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Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:53 pm
by Kerbal
I like Johnny's suggestion. There should be a good amount of time between sieges.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:58 pm
by Jyrgen
Johnny Walac wrote:
Cruxis Bane wrote:That sounds pretty good, only issue I could possibly see is people waiting til guards are clear as they have been notified of someone entering the town and just sit there with a huge group waiting til everyone starts concentrating to cast siege then bum rush in.
Aye. But they would only know when to rush in if there was a ghost spy. Which is another problem but for another thread I guess.
And apparently it'd favour the party with necros ;)
Anyhow, I guess if you interdict large enough area, you're safe from being ambushed during defigo part.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:10 pm
by Johnny Walac
Jyrgen wrote: And apparently it'd favour the party with necros ;)
I was hoping to remove ghost spies from the stone area totally.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:12 pm
by Johnny Walac
Johnny Walac wrote:
Jyrgen wrote: And apparently it'd favour the party with necros ;)
I was hoping to remove ghost spies from the stone area totally.
Make Dice a religion rite and make so bannishment work on ghosts at Town Stones and Altars.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:30 pm
by Jyrgen
I don't really see the RP reason why, for example, natures should see ghosts.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:59 pm
by Mike
Jyrgen wrote:I don't really see the RP reason why, for example, natures should see ghosts.
For purposes of Exorcism I suppose. Driving the spirit of a twisted Reaper from polluting the wildlands, or indeed sending the ghost of a Tekstone priest from their lands.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:30 am
by Tyrion
Ares wrote:So what we have is:
If successful siege: 48 Hour Global Siege Delay

If failed siege: 12 Hour Town Siege Delay*
And possibly summoned guards tied to town stones.

This sounds reasonable to me. Is it too easy to take a town these days? We have 1-2 sieges a week atm, that seems like a lot to me. Could we change this somehow, without making it more annoying? Like adding objectives that need to be completed every x interval. Taking a town should be a massive task. The larger the city the larger the task.
I have a vision that I'll try to explain in words. Towns like Trinsic / Vesper could be sectioned off so that their is a gradual succession of the towns being taken-over / re-captured.

Example: Trinsic could have (if UOAM is tilted) stones or territorial delineators (read: respective RP construct) that divide the town up into 4 parts (when a siege is started): South region (includes the bridges leading out of the city), an Eastern region (docks area + Law's old temple), a Northern region (most of the player owned houses and a Western region (the main entrance into the city + the portion of the city closest to the Trinsic swamp). For smaller towns, (think: Skara Brae) they could be divided in 1/2 instead out of 1/4.

For the larger towns, I think it would be more exciting and dynamic to see the natural progression of a siege occurring in real time (especially if it could be linked to the website: and the back and forth movement that would be involved. Atm, it's pretty much sit at the stone and last longer than the other dood. When TekAPImp sieged Skara, the fighting was constant, or at least until guard respawn for Law kicked in (sic). When Vesper was sieged, there was NO fighting. Let me re-write that, NO constant fighting. There was one push by Lawture that caught the siegers off guard and that was the end of that. Say what you will about the siegers but some tactics that are used against one group have an equal and consequently greater counter in some form or another (consider: late night sieging). We accept the fact that it is a strategy for lulling the seigers into a false sense of security but the pendulum swings both ways.
Demian wrote:I really think taking towns is a bit too easy. But to make it take a longer time/tasks could make it too annoying.
It's easy to say that outside looking in. The only group besides Imperial / Tekstone that have successfully sieged a town (more than once) was Nature w/ the assistance of Law. So it is a biased opinion you have. I will grant you that it is in fact easier for the smaller towns [to be taken] but not for the larger ones [which] take 6+ hours to conquer. You haven't sieged a town that takes longer than five hours to conquer (Magincia doesn't count because the siege was over within minutes of pvp being engaged). The siege is over in seconds once you've lost the stone, and all that time you've spent along with it (7 hours or more is lost).

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:09 am
by Iktomi
I think the idea of multi-stone sieges is interesting.

Let's use the example of Trinsic (4 stones as described above).
- Imperial attacks-takes Western gate stone.
- Imperial guards begin to spawn in Western portion of Trinsic, Law guards spawn in the rest of Trinsic
- After 12 hours, either Law resieges Western stone or Imperial moves onto the next stone.

Assuming guards are tied to city ownership - If Imperial only owns one stone, Law can still summon guards and Imperial can't. If both sides hold equal stones, then neither side can summon guards (including in the entire wilderness tied to Trinsic). If Imperial holds three stones, then they are able to summon guards in the Trinsic zone and Law isn't.

Main problem that I see with this idea is the potential for hot guard-on-guard action... make guards not attack each other?

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:18 am
by Darian Darkmind
I think Tyrion's idea was to break Trinsic into 3-4 sections, which all have their own siege-time. Not 12 hours, more like 6 hours per section. I think all bigger towns with over 8-10 hour siege time should be broken to pieces.

And yes, I think guards should spawn once one stone is sieged. Let the guards fight each other if that's what they want. They spawn, the nearest guards attack each other and die... the fight is over in a minute and rest of the guards that are farther away from each other remain stationary. Also, I think Imperial should be allowed to summon guards in the part of the city they've already sieged. Of course these guards do little good to them while trying to siege the other parts, but it helps them defend what they already have. And it makes sense RP-wise as well that Lord Blackthorne is willing to send backups to their siege and especially to help secure what is already conquered.

The more I think of it, the more I like it. Trinsic for example, due to being broken to 3-4 sections, a siege in there basically makes it a war-zone for a week - one section every 2 days. And in my books a siege of a huge town should last for a week or two... and this way it makes it possible to have sleep as well! Awesome.

Re: Town Siege - Mechanisms

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:45 am
by Raphael
Darian i dont agree with the idea that trinsic should be broken up one bit, not for Imperial to do a late night siege and take it without no resistance. This is probaly the only city which is immune to that since it takes so long and I think it should stay that way. (Not whining btw :lol: )