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Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:40 pm
by Johnny Walac
Palma wrote: Day after day stating the obvious, I give up.
Give up? You didn't even start anything.

You can easily make 4million. It takes some time but it's possible. I made 850k on a baseclass char on 6 days. Bandies and kindlings. Just keep trying instead if giving up. Do you even have a "Salvation bag" where you put gold?

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:01 pm
by Quintoz
The legendary Crin dosen't need to pay! I want blue I go blue if I no go blue I whine on forums untill I get free blue if you no do as I say I give up.

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:59 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Monad wrote:Darian I voted for the murdercounts older than 1000 days should be removed, but on a defense of Boris I can say that how you and Crin make this decision sound like Crin is out of options and unable to do anything if we don't help him is not correct either, I just think the 1000 days would have been more better option, but this option is not as bad as you try to make it sound like.
I'm not saying he is out of options. Of course he can beg for money, hunt with alts or even with Crin to pay up. Or he can even join Tekstone and have fun with us. Of course he isn't out of options, but the options he have aren't the same as those who joined this shard after Alteran took over. The options aren't same as they are for those who have trained their characters in the past three years.

The new system isn't bad, I know. I never said it is. It's great on the LONG RUN and will fix an issue we've had before (Paying double, or even triple for the same MCs over and over again). However, it leaves ALL old red players who are considering a come-back, or have even returned to the shard, pretty hopeless. Even if there's not a 1000 days decay timer, I still say all MCs before the time-warp should be removed. Because of all the items deleted, there's been no gain and because there's been no gain, it's stupid to expect anyone to pay for it.

For example if hadn't played for 4 years and would now decide to return the shard, Darian would be red and naked. Of course I have the option of joining the fun with my friends, have them gear me up and whatever. But MAYBE, just maybe I would decide that after leading Tekstone for 5-6 years I'd rather do something else with Darian. However, I'm naked, without money and I'd need to pay 9-10 millions for a salvation, suffer the jail time and then maybe get into Law/Nature and start gathering piety. Sure in THEORY that IS an option, but you and I both know it's not a valid one. Especially since I'd actually want to have fun and enjoy the game right now, not a year from now. It's not fun being forced to hunt 10 millions just to stay months in jail. That's not having fun, that's work. What I'd do is either join Tekstone to have little fun, or quit for good. Luckily for me, when Alteran took over I continued to play for a while. I was made blue and allowed to join Law with 60 piety(later 50 piety). However, after a long break I came back and all my pals were in Tekstone so when I made a come-back the decicion was easy: Tekstone. The difference is I actually HAD a real choice, I could have chosen to stay blue, stay in Law as a high piety priest, join Nature, Imperial or whatever I wanted. And the funny thing is, had I actually joined Nature and accidentaly got a MC out of Imperial/Tekstone/AP, I would be red for good because my previous 300~ MCs would still exist. My priest had a different name, different story and yet she'd be guilty for the 300 murders comitted by Darian who no longer exists in her former form.

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:52 pm
by Kayla Strider
watch what you say to them Darian, kents account was manually deactivated for asking if the admins might be a little biased.

I agree with Quintoz and Johnny myself, making 4 million gold is way easier than you make it seem.

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:47 am
by Tyrion
Zaradon wrote:
Palma wrote:I give up.
Makes me reconsider voting for Pangaea...
Staff took the time to look into fixing the salvation rite, they fixed it (according to their position). What more do you want them to do: favor one player based on longevity? It seems as though you expect a different outcome based on nepotistic entitlements that have been afforded to Nature / Law as a result of primogeniture.

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:23 am
by Monad
Kayla Strider wrote:watch what you say to them Darian, kents account was manually deactivated for asking if the admins might be a little biased.
Excuse me? Kent deleted all his characters from his account as a result of a rage quit. After weeks from that he tried to come back with a double account and new characters without asking us anything. Of course we ban double accounts because that's against the rules. Your claim is just absurd.

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:37 am
by Darian Darkmind
Not to mention I'm not saying the Staff is biased. What happened during Alteran's era was free salvations due to looting, Tekstone and all "troublemaking" removed and we all knew they won't be given out forever - especially once things get changed. I just wish the item-wipe and change in ownership would be taken into account when building this new salvation system, because right now it is punishing older players from the kills they've committed during the previous administration. It's not biased as long as it's the same for all and as far as I'm aware the current Staff haven't treated any players differently. I just hope an additional check is added and all MCs older than 1st of June 2008 (complete item-wipe) are removed or not counted in the future salvation price/jail time. It's a fair and just request and there is really no reason why it should not be done as long as it can be done - and I'm fairly sure it can be done due to MCs having a timestamp.

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:28 pm
by Bipina Huntley
Monad wrote:
Kayla Strider wrote:watch what you say to them Darian, kents account was manually deactivated for asking if the admins might be a little biased.
Excuse me? Kent deleted all his characters from his account as a result of a rage quit. After weeks from that he tried to come back with a double account and new characters without asking us anything. Of course we ban double accounts because that's against the rules. Your claim is just absurd.
haha that made my day :D

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:00 pm
by Glarundis
Darian Darkmind wrote:I just hope an additional check is added and all MCs older than 1st of June 2008 (complete item-wipe) are removed or not counted in the future salvation price/jail time. It's a fair and just request and there is really no reason why it should not be done as long as it can be done - and I'm fairly sure it can be done due to MCs having a timestamp.

yes i don't know why it's not like this
whatever they looted before the itemwipe, be it 10k worth of gear or 1 million worth of gear means absolutely nothing because it doesn't exist, but they still have to pay for something that doesn't exist

Re: Salvation updates

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:08 pm
by Uzriel Raven
Pretty sure Kent asked for his account to be locked. Why would he have to ask?