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Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:16 pm
by Ivan
Ares since players have no knowledge of how the actual decision making works, we cant realy say yay or nay about these changes you are talking. I expect it to be as Cruxis said aswell that you simply check the proof and decide with it if the actions were correct or illegal. I cant find anything more to that. For a player like me who knows the rules mostly outcluding special cases i think it'd take 30 seconds after getting the pictures to decide whether its legal or illega. Unless there is no more proof to change the point that statement should stay.

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:20 pm
by Hilda
Cruxis Bane wrote:Honestly its a simple check list to go through...

Did the ss get posted in time frame site says
Does the pictures have halt on the screen with the victim in it.
Does the victim run.
If victim doesnt is there proper rp done stating reasons etc.
Are the passages if in a dungeon unblocked before and during rp.
Any special rules that need to be assessed or screens from the victim.

Thats a rough list which takes just couple mins to go through.
It's not as easy as it sounds. You can put yourself(the attacker) in a position where from your point of view things LOOK completly legal, but from the point of view of the victim, he saw nothing coming. Also, everytime there's a grey line that's made black, another grey line appears for players to see if they can cross it.

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:28 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Dillon wrote: Here some things i think could solve problems here: (some are forgotten)

- The attacker should provide the prove to make the attack legal, if the prove is not enlightening, the attack is ilegal. (video, ss, etc...)
- The attackers should keep the victim loot intact until GMs decision.

Now the GMs should be impartials, corrects, and forget their pass ig afiliations.
This, should be a great step for helping to ensure legal attacks... if the attacker cannot prove it was legal, he should be punished. No reason to place the burden of proof on the guy who's trying to defend himself... especially new players as they might not even know HOW to take a screenshot

Keeping the loot around intact allows the GM to simply return the items if the attack is found to be "bad", and if the players stuff is destroyed or not "found"... item wipe the attacker and give the player a "recompense" of a set amount

and the final one is of KEY IMPORTANCE... becoming a GM is a very hard step... you are severing all connections with the "realm" as a player, and becoming a God... when that happens your player account should be wiped, banned... whatever to ensure you have no reason to come back as a player or that coming back will put you back as new... not established...
might as well be a GM by night and a player by day if that's the case.

No poll for #5? Is that a mistake or?

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:39 pm
by Ares
Dillon wrote:If some player found a way to pass by some situation, change the rule
What do you think this topic is about?

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:43 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Ares wrote:
Dillon wrote:If some player found a way to pass by some situation, change the rule
What do you think this topic is about?
I think he's speaking about "the future"
like a suggestion... one which, we're doing right now.
I'm pretty sure this a "language barrier" moment...
not to stick words in someone elses mouth, he seems to have some pretty good insight imho, I think that part was more of a flub

he just missed the part of "if some player found a way to pass by some situation, change the rule... like we're trying to do here, lets keep that as a rule for sure!" :D

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:55 pm
by Cruxis Bane
I was just speaking from my experience both as a player and as a gm. It was just the way I viewed if you dont like it fine ignore it.

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:34 pm
by Masano
If its a minority of players causing the majority of problems then Id say just hit them with heavy jail time or ban them even if they are 'grey areas'. I think people would get better at avoiding grey areas after a months account & forum jail.

No-one has a right to play here and its unfair/wrong that so much of the staffs time must be spent on PvP issues when they could be improving other aspects of the shard. These most recent polls just highlight the sorry state of affairs we have- where the whole playerbase is having to choose between different aspects of the shard to lose so that more of the staffs time is freed up for other things, its madness.

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:48 pm
by Athan01
Masano wrote:If its a minority of players causing the majority of problems then Id say just hit them with heavy jail time or ban them even if they are 'grey areas'. I think people would get better at avoiding grey areas after a months account & forum jail.
Would you say that if it was players on both sides of the fight that were to blame for this? But yes I agree with what you for once daniel ;p

To me it is the players that need to stop bitching and I majorly agree with what boris said. One thing that the rules state is that the gms decision is final on everything afaik - if anyone has a problem with the gms decisions (as they are not always clear cut decisions) go back to the old system of marking their account and jailing them for a few days. My point; gms decision is final & and only person to overrule that should be the general admin which in this case is Ares.
I remember in repsaks time if you complained and you were wrong you got your account marked - this should be introduced with force and it would fairly solve the problem. People might think twice about questioning gms decisions if they got a 7day jail and account marked.
The same should go with any metagaming cases - 7day jail no questions asked. The staff are too soft at the minute.

Looting rules are an awful idea, metagaming should be taken more seriously.
Religion damage to allys of enemy religions would solve the problem currently aswell as removing solitude - give people less to whine about.
The problem I see with this is that gear matters too much to people as this pretty much their other life - people lose gear, people whine.

Just start being strict as hell and handing out week long jails over anything illegal regarding pvp - I think you gms will have alot less heartache.

Metagaming is a big problem from what I can see but its due to the shard being split in 2 separate forces (the guild/religion tags are ultimately irrelvent, each religion has 2 allied guilds and both fight as one force. I don't know how you's can get around that one as too often i've seen alts of players I have enemy characters scouting and im pretty sure it happens on both sides?

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:13 pm
by Dillon
Masano wrote:If its a minority of players causing the majority of problems then Id say just hit them with heavy jail time or ban them even if they are 'grey areas'. I think people would get better at avoiding grey areas after a months account & forum jail.

No-one has a right to play here and its unfair/wrong that so much of the staffs time must be spent on PvP issues when they could be improving other aspects of the shard. These most recent polls just highlight the sorry state of affairs we have- where the whole playerbase is having to choose between different aspects of the shard to lose so that more of the staffs time is freed up for other things, its madness.
Ok lets start mark and ban the players who like to pvp here. I think this solve everything. A pvp player have the same value as pvm player. All of us are important for the shard, and the GMs can be gods can make whetever they want but as GM i would love to see a 50 online shard than a 10 online.

All of you are missing the big point here. Imo what should be done is a system, a concept that keep pvp on the leash with stricted rules, something to solve the cronical problems. ... player-pvp

This is what GMs should analyze, change (if needed), and make sure players respect it. Not bring looting rules, or items insurances (they are the same btw), restrict guild to pvp. That will kill the shard, and come to GMs to understand it and create a pvp concept to make pvp fair, simple and fun for all of us. Its not complicate. Im able to bring ideas and try to help.

Re: The ridiculous state of PvP

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:08 pm
by Percy
Athan01 wrote: if you complained and you were wrong you got your account marked - this should be introduced with force and it would fairly solve the problem. People might think twice about questioning gms decisions if they got a 7day jail and account marked.
The same should go with any metagaming cases - 7day jail no questions asked. The staff are too soft at the minute.

Oh god please this.

Look, if you guys can't handle being bitched and accused of something by the opposing side, then gtfo. I got bored of loosing my gear every time I ran past Tekstone or Imperial so I left Law. It's simple if you can't handle it, move on.