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Imperial jailed

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:56 pm
by Alteran
Since there are some that dosent understand the shard rules, i have been forced to jail the account that keeps attacking ,before the rules of the war are given to the Staff, and is accepted by the staff.

So far it 2 account and if you are an imperial that likes to play or a law man i would not attack anything before the war rules are on the announcment.
the account that are jailed will keep beeing jailed, untill the rules are desided, since they cant find out i have to help them.


Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:23 am
by Quintoz
We decided on.

No stone
No malediction.

We will let Law have soli, they will need it =).

Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:16 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
Quintoz wrote:We decided on.

No stone
No malediction.

We will let Law have soli, they will need it =).
Dryloot - sounds good
Attacking a town, getting ressed, continuing attacking... taking screenshots, pissing of gamemasters with continual fights on who looted what and if it was legal - making this clearer will be easier.

No stone - sounds good
There has been cases in which a player has been stoned with so much piety, that his own religion has been unable to free him. Even GM has sometimes freed people from stone for solely this reason. Also pisses people off (no one gets the profit, just the last laugh of making the enemy pissed). Imperial has just 2 guys attacking Britain and one of them clientcrashing would end up being Bubba's bride for a couple of RL months, which would make no sense.

No malediction - sounds good
Malediction... purely there to make people pissed, more hardcore than drylooting and stoning combined. You get nothing, enemy gets 93.0 resist spells dropped to 91.8. But the problem is, malediction is legal at the moment to do for all, so I would suggest it will not used against anyone - by a Law, Imperial or Nature member. If Imperial wants to be immune to malediction, they will also not use it themselves against anyone or it is unfair.

Also I would like to suggest:

Drylooting rule should apply also to people who go helping Law, when they do that. If Imperial attacks Britain, people should run/sail away from Britain to another town if Imperial tells them so, or they could be drylooted - but not stoning or malediction. Also Imperial should give them a warning first, not just attack on sight. Tell them to run away or get punished within 15 seconds, take a screenshot. I was using Imperial as the example, as Luna atm has pretty much only Imperial members, but Britain is full of all kinds of people and some like to help Law just for the excitement. Edit: Imperial guards in sight or so on could be enough of a warning for civilians to back off to make things less complicated.

And again edit:
On the Solitude subject, the ritual is unique to OoL, OoI doesn't have it - and "forbidding the use of it" would be the same as if there were two guilds.. The Druids and The Necromancers in war, and druid guild just decided the necro guild couldn't use the Kill chant in PvP - you get the point. But I agree on solitude being an overkill ritual, though. But if everyone (or the Admin+GM group) agrees, the rules can be of course made illogical as well if it serves the purpose of practicality.

And still some edit:
But then Law prolly has something to say on the subject too - stoning or any looting is not allowed at the moment without mutual agreement (with the exception of David and Holger who are allowed to loot gold and gems), but malediction is fully legal, so if Law decides to keep it it will stay, I suppose.

Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:07 pm
by Kent Strider
Max Wrote
Drylooting rule should apply also to people who go helping Law, when they do that. If Imperial attacks Britain, people should run/sail away from Britain to another town if Imperial tells them so, or they could be drylooted - but not stoning or malediction. Also Imperial should give them a warning first, not just attack on sight. Tell them to run away or get punished within 15 seconds, take a screenshot. I was using Imperial as the example, as Luna atm has pretty much only Imperial members, but Britain is full of all kinds of people and some like to help Law just for the excitement. Edit: Imperial guards in sight or so on could be enough of a warning for civilians to back off to make things less complicated.
Great add-on

Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:05 pm
by Quintoz
Well, me and Geryn decided theese rules between Imp and Law, but yeah I like the idea to be able to dryloot poeple that help law / imp in battles, but they must also be allwed to dryloot us / law.

Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:45 pm
by Geryn Farodae
Exactly. For example, if Imperial kills an OoL member, loots him, there's nothing in the rules stopping the OoI member from sharing the "booty" with the ones who helped. I completely agree that those who are helping should be subject to the rules of the participating religions.

However, stipulations should be set, though on what is, and what isn't helping.

Gating - Does not count as helping as LONG as the gate is AWAY from the battle and not into one.
Blessing - Counts as helping.
Ressurecting in the middle of a battle - Counts as helping unless the ressurected immediately leaves the battlefield using his/her own means.
Cursing (druid, mage, etc) - Counts as helping.
Paralysing - Counts as helping.
Looting - Counts as helping.
Anyone wearing blessed weapons or armour of either participating religion - Counts as helping.
Curing - Counts as helping ONLY if it affects the abilities of a participating religion member to continue to fight.
Spreading Plague - Counts as helping.
Curing Plague - Does not count as helping, as anyone can get infected.
Killing horses - Counts as helping.
Leading horses away by attacking them - Counts as helping.
Throwing potions (shockwave, flashbang, etc) - Counts as helping.
Providing weapons/armour for the participants - Counts as helping.
Providing focus material for the participants - Counts as helping.
Providing horses/mounts for participants - Only counts as helping IF the person using the mount continues to fight. Does not count if the person decides to flee. Onus is on the giver to ensure the use of the beast.
Using offensive, defencive, or aiding magic of any kind for either participants - Counts as helping.
Using offensive, defencive, or aiding songs of any kind for either participants - Counts as helping.

Basically... It's common sense whether you're helping or not.

EDIT: Note, these stipulations are ONLY to be used during battle.

Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:51 pm
by Quintoz
I agree on thoose points.

Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:56 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
I would make a suggestion:

- Order of Law would also accept other classes than they accepted earlier, like Imperial does. Imperial allows merchants and so on to join. Anyone should have the fun of defending Britain et cetera, using decent dryloot / no malediction / no stoning rules.

- Order of Law would not require exactly religious faith to Winchester from members necessarily, but this would apply to only the non-piety-using ones, for piety is gained by religious devotion. Some members could view Winchester as a respectable hero of the past and a spiritual being, but no "blind religious faith" would be required, or religious praising. Those "non-religious" members would be subject to normal OoL vs OoI battle rules. Their motivation for joining the religion would be respect to their goals and will to support to the Queen of Britannia. Also Winchester is a "half-god" so this would not be hard to roleplay - some members just would see the human side of Winchester while others would be religious and see primarily the god side of Winchester.


- Some people don't want to roleplay religious, but want to participate in the battle
- This will make the looting et cetera rules easier for GM's to handle as they don't need to make separate rules for this and that support guild of this and that religion

Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:03 pm
by Alteran
Wrong forum if you are talking war terms¨.
This was ment to happen on the Commen religions forum , but send a pm to Quintos that sounds like this.
And what happens if innercent get killed in the fighting ? is bouth religions going to pay for the gear that can be lost ?.
If you are in an alliance with some one they are allso automatic in the war.
It not alloawed to have any that are not in the religion or alliance guild to join the fight at any time.
Who will make sure other players gear is not lost in the battle at any time ?.
will you have to say anything before you attack or do any roleplay before you attack ?.
If there is a despute at any rules or fights who will deal with them , so i can make sure i have some one to make sure the rules are keept is that the attacker or defender ?.
Are there any safe heavens for any one ?.

Anser those questions too and post them on the forum we gave you then i can see you bouth has agreed on the things and we will look at the rules, once more.


Re: Imperial jailed

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:31 am
by Breg
I honestly am completely arbitrary on the "War ideas and rules" but the question is when it ends? or does it ever end?