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Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:40 am
by Johnny Walac
Palma wrote:Hey guys! I tried to compile the best about Pangaea's PVP. I'm sorry if I let anything out.

Hope you enjoy! ...
"Thousand of battle experiences"

You don't even equip your weapon, bro.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:52 am
by Ivan
Daren Priesten wrote:Twas a good battle! I had fun. Ivan greater boosted you sonnafoabotch! AND had druid blesses.. Ah if only we had those too :o
Yarr you didnt wonder at all how i was able to fight 1v4 against AG at times? :D

PS: Check around 37 minutes, now i know how zarek feels like in pvp.

EDIT: After checking crins vid, first time you come out of hiding and go after peyo, run east side of the buildings and then back off you can see someone on the right edge of the screen. I it was think Luke Azevedo, 10 seconds later when you go again to east side of the building you drop. Luke hadnt moved an inch so thats where the soli came from.

EDIT2: Yea the onyx dbs is in backpack not in hand, had to check several times because 480p aint realy so good quality.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:08 am
by Darion al'Ferran
Johnny Walac wrote:
Palma wrote:Hey guys! I tried to compile the best about Pangaea's PVP. I'm sorry if I let anything out.

Hope you enjoy! ...
"Thousand of battle experiences"

You don't even equip your weapon, bro.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:09 am
by Ares
Palma wrote:Hey guys! I tried to compile the best about Pangaea's PVP. I'm sorry if I let anything out.

Hope you enjoy! ...

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:35 pm
by Talerco Pious
Palma wrote:Hey guys! I tried to compile the best about Pangaea's PVP. I'm sorry if I let anything out.

Hope you enjoy! ...
You left out your weapon

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:38 pm
by Palma
Woah! I'm surprised!
The idea of the movie was to be funny and most actually found it funny! Only few threw me down. Usually there's more xD

The Thousands of years experience and stuff is just to create that effect "what's going to happen" and to make people attentive and get that sudden WTF xD To create the solitas hit more funny.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:53 pm
by Tyrion
Darion al'Ferran wrote:
Johnny Walac wrote:
Palma wrote:Hey guys! I tried to compile the best about Pangaea's PVP. I'm sorry if I let anything out.

Hope you enjoy! ...
"Thousand of battle experiences"

You don't even equip your weapon, bro.
I thought the intro 8 seconds in: "Thousands of battle experience" coupled with the ending was bestest :D.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:32 pm
by Peyotey
Ignorance is Bliss.

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:49 pm
by Talerco Pious
Chivay wrote:Album of roleplay screenies by Darian:

Mainly from the time when Tekstone was allied to Law.
Quoting this from the IG pics thread since it's relevant

Re: PvP/RP videos - shard advertising

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:58 am
by Kat Asherstone
Mike wrote:
Kat Asherstone wrote:
Cirius Do'Brim wrote:
RP isn't attractive and there's nothing new in that.
Yeah except I can get more players here with the promise of RP than with the promise of "You can murder other players"
I mean I could almost guarantee an extra 15-20 players if I knew for a fact I wasn't just handing them over to be killed by people that don't even want to RP with them before hand.
I have a few on the line right now wanting to play but afraid that their first day playing will be like my other friends where he was plauged, re-plauged, killed and left to have his corpse camped by bearers because "that's within the rules", screenshots turned in and instead of busting the player for abusing the system under the asshole rule... we just remove the asshole rule instead... and people try and say that we aren't a PvP shard.

They don't want to chance spending 3 hours playing to have fun and roleplay when they will only be treated like a targeting dummy.
All right, let's make a deal. You claim you can almost guarantee an extra 15-20 people. Let's see you bring 10 new active players to the shard.

I pledge to you that I will personally and without hesitation excommunicate any Tekstone member who plagues one of your new players within the first three weeks of character creation. To verify that you have been able to keep up with your side of the deal, you will PM the account names of "your" new players to a GM, who will be the third party. A screenshot of a plagueing in game sent to me or to a GM will serve as evidence of a Tekstone member violating the deal.

You up for it bro?
No Mike, I am not up for bringing players in for you guys to run out, it's like I told Ares in a PM... I have SS's of things that were turned into staff SHOWING players being run off by certain people and the GM response was "Oh it was RP'd sorry they skirt the rules" to which I responded by pointing to the Asshole rule... the GM refused to punish under that rule, which is his right to do... but just shows that it's not worth it..
The fact that you want X in exchange for Y just shows that if anything, you're not up for it taking the first step, and that's fine I don't expect 90% of the shard to take the first step unless they get something out of it

BUT that being said, I have offered to Staff many times my time in running an RP school for people who want to enhance their RP under the guise of an "acting school".. I have offered to quit being a player and spend my time creating RP events/dungeons or things to enhance that... I was told "WE don't do that position here"
So sorry, I've taken my first steps several times and had players/staff stand in the way... the fact that people see this as a "holier than thou" rather than a "stop dicking the new players" just further proves my point.

I will probably be done even attempting to stand up for the RP or the new guys, if you guys want to kick them around that's fine...have it, it seems like staff is fine with it so who am I to say not to?
No one.