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Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:23 pm
by Boris
We're recruiting a new GM (US GMT).

The amount of players over seas has increased remarkably within the past 6 months. We need a GM from American GMT. It's as simple as that. I'm accepting applications via PM. The position will be filled only if we find the right guy/girl/animal for the job. What makes this position hard to fill is the fact that you'd be GM'ing alone and that requires a massive amount of trust. We're not looking for Dom-like fuckups, so do think before sending that PM.

Your job would consists of hosting quests, answering and handling pages, observing players (this takes 90% of your time), building stuff, updating dungeons and changing the world you know as Pangaea 1 / 1½. Do remember that GM'ing is a job and working (just like in real life) isn't that fun. Most of the time you will be bored. Watching people macro for 2-3 hours straight is as fun as watching paint dry from the wall or defrosting the refrigerator. You will not hear any thank you's and the amount of whine will increase every month. If this still sounds appealing, fill up the following info:
  • Account name(s):
    Character name(s):

    How long have you played UO?
    How long have you played on Pangaea?
    What other shards have you played on?

    Any counselor experience?
    Any GM experience
    Any scripting abilities?

    How old are you?
    What's your GMT?
    How active are you?

    Why should we choose you as a GM?

Re: Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:30 pm
by Boris
We're still looking for an American GMT GM. We'll recruit when the right person is found, so there's no deadline.

For more information, you can PM me or send ICQ (635886662).

- Boris

Re: Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:18 am
by Mag'etherian

Re: Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:49 am
by yuusou
Just to say:
Watching paint dry > watching others macro > Twilight
so it's not all bad.

Re: Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:33 am
by Kira
Boris wrote:You will not hear any thank you's and the amount of whine will increase every month.
NOT entirely true! usually i will say thanks if possible to .reply you sometimes it isnt so you own fault, and i never whine do i?

And another thing the GM's should do more often is to talk through lamp post for an example or another object! maybe an orc or anything just to make it more amusing to macro or train your fighting skill would be nice, also makes a little fun for the job to i think?

Re: Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:08 pm
by yuusou
You will get most of your online-time-whining through the counselor chat.

I'll make sure of that. :arrow:

Re: Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:51 pm
by Monad
Shani wrote:
Boris wrote: And another thing the GM's should do more often is to talk through lamp post for an example or another object! maybe an orc or anything just to make it more amusing to macro or train your fighting skill would be nice, also makes a little fun for the job to i think?
I created a parrot yesterday to center of Britain and was just about to start do some emotions and words with it, it took about 20 seconds of the spawning and some hero already killed it for the feathers. I gave up. ;)
But yeah good points you have.

Re: Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:46 pm
by queq
Monad wrote:
Shani wrote:
Boris wrote: And another thing the GM's should do more often is to talk through lamp post for an example or another object! maybe an orc or anything just to make it more amusing to macro or train your fighting skill would be nice, also makes a little fun for the job to i think?
I created a parrot yesterday to center of Britain and was just about to start do some emotions and words with it, it took about 20 seconds of the spawning and some hero already killed it for the feathers. I gave up. ;)
But yeah good points you have.


Re: Looking for a new GM (American GMT)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:43 pm
by Boris
As a small reminder, there's still space in "American GMT" section. The current playerbase is pretty 50/50 what comes to region - and if proper candidates come across, we keep our doors open.

- Boris