Consistency in roleplay?

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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Ares »

Kat Asherstone wrote:I don't necessarily agree with the ban to be honest, while I do disagree with Mike
It's understandable to go overboard when you believe someone is attacking YOU, and not the character.
I'm just sayin, most people would have reacted the same way if they felt the same way and I think that should give credence to a lower punishment.
Calling you and your ideas gay is unacceptable. Mike is on a permanent probation (with me at least) in the first place. He contributed nothing but bad atmosphere to the discussion.
And as I said, he's welcome to talk to the higher-ups about the punishment.

Let's continue on topic, direct anything else regarding this to my inbox.

Edit: I lowered his IG punishment to 3 days because of Kat. Forum is still 7 days though.
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Kent Strider
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Kent Strider »

I would like to commend Kat for making this topic, although I am guilty of changing my characters attitude quite a bit as well it is nice to see someone that really cares.
Kat Asherstone
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Kat Asherstone »

Kent Strider wrote:I would like to commend Kat for making this topic, although I am guilty of changing my characters attitude quite a bit as well it is nice to see someone that really cares.
da fuq just happened :shock:
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Kent Strider
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Kent Strider »

I commended your role-playing ability, or at least the topic at hand.
Kat Asherstone
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Kat Asherstone »

Kent Strider wrote:I commended your role-playing ability, or at least the topic at hand.
I just meant Kent coming out of the blue like that and not being "Kent" like.... if ya know what I mean... don't you have alters to be dumpin on?
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Glarundis »

ok back on topic. do we need some sort of reward to be able to roleplay?roleplay itself should be fun and rewarding. there were times when i just liked to log in and do nothing else but talk and find ppl around town. or just live a cozy quiet life with my farm. that didn't involve "playing" the game like, pvp, pvm and stuff, but it was fun and there was atmosphere. now, it seems that i can no longer enjoy it, because it seems there's no "real consequences" to it. it's like you find a person and you try to do something about it, but it's just 2 guys in the middle of 50 and can those two guys survive for long doing IG RP?only if they have a lot of free time for a lot of days to come and prepare many things. things like going to the tavern, discussing IG things (politics/religion/etc), etc.. how do we make ppl (myself included) want to rp just for the sake of rp? rping alone sucks (unless you're rping alone with something global in mind) and to make it last, it needs a decent number of players involved so that it just won't be a party once a month or something
Kat Asherstone
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Kat Asherstone »

Glarundis wrote:ok back on topic. do we need some sort of reward to be able to roleplay?roleplay itself should be fun and rewarding. there were times when i just liked to log in and do nothing else but talk and find ppl around town. or just live a cozy quiet life with my farm. that didn't involve "playing" the game like, pvp, pvm and stuff, but it was fun and there was atmosphere. now, it seems that i can no longer enjoy it, because it seems there's no "real consequences" to it. it's like you find a person and you try to do something about it, but it's just 2 guys in the middle of 50 and can those two guys survive for long doing IG RP?only if they have a lot of free time for a lot of days to come and prepare many things. things like going to the tavern, discussing IG things (politics/religion/etc), etc.. how do we make ppl (myself included) want to rp just for the sake of rp? rping alone sucks (unless you're rping alone with something global in mind) and to make it last, it needs a decent number of players involved so that it just won't be a party once a month or something

Do we need a system of reward... yes.
Why? Well each system in the game currently rewards players somehow.
PvP - Epeen you literally get to say things like I beat so and so in a fight wahoo, but there is also gear that can be gained or the spoils of war.
PvE - Simple, gold and items
Rp - You get to have fun as long as others are roleplaying... wait there it is!

Suggestion: Make it so that a GM can give to a player, or we can make a council that gives out "points" those points can be given to another player, not yourself!
You get to then use those points to reward other players for their RP... if you think it's good enough
NOW we would have a way that each and EVERY player would be able to be judge and jury on roleplay
perhaps the points can be exchanged for a quest deed of 1 per X points

I personally could care less about the loot, and it might be abusable by some creative sets of players and all, but I think that it could have a potential to at least give a credible thing for compensation for the roleplay.... but then again it's gotta be good enough that the OTHER guy wants to give you that point...
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Iktomi »

Kat Asherstone wrote: Suggestion: Make it so that a GM can give to a player, or we can make a council that gives out "points" those points can be given to another player, not yourself!
You get to then use those points to reward other players for their RP... if you think it's good enough
NOW we would have a way that each and EVERY player would be able to be judge and jury on roleplay
perhaps the points can be exchanged for a quest deed of 1 per X points

I personally could care less about the loot, and it might be abusable by some creative sets of players and all, but I think that it could have a potential to at least give a credible thing for compensation for the roleplay.... but then again it's gotta be good enough that the OTHER guy wants to give you that point...
Definitely something (or variations of) that we've discussed multiple times. Working on reworking the loot system at the moment, but then we could re-explore the idea of some sort of rp-reward "system".
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Raemonn »

To latch onto this new discussion: my main objection to any such system is the rather arbitrary and normative nature of "good roleplay". You either play a role, or you don't. You might play an unambitious, uncreative, boring, plain and inconsistent character, but as long as the player acknowledges a divide between "IC" and "OOC" they're already roleplaying.

We recently had this bloke running around and posting on the forum who failed to note the difference. That's poor roleplay, because he wasn't. But if he had/is acknowledging the difference between IC and OOC, would he be a "good" roleplayer? What's good, what's bad? You tell me.

I'm cool beans for any and all attempts to promote roleplaying, but I seriously doubt that there is a) a real actual problem, and b) there's any way to actually solve it, if there was one.
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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Post by Johnny Walac »

In my opinion it is up to the players/counselors themself to create a better RP environment. We can create our own RP events/stories to keep the quality up. Shouldn't need GM intervention. The staff should focus on the game itself, more and new content to keep the majority of the playerbase interested.
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