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Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:49 am
by Andoriel
so basicly if I was a red player, but not in imp(and not agresive to imp) would imp town guards attack me?

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:53 am
by Quintoz
Andoriel wrote:so basicly if I was a red player, but not in imp(and not agresive to imp) would imp town guards attack me?
Yupp they need to cast alliance on you.

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:35 am
by Boris
Good morning, Vietnam!

*drinks his morning coffee*

So where do we start?
What was the reason for this change?
I think it's obvious. I'm sorry if you or others have gotten used to hippy-Pangea or pussy-Pangea. To explain the situation, here's something I've explained earlier aswell.

The past is Pangaea 1.
We are Pangaea 1,5.
The future was Pangaea 2.

Q: Are you building P2 on P1 engine?
A: Never in a thousand years.

Q: What direction the shard going?
A: We are not going forward towards the ways of P2, but instead backwards to the times of P1.

The first thing changed was looting. I mean, it was gold and gems, that's not Pangaea I know. When those looting rules were expanded, it only favored the bad guys. If you look how easy you have it on this Pangaea compared to those "good old days" everyone talks about, this is pussy-Pangaea. You have guards protecting you? You have religions taking you out of Wrong? You have religions taking you of stone? Come on.

If you did not see this coming, I'm sorry - and if you're used to the pussy-Pangaea that's been running for a few years, I'm sorry again. When you look at the facts...

a) Reds still have it easy.
b) Robbers still have it easy.

When you compare yourselves to what it could be or what it should be, you're still having it easy. Sure the lives of robbers was made harder, but it's still easy. You have a religion behind you, helping you with Wrong and stone.
Back in the old days there wasnt a 3 Religion Alliance that fought against the robbers. It's actually harder now but with less loot.
That's where we cut in aswell. Consider it history.
Suggestion: Make this apply only to spawned guards and not summoned guards.
All updates are coming your way, so the big picture can't be seen yet.
*all the questions about PvP and/or robbing*
If you do not understand the difference between PvP and robbing, rephrase your question and ask again.

- Boris

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:21 am
by Darian Darkmind
Monad wrote:Athan, it have happened many times that different robber gangs go hide in Imp or Teks guard zone after robberis or after manhunt. It needed a change and it's the sole reason for the change. Agree or not but this was unanimous decision by the staff and I believe we see a bit more than what players see.
The robbers were allowed to go hide behind our guards. Imperial guards were a different story but ultimately that should be up to them as well.

Also, all the three robber guilds used to fight against each other until the past few days when our enemies grew too large in numbers.

I don't really mind myself, to be honest. Next logical step, however, is full-looting. When things go back to how they were, as it now did, that robbers were truly outlawed with no friends to rely on, full-loot must come back to picture as well.

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:17 am
by Boris
Darian Darkmind wrote:I don't really mind myself, to be honest. Next logical step, however, is full-looting. When things go back to how they were, as it now did, that robbers were truly outlawed with no friends to rely on, full-loot must come back to picture as well.
By quoting my favorite music group, "Step by step".

- Boris

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:36 pm
by Boris
Sorry, missed this one.
cridan wrote:once you have the status 'robber' how long do you have it for ?everytime you log on or once you have it you have it for life? how do you get rid of it and can you get rid of it? just to clear some stuff up for me
If you want to be a robber, we tag you and it sticks. If you no longer want to be a robber, okay, we take the tag away. It's permanent, but can be removed.

If you're afraid to be tagged forever, that's not the case.

- Boris

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:27 pm
by Zaradon
Scenario 1;

A robbers ask B religion to slay some people in the name of items. A robbers do all the RP and B religion helps A robbers to kill their prey. A robbers loot the prey


Scenario 2;

B religion asks A robbers to slay some people in the name of items. B religion does the RP with the victim, B religion and A robbers loot the prety.


Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:30 pm
by Wille
Zaradon wrote:Scenario 1;

A robbers ask B religion to slay some people in the name of items. A robbers do all the RP and B religion helps A robbers to kill their prey. A robbers loot the prey


Scenario 2;

B religion asks A robbers to slay some people in the name of items. B religion does the RP with the victim, B religion and A robbers loot the prety.

Any help from non-robbers in a robbery with the new system renders the robbery illegal. If there is clear abuse, those will be dealt with separately.

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:35 pm
by Zaradon
Does that apply for religions/blue chars?

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:37 pm
by Monad
Religions stay totally out of robberies. It should be clear already. If they are involved its a piety drop or excommunication.