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The Confession Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:48 pm
by Zaradon
Topic says it all. Lets be really honest and respectful here.

You may write here your so called 'noobiest' moments of the Pangaea career.
Your miss-clicks, your misunderstanding in RP etc etc - anything that is _FUNNY_ related to Pangaea.

But please, lets stay mature on this one!

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:50 pm
by Ivan
Dying to solitude again today, havent i learned anything?

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:56 pm
by Kent Strider
Thats a whine not a noobish moment:P

When I first started Pang I claimed to be king of the forest and someone said "oh yeah?" and opened up a magic gate and said "This place is much cooler" I was like oooooh and I went in, to die to a crap load of giant serpents. I spent 3 hours walking around trying to find out where I was before someone found me and helped lol

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:23 pm
by Ivan
Well perhaps that time before i quit knight profession with ivan.

I got robbed by nox lost elite daemon spine plate suit, i went regear and went back to fight. Only problem was i died and i had the armours bag in my backpack and i lost all my suits... (included invu, empy and suchs suits) Thats when it hit me to switch to baba due cheaper gear and more powerful char and no need for religions ever.

Next most likely that time i went to hunt frost giant with someone and it was lured out of ice, we got pwnt as soon as we stepped out of the gate and i started calling people to help. First came 2-4 peoples they couldnt handle it more came and more and more... eventualy there was 20 peoples helping me (monad old imp guy got the giant down in the end) In the end noxes came again and collected everything and killed some of the rescuerers and got good loot most likely. (also lost my armors that time)

But still i think its more fail to die to solitude when you know the danger so well already, much more harsh on my confidence.

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:27 pm
by Wolfie
Dieing to Ivan's smith with 5guards ;D with all my armor sets on me, luckily hes nice and didn't take anything :D

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:31 pm
by Ivan
Wolfie wrote:Dieing to Ivan's smith with 5guards ;D with all my armor sets on me, luckily hes nice and didn't take anything :D
oh that was so lol :D i was drunk!

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:11 pm
by Kerbal
Ran straight into Law made religion portal and found myself at their temple, dead. Fair play on law that returned my shit.

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:29 pm
by Andoriel
confusing greater weaken potion for a greater str pot by the 3rd day i maxed my times

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:05 am
by Atlantis
When I started playing, bought two magic cloths of the same skill, thinking that the skills would add... LOL

Re: The Confession Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:07 am
by Bakme
Uhm.. Way back in the Repsak times, I almost lost 2 mill in armors.

Was moving some gear from one house to another, had a friend who I needed to hold 2 bags of armors for me. 1 with Scarly, Dspine and Royal armor, other one with Auro, Dskull, Drock and Dwarven Olupious. My mates char was a tailor, so he couldn't carry both bags obviously and he dropped the bag with the 4 armors in it, at Brit Bank, where I traded him. Took us 30 mins to realize, when I came back to collect the bags.
By then, some guy had already snatched the bag. Took about 4 days before I found the guy who had the armors, and he was "kind" enough to give it back for 100k :P Can't remember his name, but he had the tower in Cove and his alt was a pretty famous robber, if I remember correctly.