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an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:38 pm
by Alteran
1st Nerfing whole pokehunting... making great and royals hardly to be able to kill titan and ancients could take down hardly water giant.

2nd Take draggys away from priests or make then to be able to use grey 1 max

3rd take priests resist and healing away so they couldnt pwn in pvm so much anymore (make it to 85 cap)

4th Weapons to staffs

5th lowering piaty or rites power (doesnt concern nature which has made inside deal to not use draggys)

6th Something? i have no more ideas...

Could ya explain that your mage changing thingy im pretty intrested it how you do it not to make monsters too overpowered and making magic user players to be more powerfull... i dont want that happen an accident and monsters become suberb and players get balanced.

This was sent to me please debate this in a proper tone.
i will hand out jail time if you do not.


Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:47 pm
by Kent Strider
I can definately agree with number two, take dragons away from priests, after all its a melee class and for them to be using dragons is completely ridiculous, bards should get dragons before the priest does imo because in the end its a magic user class really. Please don't take away my 100 healing I trained hard for it. In the end I think only tamers and magic users should be able to use dragons.

Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:21 pm
by Ivan
6th Something? i have no more ideas...

one idea as an answer for that :D

What about making it that like any fighter char cant get over 14 or 13 slots without cloth so they have to get mediation or animal lore cloth to be able to use dragon and if they die dragon will roam so it will be risk gaming to hunt with dragon.(would affect only fighters no magic users or merchants)

Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:30 pm
by volc
1st Nerfing whole pokehunting... making great and royals hardly to be able to kill titan and ancients could take down hardly water giant.
pets are as weak as managable right now.
2nd Take draggys away from priests or make then to be able to use grey 1 max
more like it, no need to nerf the entire shard just to make priests weaker.
3rd take priests resist and healing away so they couldnt pwn in pvm so much anymore (make it to 85 cap)
they already have 85 tactics, bringing the rest to 85 will be overkill. besides kent is right, resist and healing are painful to train. i don't think its fair to take them back.
5th lowering piaty or rites power (doesnt concern nature which has made inside deal to not use draggys)
i would say remove piety completely. it was a method to encourage RP and character consistency, but it lost all its meaning since the swap. make the rites meditation based.

Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:35 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
To correct the water giant / titan pokehunting issue:

Water giant is IMO slightly easier to pokehunt down than titan, because of its vulnerability to fire damage.

I would, at the moment, use grey against water giant and great against titan. Because titan owns grey, but generally doesn't own great.

And on nerfing rites:

I would love to see stoning and malediction to be removed, guard summoning to be nerfed (both imp and law), banishment to be at least nerfed so that it backfires/fails more often. All these are PvP rites/rituals though, not PvM. "Hey Max STFU you don't even PvP anymore, make a priest yourself" ;)

On dragons:

When we compare heightened characters for example, I believe ones with dragons aren't that powerful compared to others (tamer and druid being exceptions maybe), but it's damn easy to get yourself a druid with 70 str, imp hide leather set, 91 animal lore and kill big stuff with a char 4 days old.

Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:36 pm
by Mike
About dragons: Hunting is no fun unless it's spelled pokehunting!

About rites: Weaker rites might be the way to go.

Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:38 pm
by Quintoz
I can agree on remvoing our dragon, but both healing and resist is to much Imo, resist I can agree on, but since we are still PRIEST we should have 100 healing.
I don't agree on weaker rites either, especial since Imps are allready weak (Atleast while hunting, in pvp they are fine).

Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:02 pm
by Esmeralda
Drop dragons from tamable list completely, they are dragons, not pets cuddling in front of your oven. Or if they have to be tamable, they should be TAME and not attack stuff as strong as a giant.

I also think certain rites should only work against other religions, as a battle of religion - like law veritas only works against imp and reds, imps work against law and ..uhm..hildsvini. Natures veritas doesnt hurt everything either. Malediction/damage rites the same, not against citizens. But on the other hand, religious characters are granted godly powers - and most rites do suck, dont get me started on the oh so powerful nature rites. Religion chars deserve a certain advantage with armament to defend their belief and achieve religious goals. That´s what makes a priest, a defender of religion. If one baba and one tamer could win over 3-5 blessed up priests, we should actually consider nerfing the baba instead.

Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:04 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
The slots animals take:

Lesser wyrm: 4
Wyvern: 6
Drake, frost drake, unicorn: 7
Mare: 12
Grey, great, royal, white, green: 15
Phoenix: 16
Ancient: 22

So, only tamer with 102% taming can even USE ancient ATM. This post was just informative, not there to state any opinion.

Re: an Ideer how to balance things

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:07 pm
by Maximilian Lhoth
Essy wrote:If one baba and one tamer could win over 3-5 blessed up priests, we should actually consider nerfing the baba instead.
Some details are missing: there were 2 priests and the tamer used a phoenix :)