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Looking for new counselors

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:28 am
by Boris
We're looking for counselors especially from the US. European guys can ofcourse send applications aswell. Fill up the following info and send it back as a PM.
  • Account name:
    Character names:

    How long have you played on Pangaea?
    Why would you be a good counselor?
    Have you been a counselor before?
    What's your timezone?
    How active are you?

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:32 pm
by Boris
If you have any questions conserning the job, the staff is more than happy to answer.

- Boris

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:09 pm
by Monad
I've had few ICQ messages and I could put some general info here in a nutshell.

Counselors ABC

  • handle the counselor pages
  • help players on forums
  • sometimes aid the GM's with testing stuff etc
  • overseer and improve the general RP level on the shard
  • be an example and mentor to new players
  • access to special counselors forum
  • access to 4 new commands in game
    • .gms - chat command for counselors and gm's
    • .ooctalk - sends a gump to targeted player which should be used in case you see some player speaking out of character
    • .page - opens a counselor pages gump, they can be answered by using the buttons on the gump
    • .msg t - you can send a message directly to the targeted player
  • sexy forum title
I put the "benefits" like that because there's not really clear benefit of being a counselor. You're still a normal player but just wish to help the shard on your behalf if you think you're qualified for that. The shard needs counselors just as much it needs players or GM's.
Here is also what the official rules say about counselors:
Conversations with a Counsellor
Counsellors are normal player who are using there playing time to answer question related to the game.
When you page a counsellor treat him with respect, and talk in a polite manner.
Disrespect towards a counsellor can be subject for punishment

When to page a Counsellor
If you have an in game related question, such as how to get started, skill gains where to bye a long sword etc.
Counsellors will help you answering question, but they aren’t obligated to share secret that they have worked hard to find out, not are they obligated to answer any questions about skill gain above 65%
If there is an ongoing quest, and you have tried to find it yourself but failed, then you can ask the counsellor how to join the quest.
If you have trouble finding the guild master for the class you wish to join.
If you are have trouble understanding one of the shard rules, or can’t find any info about a special subject.

When NOT to page a Counsellor
Counsellors are not obligated to help you retrieve your items if you die.
If you wish to buy some playermade item.
Hope this helps with some basic info. Keep them applications coming!

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:59 am
by Xerxes
Sexy forum title? (check for my sexy forum title)

*edit* Hey! I dont got a sexy forum title ;_;

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:21 pm
by Monad
We'll fix those :p

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:44 pm
by Boris
You're not on counselor forum either.

- Boris

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:13 pm
by Xerxes
I am such a slippery bastard ;) Counselor Incognito \o7

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:12 am
by Kent Strider
I'm on counselor forum and got no smexy title :P

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:19 am
by Boris
Monday 00:00 GMT is the deadline. Send your last application(s) on Sunday.

On Monday we start to vote and it'll take a few days untill the new counselors are chosen.

- Boris

Re: Looking for new counselors

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:11 pm
by Monad
Thanks everyone for the applications, we got them quite many. This time the winners are: Timujin, Darion al'Ferran, Wolfie, Haures, KrondorZuula and Yuusou. You'll be on two week trial and hopefully we see you lot of online.
