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Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:06 pm
by Kat Asherstone
aldath c'om wrote:
Kat Asherstone wrote: I think you might want to check your translator Walac.
Imo nobody shouldnt fuck with the spelling etc. Of other people in public. United kingdom aint the centre of world and everyone aint speaking english as motherlanguage.
Standard languages apply, if he uses a translator that changes banana to grape he should probably get a new one.

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:07 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Raemonn wrote:Also, it might help the discussion if you'd get off your high horse and try to behave (or, at least the least, "roleplay") a mature individual.
High horse? you mean the one walac rode in on claiming the server should NOT focus on roleplay? hmm interesting.
Again as with 7 other posts, keep it on topic or just leave. If that's "high horse' I'll gladly sit on it and look down.

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:14 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Johnny Walac wrote:
aldath c'om wrote:
Kat Asherstone wrote: I think you might want to check your translator Walac.
Imo nobody shouldnt fuck with the spelling etc. Of other people in public. United kingdom aint the centre of world and everyone aint speaking english as motherlanguage.
Nobody is perfect. Let the people play their game without players like Kat Asherstone creating threads to bring them down. Not everyone can RP like Charha. Not everyone wants to be a super good roleplayer. I am pretty sure everyone sticks to IC when playing. It's not often you see someone OOCing as it is against the rules. While they are IC and playing the game they might not have this huge deep roleplayed background. They are simply playing and doing day to day roleplay.
No walac, no one is perfect. This is a roleplay server, if you don't want to be a good roleplayer you're on the wrong server, go find a pvp one. I doubt most players stick to character in game I could point out a million posts of players being OOC simply for the sake of RL.
No one except for Charha and select others do "day to day" roleplay... most people do roleplay when they are forced... that's the problem.

Also, it wasn't spelling it's called context.... you call grapes bannanas and don't think anyone should call you out for it? lols, no language no ANY language says that's acceptable, except when someone doesn't know what a banana or a grape are... but you've clearly demonstrated you KNOW the words, you just choose to use them wrong. It's fine, that's the point, you are simply here to undermine the original discussion of raising the bar of roleplay. simple fact. Language isn't the factor that's just the one you like to hide behind when you make a blatently contradictory set of statements.

it's not about language, IT'S ABOUT THE LOGIC.

I do assume that the rules of logic apply to ALL languages? or no?

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:26 pm
by Kat Asherstone
Charha wrote:How about we calm down for a bit?

If we want to establish a "higher standard" in the RP atmosphere of the shard, what would this mean in practice? The higher standard is not going to happen by simply mulling about it here in the forums.

Right now the biggest problem for me when it comes to RP is that there aren't (m)any people online when I log in. The last time I did see someone I had no problem establishing a decent conversation with that person. Usually just talking to people in game seems to spark up some RP. My necromancer also has this perpetual coughing and wheezing emote that, I suppose, makes it easier to address that character in game. I suspect other players know I wouldn't be bothering with that sort of stuff if I was occupied with the game works.
It would have been calm had certain people not come in going on about how we SHOULDN'T raise the bar.

When there are people online there is no central area where people are... used to be first brit bank... but with the rules to stop macroing at the bank people are less likely to stand there for the amount of time it might take.

The few people you'll find that are in a major town are usually
1) macroing afk with macroalarm
2) don't care to stop macroing to roleplay
3) are new players and might be scared to roleplay
4) the person who was waiting all day for this moment

In the last week I've encountered at least 7 players who were NOT macroing... that simply refused to roleplay ON ANY LEVEL.

Not even a "I don't have time for such nonsense"

This is why the Roleplay is slumping, even when players aren't macroing the only other thing is the gear/item grind
Roleplay is left simply as forum posts to be written, posted and ultimately forgotten... which is why some people end up with non-consistent characters or characters that are so disjointed this topic is here in the first place.

Why even bother making in character posts if you aren't IC in game?
Why bother making IC posts if they don't have an impact IG on the character?

Why bother calling your ICQ a pigeon if the second you answer a message it's lulz bro and so on... unlike Melinda who I never saw OOC IG or on ICQ... scary consistent roleplay... the kind that you can't look at for 3 minutes and find a hole in the character.

A suggestion has been made of some kind of system to reward players, what else can the server do AS A SERVER... none of this leave it up to X .... this is a group effort to raise the standard... if you aren't with it you're against it. simple.

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:06 pm
by Kent Strider
I feel like all of you are making pretty valid points here, this is more of a point of view thing than a wrong or right type deal. I feel like this being a roleplay server simply means keeping IC not everyone develops rich back stories for their characters and like Walac said, simply RP day to day as they see fit. Sagarius played for years without even talking IC at all, he just played for the fun of it. Pangaea is one of those shards that it is fun to collect and gain wealth on as well, it seems more earned.

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:56 pm
by Johnny Walac
Kat Asherstone wrote:No walac, no one is perfect. This is a roleplay server, if you don't want to be a good roleplayer you're on the wrong server, go find a pvp one.
It turns out I am on the right server. It got a very casual balance between UO and RP. If you do not like it you got every right to leave yourself =)

Sure people can try to raise the standard RP bar but the staff should not in any way mixture with the rules around this. You are more then welcome to start RP events to encourage people to do more advanced RP.

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:21 am
by Kat Asherstone
Johnny Walac wrote:
Kat Asherstone wrote:No walac, no one is perfect. This is a roleplay server, if you don't want to be a good roleplayer you're on the wrong server, go find a pvp one.
It got a very casual balance between UO and RP.
It was never intended to. If this is what the realm has become, then I probably am on the wrong server. Repsak be damned.

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:34 am
by Glarundis
johnny, you KNOW that pangaea was made to have a decent quality of rp, and that for many years it did have, and that in the past years the quality and quantity of rp drastically dropped. don't try to justify the shit that happened by saying there's a balance between this and that.

it's like saying there was this country with safe streets and all, and then some murderers and thugs come and start doing shit and they say "nah it's fine, there's safe areas, there's ppl to be killed. you can do whatever you want, there's place for all"

not blaming anyone specifically for the level or current rp (or why it dropped these past years) but you, and for that matter, every veteran, knows the level of rp now, knows the level of rp before, and knows very well that the balance between rp and uo and pvp and whatever used to, nevertheless, mean a lot more and better rp.

sometimes i have this feeling that some ppl that play right now, or are inactive, and even some that left years ago contributed to "change" the environment of pangaea from rp and pvp mixed towards pvp with less rp (or almost none) and some rp every now as an alibi, and then when pangaea got to their wanted "level", they claim that "such is this shard, nothing wrong with it". this goes for the level of rp and for the rules

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:39 am
by Glarundis
Kat Asherstone wrote:
In the last week I've encountered at least 7 players who were NOT macroing... that simply refused to roleplay ON ANY LEVEL.

Not even a "I don't have time for such nonsense"
that sucks, especially for someone that cares for rp so much like you. i probably would stop and talk for a while, but what are the odds of me finding you IG (even more during the summer when i don't play much)
sometimes i log my assa in brit and track around to see who's online, but most are macroing at their house, and with what in mind will i approach one of these characters and talk to them?that seems to not be "free rp" anymore but some premeditated rp. what am i going to talk about, and why? i wish there were more players and ppl kept doing stuff aswell as just living a life for their chars, this would help me do the same

what about creating a guild with planned things to do lots of roleplay concerning this and that?i hope the mayor system helps that, though.
i have thought many times about joining the wayfarers, not for the rp of the guild itself, but just to have someone to rp with and because everyone knows that charha likes to rp a lot. sometimes i cba for the rest of the game and wonder how nice it would be to rp at a tavern with ppl. but without players for it, and without you yourself doing it because there's not much incentive, i tend to not have a specific personality for one of my chars (like i said on another post, my assa)

Re: Consistency in roleplay?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:46 am
by Charha
While most players are able to respond when they're being addressed in game, I kinda wish there was a way to get to the players who just stand in plain sight macroing.

I recall people didn't do that before, not so blatantly. I usually make fun of these guys and poke their bodies in game, but unfortunately this sort of IC feedback falls to (literally) deaf ears. I have no good ideas on how to stop them from doing that, though.

I wonder if it would it be okay to spam them with counselor commands considering that it's pretty bad RP when no effort is made to interact with people in any way while the character is clearly stationed at a public area.

Edit: An .ooctalk gump on their screen might at least make their macro alerts ring?