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We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:56 am
by Cylon
There is lots of work to do if we want to more players in pangaea.

It is so hard to start new character here if you doesent allready know people in here and get help. i listed below several problems that i think pangaea have right now.

First of all there is no any good guides to train your skills. for example i trained 6 hours my anatomy using this ... y-training guide and i get 0.3 gain to 62-62.3

2. there is lots of skills which needed to be macroing. i mean i cant get my skill up doing dungeons. its not fun at all look my screen many hours and do nothing else. my opinion is we need at least to get +50% skillgain in every single skill.

3. some skills doesent even work when they are up to 100 i calculate i have like 25% change to hit a monster to my halberd when i have 100 swordmanship

4. When someone is going to rob player that robber has to send screen shots (1h timer) to gm so gm can make decision that is that robbed against rules or not. Everyone knows this is so ridiculous

5. When you wanna change you base class to another you have to wait 5 days. that means if you have just 1 charr to play and you dont wanna do another you cant play that game in 5 days wtf?? i think 5 hours is inaf not 5 days

6.well what you guys think that if "red" player turned to blue if he doesent make any murder in 7 days? i mean if this trial system is not fun at all.

7.there is now 4 religions but we have like 10 players to play in active now so i think 4 religions is too much if we doesent get more players fast

please if you have another ideas post those below. and "agree" or "disagree" my ideas.

i think if most players agree those admins will wake up what is realy going on in the game :) Thanks.

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:35 pm
by Basil Brotheamus
Cylon wrote:There is lots of work to do if we want to more players in pangaea.

It is so hard to start new character here if you doesent allready know people in here and get help. i listed below several problems that i think pangaea have right now.

First of all there is no any good guides to train your skills. for example i trained 6 hours my anatomy using this ... y-training guide and i get 0.3 gain to 62-62.3

2. there is lots of skills which needed to be macroing. i mean i cant get my skill up doing dungeons. its not fun at all look my screen many hours and do nothing else. my opinion is we need at least to get +50% skillgain in every single skill.

3. some skills doesent even work when they are up to 100 i calculate i have like 25% change to hit a monster to my halberd when i have 100 swordmanship

4. When someone is going to rob player that robber has to send screen shots (1h timer) to gm so gm can make decision that is that robbed against rules or not. Everyone knows this is so ridiculous

5. When you wanna change you base class to another you have to wait 5 days. that means if you have just 1 charr to play and you dont wanna do another you cant play that game in 5 days wtf?? i think 5 hours is inaf not 5 days

6.well what you guys think that if "red" player turned to blue if he doesent make any murder in 7 days? i mean if this trial system is not fun at all.

7.there is now 4 religions but we have like 10 players to play in active now so i think 4 religions is too much if we doesent get more players fast

please if you have another ideas post those below. and "agree" or "disagree" my ideas.

i think if most players agree those admins will wake up what is realy going on in the game :) Thanks.
  1. ... guide-0-65
  2. I don't think so. The reason why Pangaea have came this far is that it takes long to train your character. Training is part of the game and while many players gets frustrated because they can't go pwn Balrons and Dragons after few hours of training I don't agree with that.
  3. First of all all weapons have same hitrate as long as you have the required skill to use the weapon. Secondly, the hit rate depends purely on your weapon skill vs. your opponent weapon skill. Try to go hit Juka's with halberd for example and you'll know what I mean.
  4. It's not ridiculous, you take screenshots and upload to the website. Takes 1 minute.
  5. There is a penalty in place because without it, it would courage people to just start off with a priest for example and train healing and resist and then switch to knight/warrior or whatever. Same applies to many other classes too.
  6. No. It would be just a big mess and big whine fest.
  7. Killing off a religion have been tested also and didn't bring any positive results.
Pangaea had 120+ playerbase with all those in effect in 2004-2005. We had 75 players online with all those in effect 4 months ago. Many players try to come up with some secret solution why the playerbase is low but the reality is it's summer time and most of us don't play games in summer or very little if we do. Same thing every year.

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:11 pm
by Cylon
Thanks for you fast andswer.
But i allso want to see more comments about those changes.

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:08 pm
by Ivan
1. I have huge list of skill training guides as do many of other older players, so once you get into a guild/religion you are going to get them. Or just make a friend from some oldie / randomly ask around. You'll get the guides eventualy.

2. Yes indeed there is, and its somewhat ridicilious considering use of some of the skills, also later in the game you notice your character cannot advance further in the useful skills due cap so there is two ways to go after that. Either you leave the character in that point and never train it further because its a huge waste of time. Or you train to heighten and do heighten training to get a ridiciliously small advantage compared to the work you just did.

Or just switch to priest and whore your piaty up, thats the easiest way to make a character ridiciliously strong without heighten/macroing or training ridicilious amounts.

3. Yes indeed there are some weapons like halberd that are way more efficient with realy high sms (115+ i'd say makes halberd worth of using in pvm to some extend) but there is variety in weapons, this is what makes it interesting till some extend, find the most suitable weapon for each situation and decide based on that which you want use in your hunting. (personaly i'd use bardiche in pvm if you truly want to go sms all the way) Most popular hunting weapons among those without weapon restrictions are: Maul, Bardiche, Composite bow, Repeating cross bow and double bladed staff. (with restriction im refering to a priest who cant use maul so they have to rely on scepter)

And if we talk about skills i'd say if you are using the skill a lot or it is necessary its worth of training to 100% because otherwise your character is lacking way or another when compared to others. Afterall this is supposed to be somewhat competitive game and you dont want to play with weak/useless character. (So go for priest class seriously while you still have no opinions about classes.)

4. Yes indeed at first it seemed ridicilious, but after being a robber myself i dont realy mind the fact i have to keep uploading pics. Unless the fight lasts longer than 1h which is gonna be troublesome. But fear not! pangaea staff has a fix for this also, no non-religious "faction" or guild can match powers of the religions in way or another so you are forced to withdraw and play your character with rob & log tactic. No one wants to waste a good char just because of some gear loot = there is no more pvp outside religion wars, religious support is needed always in pvp if you dont have it you are gonna lose (because your opponent is gonna have it or gonna get it.)

5. As basil stated it may be abused due priest class having 100% resisting spells and healing which are a lot easier to train with higher cap, so this prevents class hopping for easy skill training.

6. Oh well cant realy answer that reasonably, but you'd hate to see your stuff getting robbed several times and after a week you meet the guy infront of bank selling your shit, even if you alarm the order of law should they be allowed to act against a blue player?

7. imo no religions at all would be best options, let the players create the rp without "divine" help for certain classes. (perhaps one premade guild or suchs with _SOME_ of the law advantages but thats it)

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:40 pm
by Iktomi
Cylon wrote: 2. there is lots of skills which needed to be macroing. i mean i cant get my skill up doing dungeons. its not fun at all look my screen many hours and do nothing else. my opinion is we need at least to get +50% skillgain in every single skill.
There are currently skillbooks that you can get from dungeons; however, their drop rates are very low at the moment. We've got something in the works to have these drop much more frequently (although appropriately tiered to the difficulty of the mobs and still not TOO frequently).

Will respond to other points later.

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:05 am
by Vaux27
Basil pretty much covered my thoughts on all of those "problems" that were brought up.

I appreciate this OP's fire and determination on Pangaea, but you're a little off base and missing a lot of key information. We're well aware of the player base dip right now, but like it's been said it's due to the time of the year. Certainly ideas for activity are appreciated, but changing skill gain or hit rates is not the answer. You learn to appreciate the difficulty of Pangaea, this is not your "GM your skills while you slash" shard. You must work really hard before you have the skills to fight the upper level mobs, and that's how hundreds of current and former players have liked it.

If you have questions on some things or need more information, you should contact any counselor through ICQ. (Including myself, # in signature). I'm always more than willing to answer to any problems. The personal opinions on rules that have been here for years however, I can't help you there.

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:14 am
by Darian Darkmind
1. Like Ivan said, ask around and you'll get the guides. Sadly it is forbidden to post the guides past 65% on the forums because of some ancient rule. This rule was made years and years ago because us oldies commonly decided that one of the fun factors of this shard was to LEARN FOR YOURSELF. However, not everyone find it fun to trial and error. I personally don't mind if there were full guides for those who want to read them, because those who really want to find them will find them one way or another - mostly by asking around.

2. When you spend literally hundreds of hours training your character, you learn to value him a bit more than in a most/common shards where you are maxed in a week. And hopefully, when you've invested so much time to him, you one day start to think of him as an individual with own thoughts, characteristics and a background story.

3. The hit-rate has always been a pain in the ass. Even with 124 skill you feel like you're missing more than hitting. Sadly, it's like Basil said: It's your skill versus your opponent's skill.

4. I don't think this is a big problem? If you can't handle the responsibility of being a robber and see the little effort of uploading a screenshot within an hour, then I suggest you don't rob. This isn't asking much.

5. Although this prevents people from "abusing" changing class, this is the only thing I agree with you. I don't think 5 days are needed. If someone wants to start as a priest to have a small advantage over healing and resistance only to switch to knight once both skills are at 85%, then let him do so. I'd say one, max two days cooldown is enough.

6. Because of the point 2, once you've invested hundreds of hours to your character, your decicions have more personal weight also. You don't want to throw all your work away for nothing. You must be certain you want and can handle the responsibilities of going red with your character and this is one of the main reasons Pangaea has never turned to senseless and pure PvP shard (Although some people tend to disagree). If training your characters was easy and effortless and if your decicions weighted no value, we'd be running a PvP-fest with zero attempt of RP.

7. There aren't many players, you're right about it and maybe you're even right about four religions being too much. Sadly, these four religions have a huge role in the history of the shard and changing that is like changing the whole history of the shard. The religions have been the only dynamic forces in this shard and most if not all of the lasting and "permament" changes to this shard (Birth of Imperial, Sieges etc) have been due to the work of the religions. Removing even one of them without a very good and long lasting war is a bad move. The only religion that could technically be removed is Nature, but then again it's the only "peaceful" religion for players who want to avoid PvP and we need a religion like that as well...

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:19 pm
by Zaradon
Darian Darkmind wrote:The only religion that could technically be removed is Nature, but then again it's the only "peaceful" religion for players who want to avoid PvP and we need a religion like that as well...
I would agree with you on this one.

Nature is trying to be peaceful, but Nature is being provoked and bullied.
There's no rule or rite to prevent that from happening.

PvM tome > PvP tome in PvM scenario
PvM tome < PvP tome in PvP scenario

Now, lets get back to the pain vs. gain dilemma - which is more profitable, PvM or PvP tome? ;)

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:55 pm
by Ivan
There should be no rule or rite to prevent pvp action, its a game where you can die to anyone or to anything. Its not like you are supposed to be freely farming around just because you are nature.

Also even if you have pvp tome you can pvm just fine, or do you disagree? You just choose as being a nature to be more effective on pvm grounds than on pvp grounds so deal with it.

Just my opinion why i dislike is pangaea is lack of variety, current class sytem supports only certain classes killing off the freedom of choosing your class if you dont want to suck. Example there are quite a lot of classes that do not have advantage over certain class in any aspect, unless you start speaking of bullshit like "tanking" or "survivability" which is whole load of crap since pangaea doesnt have proper tanking or supporting systems at all so either you are good in pvm or pvp or neither and you can just figure out which class is best of either or both of them.

Re: We need to get more players in pangaea PLEASE READ THIS

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:37 am
by Cylon
Thanks againg for your answers.

Maby some of my suggestions are too harsh but maby we can find a middleway of everything. There is only basil whos think everything is just fine.
And i haveto tell you guys im not newcomer in this server i make my first character named "sammy" the first day when pangaea opened. But i havet play this game in years. and my original forum account didint even working anymore.
I cant more agree what Ivan says. i think he is on the right track when he says "current class sytem supports only certain classes"
and another thing is that "no religions at all would be best options," i think best uo is totally sandbox when players make the game.
i hope gm;s and andmins do something about this server. but i think they are not. :/
so my only option is suck it up or find a new server. But im gonna stay here now for a while at least

There is lots of good things too in pangaea not just bad :)