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Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:19 am
by littlewierdo
So, your going to make a new character and are finding it difficult to compare the classes with the 20+ page pdf Pangaea provides?
Wanting to compare the classes just for curiosities sake?
I created this in Excel and have created an image for it, seen below. You can right click on it and save as image if you want to keep a local copy (I dont know how long it will be available). If I am contacted (ICQ 145953752), I can send you the original Excel file or the image (or both if you want). The Excel file can be opened with Open Office / Libre Office (both FREE alternatives to MS Office). Who knows, maybe we can get this added to the official documentation of the shard...
DISCLAIMER: There may be some mistakes, I keyed in all the entries but did not review it much, if there are mistakes, please let me know, I will fix them and re-upload the pic and correct it IN THIS POST.

Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:23 am
by Milkbags
Thats the best man! Awesome work. Weird how Forensic eval is 65 on everyone and none on barbarian. Most useless skill ever next to begging? Thatd be awesome if begging worked too.
Either way, +10 to you sir!
Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:06 am
by Uzriel Raven
Dude.. Well done, I wish something like this was around a long time ago. Top notch!
Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:32 pm
by Xerxes
Kudos to you, wondering why nobody else thought of this before

Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:47 pm
by Daren Priesten
Wow! Nice!
Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:55 pm
by Monad
Added a link of this to the bottom of the
classes page.
Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:59 pm
by Daren Priesten
I would suggest cleaning it up a little bit for a final draft, see on the right side where there is a white line? Make it all black if possible or crop it out so it's just back in the background. It also looks it was converted to a JPEG format, so if possible could you upload it looking fresh, and the white line by mining can that be fixed too? Great job weird person this is useful.
Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:44 am
by Vaux27
Now that's impressive.
Well done.
Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:11 am
by littlewierdo
Daren Priesten wrote:I would suggest cleaning it up a little bit for a final draft, see on the right side where there is a white line? Make it all black if possible or crop it out so it's just back in the background. It also looks it was converted to a JPEG format, so if possible could you upload it looking fresh, and the white line by mining can that be fixed too? Great job weird person this is useful.
Well, I specifically posted this for reference purposes. As I said, I have the original Excel file if anyone (including the staff) would like it.
As for the image quality of the picture, I literally took a screen shot of the top half, copy/pasted to MS Paint in Vista (the built in drawing program), then took a screen of the bottom half and appended to the bottom of the first picture. Then I simply cut out the parts of the picture that were not relevant (the menu bars and scroll bars and such) so that it was just the chart.
The white line below mining is just the fact that MS Paint is a free program and is not a very good image editor. It does the job but it is not professional looking.
I converted this to jpeg so I could upload it and show it on the forums. If I had just posted a link to an excel spreadsheet, no one would look twice and it would prevent probably half or more of the users of the forums here from even looking at it because most probably do not have a spreadsheet program even installed and I seriously doubt anyone would have gone to the trouble of downloading one just to look at it.
While I was bothered by the white line below mining, I decided not to worry about it. I have the original Excel file which is what I use for reference. It doesnt need to be perfect, it needs to portray the information in a format that is readable by people who look at it.
I may clean it up later, but for now Im going to leave it as it is. I have spent alot of time (the last couple of days) getting it done and I dont really feel like messing with it for the next couple of days. If I do upload a new version, I will change the image in the OP.
Re: Pangaea's Class System in a comparable format
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:29 am
by Milkbags
And with his free pimp hand he delivers a swift blow to the nitpickers!