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Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:51 pm
by Wille
Armors should be looked into. Mathematical approach is most likely, to see how much really goes through and what.

Anything else?

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:54 pm
by Quintoz
I think we should look into not having more scripters. This is a big problem imo.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:57 pm
by Wille
That is something currently being discussed in the impeccably intricate tangles of the owners. Should know in exactly two weeks or less.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:12 pm
by Mike
Honestly I think the script that allowed Law to have red alts should be put back.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:11 am
by Andoriel
Wille wrote:Armors should be looked into. Mathematical approach is most likely, to see how much really goes through and what.

Anything else?
Just some idea to this:
When you make elite armor you enhance random elemental resistance of an armor. This would make certain craft able armors very valuable and very rare considering getting the right elemental would take ALOT of tries. For example Pheonix bone armor part with a fire or lighting resistance...

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:13 am
by Tyrion
These are going to be religious based recommendations.
  • Corrupting altar - When an enemy corrupts an altar its corrupted. . Big whoop. . There is no point in defending a temple even for RP reasons as the effects are easily removed with half or less than half the amount of piety that was used to corrupt it.

    Religion tome balancing - Tomes should have equal amount of PVP / PVM rites and the advantage should be based on attack and counter attack in terms of power regarding piety and their situational use.

    World micro-political balancing - 4 religions, 1 religion that has the responsibility for guarding 95% of them. In my opinion, Tekstone, Nature and Imperial should have dominion over more cities and carve this static world up into 4 (including Law) equal halves so that not ALL power is centralized around one religion with a PVP heavy tome.

    Improved piety system - Has been talked about a lot. I'm in favor of talking about this more and removing the monitoring GM intervention (I use 'intervention' lightly here) factor on the side of staff; its an old system it is a useless system and it needs to change so that it is player driven and does not require so much man power on the side of administration.

    World Balancing - Religions (while an important part of the world) should not be the be all end all authority IG. I like Melkors idea of creating a system where we have mayors. Religions should serve a community through its most devout followers. In other words, player initiated RP should be a dominating factor when clearly it is not.
Probably the least important items that need to be looked at for sure, but something to look at eventually.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:38 am
by Wille
I think the point of this thread was lost somewhere along the way. I'd rather have descriptions of what you want to do, not how the means for that should be achieved. I can of course translate ideas to things you want to do, but the spectrum for formulating ideas to achieve the things you want to do is much wider.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:42 am
by Biggs
I would like to enjoy hunting instead of pushing levers also not have to type .statpcap everytime i see a intel gain

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:31 am
by Tyrion
Wille wrote:I think the point of this thread was lost somewhere along the way. I'd rather have descriptions of what you want to do, not how the means for that should be achieved. I can of course translate ideas to things you want to do, but the spectrum for formulating ideas to achieve the things you want to do is much wider.
I think you're going to have to restate the question and be specific then; because most of the suggestions are going to be geared towards improving on or adding something new which technically improves the environment, so. . . yeah, elaborate.
Wille wrote:What would you like to do in game? Discover new ores, items, recipes? Achieve something new? Take your time to explore and experiment a new mechanic? Do give me your two cents!
All of these things would be nice. Perhaps changing the Town under siege system IG. I would be very interested in exploring that. As it stands currently it relies TOO much on GM intervention and in general terms the rules are worded in such a way that leaves room for open interpretation.

Re: What would you want to do IG?

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:43 am
by Wille
I think I fleshed it out quite simply in the start of the tread. You just have to think down to what those suggestions of yours give you in the end, and state that. Leave the means to it open.

From a previous example, one would like to hunt viably in more than just vampire bone armor. On the topic of hunting, it could be you want to fight more challening and rewarding monsters.

Another example could be you want to conquer a city, or have an effect on the city, as the mayor system would probably be inteded to provide.

A few picked the correct idea. It's not complicated, just a different view than what I could read for as much as I want on the ideas section.