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The new start RP
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:54 pm
by Talerco Pious
How're we supposed to RP with this new start (after the beta phase is done)? Will this be for example 100 years in the future or something completely new, or just continuing where we left?
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:13 pm
by Thoran
I doubt there's anything enforced like a time jump (or not at least that long). Naturally there are some changes that affect the lore as there are some changes made to the religions. Also the possibility of name changes was thrown in the air, so that might be a good possibility for some to remake their characters.
I for one am very much interested to continue where I left off and if I can't figure out a good way to handle some changes in character, I would simply just ignore them and act as the changes had been there all along. All in all, since skills were not wiped I'd say you can assume you are playing with the exact same character if you so choose.
Item wipe however is an event that might affect your characters or that you might want a reason for it. Some will ignore it, some will blame the "crown" or robbers for it or figure something else. I had a quick chat with Charha about our necromancers and we joked that they fled their Ocllo house because there was mold in the house structures and also on our most precious books.
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:49 pm
by Glarundis
tbh i'm not sure about the best way to handle the situation.
even though it may be awkward for ppl who care a lot for their rp, i think it's just best to start something new. i mean, religions are new, so how can we expect to have some kind of background? however, i think the best is to decide collectively how we will handle it, and everyone should do it then. because it makes no sense if some start as if stuff just started, and some will start based on whatever existed.. as long as there is a bit of coherency between players and the story AFTER the new start, it should be fine, because let's face it, 100% coherency between past and future and what we decide to do or not do, that will never be real in a mmorpg
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:50 pm
by Bella Pious
Name change + gender change allowed please.
Afterall, it is the second itemwipe I had to to through and I am a bit low on ideas on how to explain what happened and where everyone went. Cant say they died coz you never know when they will be back. For each of these changes made in shard history it marked something in my character's history and personality. Would REALLY love to start fresh on this restart.
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:30 am
by Cyrus Tegyr
Name and Gender change would be an interesting idea.
Personally aside from religion changes I will probably just continue to RP the same way I had been, I never really delved into character past or history other than all five of my characters were related in someway (brothers and sister or cousins) and that they were all from Nujel'm though I don't think I ever really made much of a big deal about that.
But to be honest, aside from religions and an item wipe, what else has or will change so drastically that we all need to change our RP? I understand the want for a name and gender change idea but the religion stuff is easily rp'd away and the item wipe, while not being the easiest to explain away just never needs to be a part of the RP. I know that is blasphemous to some but it is true, if you think of the item wipe as a massive time warp where we lost all our stuff, I don't believe anyone ever really tried to RP away a time warp, it sucked and it happened but you just trudge through and try to accumulate all the goodies you had before.
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:12 pm
by Vulcan
Talerco Pious wrote:How're we supposed to RP with this new start (after the beta phase is done)? Will this be for example 100 years in the future or something completely new, or just continuing where we left?
There'll obviously be a new event that triggers the disappearance of religions that have been here since the beginning.
Some time may pass, but we want to make it viable for players to continue playing the same characters if they want it, so it'll be a much smaller time frame. Age limitations have never been defined in Pangaea anyway.
Name and gender change will be allowed for those who wish it, probably with surname limitations. Hasn't been decided yet.
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:02 pm
by Quintoz
Vulcan wrote:Name and gender change will be allowed for those who wish it, probably with surname limitations. Hasn't been decided yet.
So Bella could become a dude with a new surname, that would be akward af.
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:13 pm
by Mike
Isn't it called a sex change though?
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:05 pm
by Bella Pious
Oh gosh .... No no no no no. If you, the staff, means that we should still have a trait of our old identity in our new identity, then i can assure you that no matter what full name change Bella has, or gender chang, people would still know its me. In itemwipe it was not the items gold houses lost that had the big impact to me, it was the players we lost that were family members. So if I were to continue the Pious then I am forced to write/explain how we managed to lose everyone again. *sighs* I thought asking for a full change might not be possible but I gave my reasons.
Re: The new start RP
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:48 am
by Blide
My charecters have an amnesia and don't remember anything from before. Alien probes did it's toll.