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The equpment boxes in Britain Market

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:06 am
by Ogier
First of all, thank you to the people who take the time and effort to fill these.
They are a great help to people who are starting out on the shard.

Unfortunately, it seems that someone is now misusing the donations.
Over the last couple of days, 90% of the items have vanished.

One might think that there has been an influx of new characters, but when 6-7 plate chest pieces go missing over night, I somehow doubt this is the reason.

My friend and I never sell these items, but rather return them to the boxes for others to use while skilling up, as I expect is the intention.

If the person responsible is reading this, please stop what you're doing! It discourages the donators and denies the rest of us items we can use.

To the kind people donating, weapons and armor are very useful. But to the newly created characters, even more mundane items are very valuable as they have very little coin.
I'm thinking that craftsman tools, items of clothing and the like helps get people started.

Thanks again.


Re: The equpment boxes in Britain Market

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:23 am
by Xerxes
I think that new characters grab all they can and sell of most of the stuff in order to get some gold.

Re: The equpment boxes in Britain Market

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:34 am
by Bruce
first.. welcome to the shard dude :)

yeah there are some people who rather not share.. but there is few places to pick up stuff.
one is the britain market. the two other places are law temple and eldaric house.

Re: The equpment boxes in Britain Market

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:47 am
by Ogier
Thank you.
We already have a few characters between us :D

Unfortunately, I'm not sure where the latter places are located, as we have a bit of a hard time outside of Britain city limits, hehe.
Can you elaborate on how to find the places, please?

From the forums I have found two private houses that donate, inside Britain and right outside (thanks to both).


Re: The equpment boxes in Britain Market

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:22 am
by Dargon
Welcome to the shard ! The De'Mauno Shop is also helping newcomers to start. If you need any basic armour/training weps then ask me at 241-788-667. We also have 2 containers where we put some armours up to hardening and also weapons at a house next to the second bank of Brit. The door is always opened and if you see someone from The De'Mauno Shop IG, don't hesitate to ask him for something you might be in need of :)

Re: The equpment boxes in Britain Market

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:25 am
by Johnny Walac
Welcome. Telborea also got plenty of basic equipment that is excellent for training at the start. Send a message to 434'212'709

Re: The equpment boxes in Britain Market

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:28 am
by Ogier
Thank you, both. :)

Re: The equpment boxes in Britain Market

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:10 pm
by Garlath
Order Of Law also provides material and armor.

You can find us in our Britain Temple

Lionnel Bogart Priest