Ivan wrote:There is absolutely no teamwork when you are playing your promotion games, its just completely horrible. Your only hope is that one of enemy team quits, even then i've had suchs fail teams that we've lost, and always you are stuck in support position so you cant realy make a huge difference.
I have to agree with this. I used to duo with a friend, and we'd dominate bot lane. Him as ADC and me as support. It was fun, and I kicked ass. But in soloqueue it's just hopeless to play support. Sure, a good support is great, but you'll have a much bigger influence on the game in one of the other roles.
Lol you can carry as support. Play someone like Zyra, play super aggressive. No one at this level knows how to play against it. Also all you really need to buy is s a sight stone + pink wards and then full AP carry.
You can of course, my point was that it's a lot easier in the other roles. I've recently switched from almost always support to other roles. I usually play Leona/Thresh as support. Sometimes Zyra (who has amazing harass and cc), Fiddlesticks and Sona/Janna.
The problem is, that I have to rely on a Bronze ADC to be awake enough to follow up on my CC/peel and be able to utilize these kills lategame.. And most of the time, this just doesn't happen.