The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of results)

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Darion al'Ferran
Posts: 1110
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The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of results)

Post by Darion al'Ferran »

As I promised to few people that I will make a test about 110 poisoning and about its randomness. Original plan was to use 10 potions of each, deadly and paralyze. Due to lacking time and this test taking so much time. I only used 3 deadly's and para's. All the tests was made to other player. Quite a wall of text, but if you are interested of poisoning skill, go for it. If you got thoughts about it, please share.

Deadly poison #1:

- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, poison - greater level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - greater level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - greater level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - greater level
- Successful hit, poison - greater level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level, worn off

Deadly poison #2:

- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, poison - greater level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - greater level
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - greater level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - normal level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level, worn off

Deadly poison #3:

- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level
- Successful hit, poison - deadly level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, poison - normal level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level
- Successful hit, no poison
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, poison - normal level, rubbed off some
- Successful hit, poison - normal level
- Successful hit, poison - lesser level, worn off

Paralyze #1:

- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~2 seconds, rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds, rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~2 seconds
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~2 seconds
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~2 seconds
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 0 seconds, no effect aka immune(?), rubbed off
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~1 seconds, rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~2 seconds
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 0 seconds, no effect aka immune(?), worn off

Paralyze potion #2:

- Successful hit, paralyzed - laster ~3 seconds
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 1 second, rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 0 seconds, no effect aka immune(?), rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds, rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 0 seconds, no effect aka immune(?), worn off

Paralyze potion #3:

- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 6-7 seconds, rubbed off
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds, rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 1-2 seconds, rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted ~3 seconds, rubbed off
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 0 seconds, target dead
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit
- Successful hit, paralyzed - lasted 0 seconds, no effect aka immune(?), worn off
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Re: The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of result

Post by Yonki »

Yeah, this is defo equal to 80 piety, defo... congrats staff, very well done. You just made one of the hardest skill in game to train and one that was supposed to be something awesome... almost to be a useless shit as soon as the FIRST one gm´s it...
If you won´t pay him back his money for the training in game AND pay him real life money for the time wasted on this, I will be astonished...

I mean WTF!!!! This para wall of result is BULLSHIT!!! A fucking joke!!!
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Re: The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of result

Post by Masano »

If hes getting paid for the time wasted on this game then me and my 32 week account online time are going to Vegas courtesy of Boris.
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Re: The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of result

Post by Andoriel »

well how does it work in pvm?
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Re: The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of result

Post by Yonki »

Okay so the statistics are something like this roughly calculated...

Para 1: 48 10 17 = 21% success rate and an average of 1.7 sec para time per hit...
Para 2: 24 7 13 = 29% success rate and an average of 1.9 sec para time per hit...
Para 3: 37 8 20 = 22% success rate and an average of 2.5 sec para time per hit...

This is enough for me to know...

I quote this:
"Assassin are awesome if you get 100 poisoning. I know it's almost impossible due to slow gains and bazillions it takes to train, but if someone achieves that some day, I'm sure it's worth the training. It's a hard ass class and archer/ranger is a lot easier. It all depends on what road you choose.

- Boris"

(Kent Strider wrote:
I carry poison protect charges with me at all times, you may know something I don't know being an admin and all though.)

You can drink 10 poison protection potions, have charges in your clothes and wear an elite enchanted bone set. It makes no difference.

I remember that Repsak once called 100 poisoning as good as 80 piety. It is ridiculously good and Darian just might be right, if someone would actually achieve it.

- Boris"

"Ofcourse we're talking of 100 base poisoning. If/when you reach that, it doesn't matter if it's 110 or 115.

Here's anyhow a few things...

- Your poison never wears off.
- You hit with poison every time.
- You can use plague potion to poison your spear.

Plague is nice, dpoison is nice... but lets think about a paralyze potion for starters. Now imagine, that you hit the paralyze effect every time and the effect never wears off your spear. That basicly means you hit and your enemy just stays still in an endless paralyze, untill dies.

- Boris"

To me this is simple... you lie and make carrots so people continue to play and then remove at once someone reaches that carrot? It´s fucking bullshit. I can agree with nerfing so that somone that has 0 poisoning can´t use a 110 para poisoned weapon and own with it... but to nerf the guy that actually has the 110 poison is beyond bullshit really... I quit.
Last edited by Yonki on Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of result

Post by Masano »

...and so it was revealed that Boris was never infact an admin, just a damn good troll.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of result

Post by Darian Darkmind »

It was nerfed. It used to be awesome - but yeah. Like I said the moment someone reaches it - especially a robber - it is nerfed bad.
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Re: The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of result

Post by KrondorZuula »

i wonder what would of happened if it was an assassin in Law :roll:
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Re: The randomness of 110 poisoning (Includes wall of result

Post by Monad »

I don't comment on Boris' statements because I have no clue about them, but what I know for facts are these two things:

1) Poisoning is not nerfed
2) There is one level of poisoning above the *coughing blood and saliva* which has different text and all but it's not working. I'll bring it up to Wille to see what can be done about it
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