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:10 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by xHarlequinx »

Why are people defending the use of badly roleplayed language? Why is "shiiit" any better than "damn" or "curses"? Especially for religious folks, these requirements should be particularly strict IMO.

There are only a limited number of swear words and slang out there, not hard to go find one or two words that replace those.
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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by Vaux27 »

It's just words fellas, change it up some. It always depends on the situation but curse words were never a huge part of Pang from what I remember.

I agree with a little bit more strict RP IG with some wording, we are a RP shard after all.
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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by Athan01 »

Ares wrote:Man, didn't expect you guys to be so passionate about it.

Of course it depends on the situation, and of course there's leniency involved. But seeing a HP exclaiming "shiiiiit", or a priest shouting pussy because he couldn't get a victim to leave his house to kill him is not ok in my book,
I don't see whats wrong with saying shit. It just really hits the nail on the head sometimes trying to get a point across as to how much. I won't be able to say the shit has hit the fan anymore! (although looking more depth into this one did fans exist back in the medieval times?)

I can't honestly think of any replacements for the word that aren't cheesy. Let me try though ...
Ge wiz
oh oh spaghetti-o?

I totally get the point of this thread with all ages of players playing and to keep some sort of maturity within the speech IG.

Damnit darra beat me to making this point about shit already, i hadn't read that many posts in...
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Re: Swearwords and slang IG

Post by Palma »

If you're out of things to forbid, how bout you forbid the wrong usage of emotes? like
*thinks about what to do next*
*remembers he didn't bring his weapon*
*wonders why the lights don't go out*

I myself am against curse words as long as they are for insulting.
I won't stop saying shit in many situations. It's funny and many many times when i'm about to die there's no better word to say then "shit".
Cunt on the other hand, is a word meant only to insult. So definately against that one. Etc
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