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Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:29 pm
by Mike
Kat Asherstone wrote:
Cirius Do'Brim wrote:
RP isn't attractive and there's nothing new in that.
Yeah except I can get more players here with the promise of RP than with the promise of "You can murder other players"
I mean I could almost guarantee an extra 15-20 players if I knew for a fact I wasn't just handing them over to be killed by people that don't even want to RP with them before hand.
I have a few on the line right now wanting to play but afraid that their first day playing will be like my other friends where he was plauged, re-plauged, killed and left to have his corpse camped by bearers because "that's within the rules", screenshots turned in and instead of busting the player for abusing the system under the asshole rule... we just remove the asshole rule instead... and people try and say that we aren't a PvP shard.

They don't want to chance spending 3 hours playing to have fun and roleplay when they will only be treated like a targeting dummy.
All right, let's make a deal. You claim you can almost guarantee an extra 15-20 people. Let's see you bring 10 new active players to the shard.

I pledge to you that I will personally and without hesitation excommunicate any Tekstone member who plagues one of your new players within the first three weeks of character creation. To verify that you have been able to keep up with your side of the deal, you will PM the account names of "your" new players to a GM, who will be the third party. A screenshot of a plagueing in game sent to me or to a GM will serve as evidence of a Tekstone member violating the deal.

You up for it bro?

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:29 pm
by Ares
I personally think this end-all, be-all view of RP is weird. RP is part of the game, it's what creates immersion in many cases. Just like PvP and PvM does. They're tools.

I don't understand this "the old RP was much better, and my RP is better than yours" thing. This is a game, first of all, and we're here to have fun. If you enjoy RP and that's your fun, work on that aspect. But don't get upset about others enjoying the other aspects, or start raging about the shard being a russian PK shard or whatever. Come on, that's just insulting, and an annoying holier-than-thou attitude.

Pangaea is a mix of RP, PvP and PvM. So all this fuss about RP being the most important thing is wrong imo. It's never been a hardcore RP server.

We're all older and not the same people we were 10 years ago. While RP helps making the game more fun, it's certainly not the most important thing for me personally anymore. It used to be. It's
still a fun part of the game though, absolutely.

I'm just speaking personally here, not expressing a common opinion of the staff or anything.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:49 pm
by Mike
Also, people do sort of RP without any reward. At least, not a reward of immediate in-game benefit. You might build relationships with other characters that will grant your character more power and influence over time. Most of the time however, RP is just done for its own entertainment value. I am not speaking of Pangaea, however. Hopefully this will not be seen as promoting another server on our forums - it's a different game alltogether.

Just one example of an NWN roleplay server. It's RP, PvM, and PvP with PvP rules quite similar to our own. I've played NWN for thousands of hours over the years, 80% of the time has been spent roleplaying. What's the difference when compared to Pangaea?

Well, for one the interface is more suited to RP. Easier to keep track of the in-game chat, it's a 3d game with graphics allowing more individuality and so on. More importantly, the material rewards for grinding tend to run dry relatively quickly. You can hit a certain level and buy the best gear - after that, experience and gold turns pointless. GM-player and player-player interaction is what makes the game fun. Your RP because that's what you do, there's little benefit in doing anything else. PvM beyond a certain point happens because you run a story with some players, you want to use it as a backdrop for RP (let's go out and kill the ogres because X) or as part of a GM event.

PvP is the part that is problematic. On Pang we kill people and take their gear - with recent additions, we can also take their territory. PvP has never really developed well on most NWN persistant worlds. Imagine where everything is in character and serious; if you take hostile action against a character, he'll remember it forever and respawn after dying. In the long run, death is much less severe than being condemned by the public in such an environment.

That's really the beauty of Pang, the struggle for power, prestige and resources. The RP tends to be lackluster because RP is just a backdrop to achieve those core ambitions.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:12 am
by Ivan
Imo its stupid to be bickering about stuff like this. Pangaea has all three aspects pvp,pvm and rp none of them have lesser part in the actual gameplay unless you wish not to take part in it.

There are few players on pangaea completely for RP purposes still (if you know wayfarers get in contact with them). Besides of that matter pvp is entertaining where as imo pvm has turned more or less frustrating over the years. But even still whole idea of pangaea is that its a combination of all of these three, if you dont play one of them fine with me, but i certainly do and i keep playing on pangaea because it provides all these three things.

So if you want a realistic picture of pangaea, its more like have fun in PVP, PVM and RP. If any of these gets removed, atleast i will leave pangaea the instant, there will be nothing left of this unique shard.

Besides of that if you go around saying that there is no rp on the shard, you'll start believing in it yourself, so stop it and go find someone to rp with.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:09 pm
by Vaux27
The moral of it all, if you wanna complain and whine about no balance with videos on the website, make videos for the website. No need for that mess, especially considering we have a dynamic player base that hunts, PvPs and RPs.

If you don't like certain aspects of the shard, learn to coexist, or you know...kick rocks. Just sayin.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:04 am
by Palma
Hey guys! I tried to compile the best about Pangaea's PVP. I'm sorry if I let anything out.

Hope you enjoy! ...

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:09 am
by Peyotey
Palma wrote:Hey guys! I tried to compile the best about Pangaea's PVP. I'm sorry if I let anything out.

Hope you enjoy! ...

Haha, salty I see?

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:16 am
by Biggs
Nice work cant see the journal though, watching pvp battles is what you can see in the journal half the time

- Biggs

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:43 am
by Ivan

Lastest Video from me, so far imo best.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:39 am
by Daren Priesten
Twas a good battle! I had fun. Ivan greater boosted you sonnafoabotch! AND had druid blesses.. Ah if only we had those too :o