Moderator: Game Masters
Re: Politics
Seeing that Ron Paul won't make it to the presidential elections, I'd rather the Amurricans keep Obama. The current republican candidates other than Ron Paul are... meh. I honestly don't like the republican mentality.
Re: Politics
lolz brazil has lot of corruption and many more problems, but corruption is problem the biggest one. it's not just the politics, there's all the drugs and police issues and stuff. but i think there was never much order in brazil, the country is a mess of all the things there can beMandos wrote:Haha. thank the God for you all don't live in my country.
The one of the most corrupts.
ppl here forget the governament shits with soccer, carnival and some holidays.
We have everything to be a first world country, but corruption is one of much reasons we're not going forward.

Re: Politics
Dude do i realy remind you once again obama signed the military deal that allows american citizens to be prosecuted/jailed/tortured with out a trial first? This is just one of many, american insurgents in libya/middle east is all times high, war drums are beating towards iran. Now they are sending army to uganda who happens to have oil reserves. Yes i want republicans in power so even the petty bourguasie and yuppies can see the American aggresion as it is. They might be blaming only one politician rather then the system that is build to produce these politicians but atleast they'll be serving a purpose. Besides I am more concern with third/second world exploitation rather then yo mama fights in USATyrion wrote:Wrong. Republicans are the least genuine from what I have seen and the party that is always accused of being out of touch and for good reason. There was a recent debate surrounding contraception and the Republican party showed how out of touch they were with the issues many Americans have to face. The issue was inflamed even further when Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show, called a Georgetown University law student a slut and prostitute.Andoriel wrote:I want republicans in power once again because they are more open regarding their intentions. Obama sugar coats American aggression so that general public dont see it as oftenPs voting don't change a thing sorry guys

Re: Politics
It has since been changed that terrorists captured will be tried in civilian court, so where are you getting your info, because it's outdated. War drums are beating towards Iran with International support number 1. Number 2, they are beating with good and just cause. Any government that backs a figurehead that denies the Holocaust occurred and constantly says, "Israel should be wiped off the face of the map", is a wackadoo and should, rightly so, be questioned / deterred when it comes to securing nuclear weapons. I agree there is exploitation that occurs of developing countries natural resources, specifically in Africa, but that is a common issue that the United States is not solely responsible for. United Kingdoms has always been the forefront leader of this type of policy. It became the culture of international policy sadly.Andoriel wrote:Dude do i realy remind you once again obama signed the military deal that allows american citizens to be prosecuted/jailed/tortured with out a trial first? This is just one of many, american insurgents in libya/middle east is all times high, war drums are beating towards iran. Now they are sending army to uganda who happens to have oil reserves. Yes i want republicans in power so even the petty bourguasie and yuppies can see the American aggresion as it is. They might be blaming only one politician rather then the system that is build to produce these politicians but atleast they'll be serving a purpose. Besides I am more concern with third/second world exploitation rather then yo mama fights in USATyrion wrote:Wrong. Republicans are the least genuine from what I have seen and the party that is always accused of being out of touch and for good reason. There was a recent debate surrounding contraception and the Republican party showed how out of touch they were with the issues many Americans have to face. The issue was inflamed even further when Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show, called a Georgetown University law student a slut and prostitute.Andoriel wrote:I want republicans in power once again because they are more open regarding their intentions. Obama sugar coats American aggression so that general public dont see it as oftenPs voting don't change a thing sorry guys
Last edited by Tyrion on Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Politics
Imperialism comes in many shapes and sizes, but it's never welcome. You guys should consider a nationalist president.
"last i knew it was illegal to hate someone" Richard Mota
- Shadow_Nirvana
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Re: Politics
Weird you put it that way. I remember a certain president of the United States referring to the invasion of Iraq as "the Holy Crusade" or something along that line. And it's common knowledge that the US has nuclear warheads, so where does that bring us?Tyrion wrote:Any government that backs a figurehead that denies the Holocaust occurred and constantly says, "Israel should be wiped off the face of the map", is a wackadoo and should, rightly so, be questioned / deterred when it comes to securing nuclear weapons.
Ork-Hun Akh-Man, Assassin in training
Ser-Tach Akh-Man, Merchant
Bird Location : 608-965-161
Ser-Tach Akh-Man, Merchant
Bird Location : 608-965-161
Re: Politics
I didn't support the invasion of Iraq. Afghanistan yes. But that was a different administration that lost A LOT of support when they decided to put this country in two wars. Anyways, I support Countdown to Zero. Under the Obama administration we have definitely downsized the current stockpile of nuclear weapons we have in our arsenal and he spearheaded talks with Russia to do the same, it was highly publicized. This isn't a discussion about US versus Iran. We have nuclear weapons, just like Russia. We don't question Russia's need to have them -all the time- (unless as it relates to safeguarding them and disposal / downsizing), it's the question of how would Iran use such nuclear technology and there is a popular public international opinion supporting the conclusion they would would allow the tech to fall into the hands of terrorists, because they FUND and SUPPORT terrorist groups throughout the Middle East, and instead of bombs going off that have a kill radius of yards, it could multiply to miles.Shadow_Nirvana wrote:Weird you put it that way. I remember a certain president of the United States referring to the invasion of Iraq as "the Holy Crusade" or something along that line. And it's common knowledge that the US has nuclear warheads, so where does that bring us?Tyrion wrote:Any government that backs a figurehead that denies the Holocaust occurred and constantly says, "Israel should be wiped off the face of the map", is a wackadoo and should, rightly so, be questioned / deterred when it comes to securing nuclear weapons.
Last edited by Tyrion on Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Kayla Strider
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Re: Politics
Yuusou wrote:Seeing that Ron Paul won't make it to the presidential elections, I'd rather the Amurricans keep Obama. The current republican candidates other than Ron Paul are... meh. I honestly don't like the republican mentality.
I agree fully, Republicans only look out for themselves.
-Jack Cypher, Patriarch of Nature
Re: Politics
Signed this new year eve while people were geting drunk:)Tyrion wrote: It has since been changed that terrorists captured will be tried in civilian court, so where are you getting your info, because it's outdated. War drums are beating towards Iran with International support number 1. Number 2, they are beating with good and just cause. Any government that backs a figurehead that denies the Holocaust occurred and constantly says, "Israel should be wiped off the face of the map", is a wackadoo and should, rightly so, be questioned / deterred when it comes to securing nuclear weapons. I agree there is exploitation that occurs of developing countries natural resources, specifically in Africa, but that is a common issue that the United States is not solely responsible for. United Kingdoms has always been the forefront leader of this type of policy. It became the culture of international policy sadly.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/20 ... -now-what/
Allso by international support you mean support of EU and North America? Because last time i checked china and russia were against them. Iran said he would wipe Sionism off the map. That doesnt mean i agree with his look at it but i wouldnt stop them personaly. Lets see israel is a colonel state with majority of arabs muslims. If palastine and gaza was to ever include in israel, Jewish population(even with the ones imigrated from europe) will become minority. Now I have nothing against jew or the religion(other then the fact i am against all religions) but Jewish ruling class transformed the state into american military power in middle east that would not last single day if it wasnt for the US support. They are the embasy of american imperyalism in midle easy, kill/torture whoever that is not fiting collective western imperyalist profits. Allso They Have Nukes. You know nuclear ducks as the president of Israel puts it

So yes as a secular middle eastern I see israel as more of a threath to whole region more then iran.
Second my country during cold war and war on terror have been constantly used by the western powers. First it was a military base against Soviets just like the Israel is today, now agents of Nato in syria/iran to distabilize the government.http://intelnews.org/2012/02/21/01-933/
Imf policies has destroyed all the national sectors by privitizing all the government assets, where the stocks of these assets mostly went to french and americans. Turkey have lived through many communist uprisings, and each time these uprisings have been surpressed through military coop with the help of cia. Today you see a huge wave of islamitazation of Turkey, Which is happening due to policies that has been placed after the last coop inorder to keep future communist uprisings at bay.http://theopinions.info/thearmyoftheimam.htm. Allthough i am not big fan of pkk/pjak since they have been just like turkish government supporting american intrests in the region by keeping racial polarization all times high and attacking iran in same fassion. I do acknowledge the rights of kurds needs to be greatly improved and their language needs to be added as second language, this can be achived through abolishing nationalism by both turks and kurds and acknowlege that both sides have been serving imperyalist intrest(just wanted to point it out)
Sorry but usa/eu/canada and its imperyalism is the cancer of this world and the more agresion I see against it from the americans and europians as well as everyone across the world, the more happy I become. That being said you supporting invasion of afganistan doesnt suprise me at all

Re: Politics
Too much to read and research, I got a personal life and a job silly. Best bet to continue this discussion is evolve it slower than brain dumping all this information and expecting people to read it. Just won't happen