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Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:28 pm
by Simmo
Jorgen wrote:Nature signs up for this pact as well !
I second that.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:34 pm
by KrondorZuula
Balu wrote:Ok then a horsie-speedometer script would be enough. It would kick those racing over the speeed limits ;)
Oooo! where can i get me one of those! :lol:

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:53 am
by Orin
First i must admit i made my first post with in minutes of waking up this morning and after thinking about it all day at work i must ask a few questions.

Alot of us live in the US or Canada and dont use 2d because it takes for ever to just walk from Laws temple to the 1st bank in Brit, so 3d is a must if we are to survive. Its not that we like 3d better, personally i hate 3d's graphics but i cant use 2d or some of you reds can run circles around me on your 2d client, i know because it has happened before i finilly started using 3d. Thats just the way it is, we didnt design it, we just live with it.

At first look it seems like an ok idea, but i need to ask a few questions. As a Law member if i get a report that a member of telbo has killed and robbed 3 people and was last seen north of brit, and i run up there looking for them and find them. If i say "Im on a fast horse" and they want to leave the fight, why should i have even run up there? all the telbo's use 2d and i know this so why waste my time. And thats not the only thing about it. If i do run into them and i just let them opt out and leave, then they just robbed and killed 3 people, as a Law officer, not even HP just a officer how can we allow this? we just let them run off laughing cause we cant mess with them because they are on a 2d client. How is this any help for any one but a robber? So ether us that have to use 3d cant help aginst robbers or we have to use 2d and are no match for those who can use 2d and move fast. And another question say we do run into them and give them the option to leave then 10 minutes later we find out they killed and robbed a few people somewhere else when we could have herassed them and they may have not had the securaty of knowing they will have a 50% of leaving any fight they might run into.

This seems like it can be abused very easily and no way to actually protect people.

If you can tell me ether the red will have log for a set amount of time once they choose to leave from some one with a 3d client or that once they have killed some one this agreement no longer applies or the only people that are being punished are those using 3d. and as i have said 3d is not an option for us that have to use it, it is a must to just play the game.

And despite what most think about 3d, if the folks that can run real fast on 2d actually used 3d (wether they liked it or not) then you would move even faster then the 3d users that have to use it. so you actually have an option and prefer 2d, we prefer 2d but dont have the option.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:04 am
by Palma
Well I guess that we if you're trying to help someone being robbed, we can decide what's the best option for that. That's a good question.

My suggestion is that the robber either returns the stuff to the victim if you got there _In time_, or will have to fight you. Now this wouldn't apply if the robber is already at home when you arrive.
Returning the items you just saved the victim and the 2D robber doesn't have to loose his against a 3D user.

Everyone goes home happy :)

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:06 am
by Wolfie
Stop grouping all Canadians + Americans into "oh we have to use 3d" I rather like 2d more, and sorry, I handle myself pretty well against telbos with only my 2d.

Simple as this accept it or don't your going to die either way as they will change to 3d to kill you and still run faster.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:12 am
by Palma
Bear in mind that this is a consent between everyone so we can all have fun. There's a lot of situations that will cross everyone's minds, we will just have to be smart and peaceful dealing with them towards each other. All I see is posts and flames and reporting this and that. Everyone is angry and there's lame actions everywhere. This is a way to reduce them and everyone to enjoy.
We can deal with these situations smartly and i'm sure everyone agrees. The point here ain't some noob's gear once in a while, I'm sure the robbers won't mind returning it occasionally or even fight you with you on 3D. The point is so that everyone has a chance. I personally don't want to see anymore 3 laws arriving to a tekstone unblessed and tell him "die", and there's nothing he can do about it. It takes the fun out from him, and personally from me as it's not thrilling to actually chase, track to keep chasing, try to block his path by going around, etc.

We all know what we want here, and this pact is all we got, so we either be smart about it, or we can all do lame and no fun.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:28 am
by Daren Priesten
If somehow we could all just run a normal speed with 2d this would be awesome!

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:38 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
AmeriKKKans... (JOKING!)

if 3D runs faster than 2D, you can ANTISPEEDHACK it to run 2D speed. My 2D speed is 1,00. 3D speed is 1,24.

Speedhack yourself to 0.81 ("antispeedhack yourself) speed and your 3D runs like 2D in Europe.

I am more than willing in writing a detailed guide with pictures on how to antispeedhack it, providing a link to the easy to use application too. This far I've met no Pangaea player who couldn't use it - thus I doubt PvP scene would have that problem. They're pretty computer literate little hackers.

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:01 am
by Daren Priesten
Could I speedhack to run normal like everyone else?

Re: To Law HP, Tek HP, Nox GM and Telbo GM

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:27 am
by Monad
Maximilian Lhoth wrote:AmeriKKKans... (JOKING!)

if 3D runs faster than 2D, you can ANTISPEEDHACK it to run 2D speed. My 2D speed is 1,00. 3D speed is 1,24.

Speedhack yourself to 0.81 ("antispeedhack yourself) speed and your 3D runs like 2D in Europe.

I am more than willing in writing a detailed guide with pictures on how to antispeedhack it, providing a link to the easy to use application too. This far I've met no Pangaea player who couldn't use it - thus I doubt PvP scene would have that problem. They're pretty computer literate little hackers.
Don't spread any speedhack guides just yet. Write to my PM about it and I'll have a look.