Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

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Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

I heard Nature is not allowed to hunt with nightmares anymore.

Is the reason that nightmares are daemonic creatures (nature's enemies)?
What about Summon Daemon spell then, can Natures use it?

And for killing animals...

If you are not a Naturist yourself, are you allowed to:

- kill hostile animals (snake, dire wolf) without looting them

- kill friendly animals (deer, great hart for example) if you dryloot both hides and meats (of course you can trashbarrel them later and no one will know)

And... as killing a great hart is not against the law, wouldn't the nature member be a criminal, if he punished someone for killing a great hart without looting anything? Shouldn't OoL interfere?

If I create a guild that thinks that things killing... say, ratmen is evil, and we always used minor hostile stuff like druidcurse to punish them when I saw them killing ratmen, we would be criminals (grey) and Law would hunt us down? Why doesn't that law apply to Nature?
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Esmeralda »

I want to add two things to your discussion:

1. Not everything has to be punished with death, unless you´re from Texas.

2. There is a difference between TEH Law and the law (lets call them religious rules and beliefs) of certain groups. Following one doesn´t necessarily mean it fits the others. Conflicts may arise and it is for your character to solve them one way or the other, by maul or mind, wealth or wisdom.
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Rohan Koht »

I've said a few times before that Nature should be more extremist when it comes to animal killing. But most Nature back then were afraid of doing something for the cheer reason that it could turn them red and then have to worry about more than Tekstone when hunting. With few exceptions in time, Nature was always more of a "let's go hunt with silence, and hope Tekstone won't attack our temple or we'll have to go back".

The concept of good and evil does not necessarily mean blue or red. That would be giving Lord British the reason in every case, as in someone who kills 200 animals is not a criminal in LB eyes. still Nature would need to do something about that person. If we're following everything through Lord British's hands, then we might as well end up with one religion alone. (Actually we did, after all Law & Nature were allied, shared map and battlefield side for quite a while).

My point: Your believes are your own. If you want to make a guild that punishes people for killing ratmen, I support you to do so. Please play it like that, and of course expect to go red sometime because in Lord British's eyes. people are more important than ratmen.
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Darian Darkmind »

The beauty of RP. Killing an animal, great hart for example, isn't against the laws set by king and therefore the Order of Law doesn't interfere. However, killing the great hart is against the laws set by Order of Nature and Gaea and therefore punishable by them. Now this is where RP comes in. It is for you to decide whether you follow your own religion laws and believes and punish those acting against them or be afraid of becoming a criminal yourself in the eyes of the Order of Law. In my opinion you, as Nature member, should always set your own laws, religion and Gaea before anything else, even if it means turning into an outlaw in Order of Law's books. That's how true dedication is measured.

Like Rohan said. If you play to follow the Order of Law and their rules, then you might as well delete Nature.
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Basically, as long as your guild beliefs don't jeopardize the lives of innocents, or the Order of Law, or any other peaceful religion, and non-enemies, you're good to go.

And for the longest time, Nature used to polymorph someone into the animal they just killed.

The only thing that gets a little hairy, is IF Nature polymorphs someone, and they get pwned. (Against shard rules I THINK). Or deliberately polymorphs someone so they're easier to kill. If Nature polymorphs an innocent, then kills them, then yeah, Order of Law will get involved.

And of coarse, if you polymorph an Order of Law member, that's when you're going to get killed.
Raven Darkblade
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Raven Darkblade »

I dont really understand that last thing you said geryn...

If we poly 1 random person because he kills animals, its okey, but if you polymorp a lawman who kills innocient animal we get killed?...

ahh well guess law is better than common man then 8-)

It kinda like im colouring youre hair red, but you kill me because its a very harsh thing to do...

It not like polymorp can be compared to killing another person imo.
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Quintoz »

Yes Raven, Law is above the common man, for some fucked up reason I have yet to understand.

Just like Nature is above the Law, if you poly me, and I report it to Law, they wont take any action against you, even tho it's crime against humanity and should be dealt with.

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Kent Strider

Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Kent Strider »

Nature will polymorph anyone who kills an animal with cruelty in mind, including Law. A law man killing animals for fun shouldn't be in the ranks, in an RP perspective.
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Houston »

Natures polymorph;

Does it kill anyone?
[As far as i know, it never did]
Is it casted just when the nature fellow feels like?
[Never, there's always been a reason. But not Tekstone alike]
Does it even physically harm the person who is it casted on?
[No, it will however silence you for x mins and send you to a random location]

So, what of these things have to do with Order of Law at all?

Order of Nature has their own rules, but they dont spread it like they want to. Order of Nature is peaceful, the rules are known by citizens and only a stubborn [I've experienced very bad RP with that "Gaea sucks!" etc etc.] citizen wouldn't aknowledge a spirit of human kind. If the roleplay would be reasonable, not retarded to kill any animal, i woudn't wonder if nature would be dead.

Nature isn't a bunch of thyranns, spreading their "holy word" -Long livfe mother Gaea!2!- Ofcourse if its ment to seek for new reqruits and remind people that Order of Nature aswell exists.
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Re: Logics: OoN, daemons, animals and OoL

Post by Mike »

Let's say you kill a lot of animals for hides and leave the meat, because it's of no value or interest to you. That's a very valid line of RP, and it sounds like a lawful citizen to me. But Nature might think it's a waste of animal life, right? And would the Order of Law be on the polymorphed citizens' side?
"last i knew it was illegal to hate someone" Richard Mota
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