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Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:47 pm
by Wille
Zaradon wrote:Does that apply for religions/blue chars?
It applies to everyone. Robber status has nothing to do with blue/red, you can be blue and acquire robber status. (Though you probably won't stay blue for long)

If you're thinking about situations like two blue players being robbed, then suddenly the other blue player helps kill the other that would in the strict sense render the robbery illegal, you're thinking about abuse that will be dealt with accordingly.

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:53 pm
by Biggs
Pointing out individuals who are to be announced enemys, and acceptable to looting rules from a religions still permitted? or is this not the case anymore and only those on the religion altar stated as an enemy guild excepted as legal kills?

If only enemy guild can be looted / classed as legal kill, would it be a special case and need to be reviewed and accepted before such event roll out to particular individuals?

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:14 pm
by Athan01
This all seems very restrictive and like it will need heavy gm monitoring - I hope marks are thrown out every time a false accusation of illegal things are handed out none of this slap on the wrist warning crap. Think monad made it quite clear with his topic it was going that way would like to see it followed through

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:29 pm
by Ivan
I would be ok with this if there was even a single place that i could macro peacefully, so far it still pisses me off that law can kill us into our houses even while we macro harmlessly.

Robber life aint supposed to be too easy, but seriously break down that 3 religion alliance since you applied this kind of thing unallowing us to fight along side tekstone.

Killing and looting nature and getting 3d imp up your arse aint nice. Just refering to old case when i still used 2d client until i got pissed off by these 3d guys for a certain reason.

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:47 pm
by Atlantis
Ivan wrote:I would be ok with this if there was even a single place that i could macro peacefully, so far it still pisses me off that law can kill us into our houses even while we macro harmlessly.
Happen to me twice, the third time i'll report as asshole rule. Since we are in locked doors and they wont be able to loot, they are not doing their job, their are simply destroying other player game.

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:06 pm
by Kent Strider
Imo if your inside your house and no one has reported robbing as of the past hour or so, the person should be left alone - considered not in the house.

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:11 pm
by Glarundis
Monad wrote:What Wille said earlier is quite clear:
Any provocation of a player to give their items with a threat included for failure to give them is considered robbing. Simple killing with no material demands is not robbing
If you wish to rob you must make a demand. If you do not make a demand, you cannot loot in terms of robbing either. Looting rules between guilds and religions are of course an exception.
No exceptions.

so hmmm.. telborea made an announcement that they will kill anyone on sight. does that mean they'll loot?because if they do, isn't it illegal then?considering that, to rob you must ask for items. but according to that rp, they just go in, kill on sight (because you are not telborean citizen)
so, what abou this?

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:24 pm
by Boris
Glarundis wrote:so hmmm.. telborea made an announcement that they will kill anyone on sight. does that mean they'll loot?because if they do, isn't it illegal then?considering that, to rob you must ask for items. but according to that rp, they just go in, kill on sight (because you are not telborean citizen)

so, what abou this?

- Boris

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:30 pm
by Boris
It's very simple.

If you're a robber, and you rob (or assist or support them), get yourself flagged.

If you don't, you don't.

If you rob unflagged (or assist or support them), we rape you.

- Boris

Re: Q&A: Robber status

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:31 pm
by KaneThun
one question.
Teks are in "war" with dms but not declared.
Can they still say you infidel and bla bla bla and kill and loot?
and if for example bop are with them? can we still say that bla bla bla kill /loot?