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invalesco materia

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:05 pm
by Glarundis
ok, from recent activity i just came to realize that if you are fighting a religious char and you don't have a blessed weapon, you do shit dmg.
having a blessed weapon should give you an advantage, but weapons that are not blessed should be count as pure shit against religious chars..
I know that religions are supposed to be better than non-religious chars, but making it so that there's no hope for ppl outside a religion (unless they have a blessed weapon) is like (once more) giving more power to some chars simply because they are in a specifig guild that is in fact a religion.

Or maybe it was just a case of very bad luck and ppl without blessed weapon can still do some dmg?
anyway, i think it should be looked into, adjusted, something

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:09 pm
by Quintoz
Have we allready forgotten about Johnnys archer?.

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:12 am
by Glarundis
well from what i heard kerb was hitting for 1hp..a bit strange no?
and johnny had the poison dmg
but ok, maybe it was just bad luck
still i think it should be adjusted to avoid this kind of situations

no one, not even a guy with 90 fencing and an iron spear should hit for just 1hp

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:13 am
by Johnny Walac
Glarundis wrote:well from what i heard kerb was hitting for 1hp..a bit strange no?
and johnny had the poison dmg
but ok, maybe it was just bad luck
still i think it should be adjusted to avoid this kind of situations

no one, not even a guy with 90 fencing and an iron spear should hit for just 1hp
Hitting for 1hp is pretty common. Religion blessed or not. And 90fencing and iron spear trying to hit a religion blessed guy? Jeez. Roll over and die.

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:17 am
by Glarundis
it was hypothetical. if it happened, it should deal some damage..nothing is that harmless...unless you're a giant while humans are punching your legs (in that case the dmg would be even less than 1hp lol)

1hp happens, but continuously?if it does, then it shouldn't?it's ridiculous, means that, quite simply, it's impossible for some chars to kill others. says something about balance

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:27 am
by Mike
This argument has already been refuted Glarundis, don't you read the replies to your own thread?

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:41 am
by Quintoz
I've heard that Glarundis is a troll and this just proves it!.

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:48 am
by Darion al'Ferran
Kerbal tickled me.

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:51 am
by Johnny Walac
Glarundis wrote:it was hypothetical. if it happened, it should deal some damage..nothing is that harmless...unless you're a giant while humans are punching your legs (in that case the dmg would be even less than 1hp lol)

1hp happens, but continuously?if it does, then it shouldn't?it's ridiculous, means that, quite simply, it's impossible for some chars to kill others. says something about balance

"it's impossible for some chars to kill others"

I said 1hp hits are common. All the hits are not for 1hp. And it only happens for fast swinging weapons like spear etc. While we hit faster and Some hits are low dmg. We still got a good dps. And most fencing users got poisoning. So it's balanced. Nothing to talk about.

Re: invalesco materia

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:00 am
by Johnny Walac
Just found out it was a Maul that did 1dmg. And I find that quite funny.

2011-07-22 01:53:49 Darion : kerbal hitted 3 times with 1hp to me ;D
2011-07-22 01:54:00 Darion : it wasnt rel blessed maul
2011-07-22 01:54:31 Darion : why didnt ondo bless the maul earlier.
2011-07-22 01:58:03 ajken: MAUL 1Hp!?????
2011-07-22 01:58:45 Darion : YES!!!11
2011-07-22 01:58:58 ajken: HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA