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A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:58 pm
by Kent Strider
I just asked Neon if it was okay for a Law man to save his gear with guards, the answer was "Yes, but illegal to save others gear"
Now the question I ask is why should law and imperial be the only ones with that type of failsafe? It wouldn't be so bad if they could save others and such but its against the rules.
Also about Laws not having robber alts, in the old days this was understandable but as it stands now I think it should be changed, over half the shard has a law member that leaves me with not very many people.

Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:10 pm
by Dalton VanHosen
I agree

Most of the people that read the forum know the deal about the stone giant situation. That deal was ok because the stone giant had my gear, and only my gear. i died 4 times, and thats ok.

But imagine this. Someone dies on the game to a... Greater dragon. Ok, I really highly doubt that if I was asked for help that I could even make a scratch on him, but by me summoning guards. That is the only way possible that I could kill the dragon. So, my law duties are to help the people. Why is it illegal to summon our guards to help with matters we can not help with?

Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:12 pm
by Neon
I can tell you that it was not me you taked to about this :-)


Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:26 pm
by Kent Strider
My bad it was Lukas that I talked to.

Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:05 pm
by Rohan Koht
If I remember the rules well, it's either because the Law man died or if he can't kill it. So if someone dies and the Law officer can't wipe it and get the things back, he's allowed to summon guards.

About Wrong, Law/Imperial alts and looting rules latest whines: Alteran has been trying to get some things better for the players so you're attempting to reshape the shard to your way so you can have a robbing guild with no difficulty, excusing it on the roleplay reasons and market? People aren't that stupid, you know?

About the giant thing: I wasn't there, can't really see your point of view, but if you asked help to anyone, don't summon guards. It frustrates them and will make them not help you next time.

Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:12 pm
by Quintoz
Rohan, you fear that you will lose some gear that takes what.. 2-3 hours to get money to pay for a new one?.
I sure as hell aint.

But I can see it from a newbies point of view, just out of class and getting robber and unable to get new gear might be kinda sad and fuck alot of shit up for them.

Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:17 pm
by Rohan Koht
Quintoz wrote:Rohan, you fear that you will lose some gear that takes what.. 2-3 hours to get money to pay for a new one?.
I sure as hell aint.
You have no idea who I am :P I have no problem with robberies, the issue is removing every protection that was created in many years' experience, created exactly because it was abused or unpunished.

Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:00 pm
by Kent Strider
Yes I am doing it so it will be easier to create a robbing guild, you simply don't pay attention to what I post though Rohan. I dont give a flying fuck if I can't loot ANYTHING. I just want to roleplay a group of robbers, and what do we got to look forward to? an assload of 50 piety priests that will most likely demolish us EVEN if I had law alts in the group. But what ever I guess your happy cause you got 50 piety and in Law now :) I thank Alteran for trying to keep this shard going but its becoming a very poor clone of what pang once was. No offense to any GM's or Admins on this but it is how I feel. I do believe that Wrong should be removed because it was originally put there when robbers got to dry loot your sorry asses, and in these times I don't think its very fair to have it there.

Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:13 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
First, I think Wrong is too harsh nowadays, considering new robbing rules. Same applies to Stoning and Malediction. All the rest of Law superiority is OK IMO.

And for guard summoning in PvM the rules state (I wonder if these apply to Imperial too?):

Summoning guards (Law ritual)

There are some script restriction for where Law can summon guards. But guards can still be abused, and such abuse will result in piety drop. In PvP situations guards can be used anywhere(if the script allowed it).

In PvM situations is get more tricky. Guards should be used as a last way out, not a hunting tactics.

- If Bob the Law priest summon guards to clean an area of monsters, just to get past them fast and in order to move on to a “better” area, it’s abuse
- If Bob the Law priest dies to a titan, and fails a few attempts to get his items back, it is legal for him to summon guards, as long as this is not something he does more then once or twice a month.
- If Bob the Law priest summons guards, to kill a great dragon who has looted some of his non-Law friends, it’s abuse.
- If Bob the Law priest summons guards, to kill a great dragon who has looted some of his fellow Law members, it’s allowed, as long as this is not something he does more then once or twice a month.


About robbing rules.

I think it would be best if following could be robbed:

- Money
- Gems
- Bones
- Ores
- Ingots
- Wood
- Reagents
- Arrows
- Cloth/flax/cotton
- Bandages

And such.

That would be, basically, stuff you can collect yourself or get from vendors. The most annoying thing about losing items is not the money, but the difficulty of getting yourself new gear.

But no clothes of any kind, weapons of any kind, armors or steeds/animals of any kind should be robbed.

Hard to find merchants, and if you find one they lack the vamp bones / lhiolite / titan hides or whatever I need for my gear. Magic clothes are even harder to get!

Re: A look at the rules..

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:48 pm
by Alteran
I have simply forgot about wrong totaly , can we make it easyer to complite ? that would realy make it easyer for me ?.
